English for Tea Art
第一篇 茶具介绍
Chapter 1 Introduction of Tea Utensil
第一节 烧水器皿( Water Heating Devices )
一、 基本句型( Sentence patterns )
炭炉( charcoal stove).山木培训官网
Using the charcoal stove to heat up water is amusing , and full of
classic elegance.
电磁炉( induction cooker).
Using the induction cooker to heat up water is clean ,convenient,and
电顺手泡。( instant electrical kettle).
This instant electrical kettle is the most commonly ud heating utensil
in tea hous.
酒精炉具组合( alcohol heating t)
酒精灯( alcohol burner)
i love you just the way you are
陶壶( pottery kettle)
酒精炉具组合用于 加热酒精灯。这是陶壶,用于 装水。
alcohol heating t has a alcohol burner ,using for heating up
water ,and a pottery kettle ,ud asthe water container.
The alcohol heating t is pleasing to the eye and easy to u ,and thus is suitable for tea ceremony performance.
玻璃煮水器组合( glass heatert)
玻璃器皿晶莹剔透,便于察看此中汤色的变化,最合适用于 煮黑
Glass heaters are transparent ,allowing easy obrvation of tea color
change and best suited forbrewing dark tea ,pu’er tea ,and milk tea.
mona lisa smile
二、 场景对话
荒野的意思Situational Dialogues
A: 这是什么? B: 这是炭炉 。
A: 为何要用炭炉烧开水? B:由于用炭炉烧开水 古雅风趣 。
A: What’s this ? B:It ’s a charcoat stove.
A:Why do you u the charcoal stove to heat water六级报名网站?
B:I u the charcoal stove ,becau it is aninteresting and elegantway to heat water for tea drinking.
第二节 冲泡器皿 (Ⅱ correction.Teacups and teapots)
一基本句型 (Sentence Patterns)
紫沙壶( boccaro teapot).
The boccaro teapots areproducted in Yixing,J iangsu Province.
紫沙壶保温性能好 ,最适合用来冲泡 乌龙茶、黑茶或许普洱茶。
The boccaro teapotshave good performance of temperature keeping.It is
dlistthe best choice for makingOolong tea .dark tea .,or pu’er tea .
紫沙壶是宝贵工艺品,有 珍藏价值 。
The boccaro ceramic tea-wares are precious handicrafts ,which are
collecting as objects of art .
瓷壶 (porcelain teapot )
The porcelain teapots produce in Jingdezhen , Jiangxi Province ,and Dehua ,Fujian Province.
瓷壶最合用于 冲泡红茶或许一般 绿茶。
The porcelain teapots are best suited for brewing black tea and ordinary green tea.
玻璃杯 (glassbottles )
玻璃杯最合适用于冲泡 高级绿茶。
The glass bottles are most suitable for makinghigh-grade green tea.
盖碗 (covered teacup/bowl.)
盖碗最合用于 审评茶叶或用于冲泡 花茶。
The tea-bowl with a lid allows easy obrvation of tea making in progress or it can be u
d to makescented tea.