自然辩证法(Dialectics of nature)
Dialectics of nature
What does "science and technology" mean in natural dialectics? Natural science, social science, thinking science, A
What does the following about formal science do not include? Logic, mathematics, relativity, C
英语音标表In order to establish the dialectical thought, Marx and Engels carried out three theoretical work. Which of the following is not? Critical analysis of German classical philosophy, criticism of metaphysics, the study of human survival, C
What are the basic signs that distinguish humans from animals? Language, labor, tools, gender, B
Of the three great discoveries of modern physics, not that one? Conrvation of electron radioactivity energy C
The success of the electromagnetic wave test is one of the achievements of a scientist Hertz, Edison, Einstein, A
What is the following statement about the spirit of science? Seeking truth spirit, creative spirit, questioning spirit, C
In the early days of the founding of the people's Republic, what was not in the works of Marxism Leninism and Mao Zedong thought? The history of scientific development, philosophy notes, natural dialectics, B
In 1956, who led the formulation of the 12 year development plan of the National Natural Science and Social Sciences? Zhou Enlai, Liu Shaoji, Mao Zedong, A
What is the theoretical basis of Dialectics of nature? Epistemology, dialectical materialism, view of nature, dialectical materialism, historical view, B
What are the signs of the birth of modern natural science? Newtonian mechanics, Copernicus revolution, Einstein's theory of relativity, B
What is the scientific basis of the natural view of mechanical materialism? Newtonian mechanics, Copernicus revolution, Einstein's theory of relativity, A
Which scientist put forward the strict theory of mechanical determinism? Newton, Laplas, Einstein,
What was the mark of the first technological revolution in modern Europe? The discovery of electric energy in a steam turbine A
Of the three great discoveries of the 18-19 century, do not have the following one? Cell theory, element cycle rate, biological evolution theory, B
Who is the author of the origin of species? Darwin Schleiden Wheeler A
Who is the master of German classical philosophy of nature? Marx,
全国英语等级考试成绩查询Engels, Hagel, C
In the following description of the dialectical materialist view of nature and the basic features of the past various natural views, what is wrong? The unity of materialism and dialectics, the unity of natural history and human history, the unity of social theory and natural theory C
Who wrote the manuscript of the dialectics of nature? Marx, Engels, Mao Zedong, B
What is the development of the dialectical materialist view of nature? History, nature view, system nature view, world view, B
Who is the founder of cybernetics? Wiener, Shen Nong, pop, A
ol什么意思Who was the originator of the theory of information? Wiener, Shen Nong, pop, B
Which of the following is not the description of the three elements of nature? Matter, energy, spirit, C
What are the most prominent and basic features of a natural system? Independence, integrity, hierarchy, B
What are the basic ways of evolution of natural systems besides bifurcation and emergence? Stability, inherent randomness, symmetry, B
If the cultivation is carried out spontaneously, not淄博会计网
aboutmeconsciously, then the land is wasted. What philosophical question does this ntence illustrate? People and nature should develop harmoniously. People should develop natural resources with purpo. Natural productivity is the basis of social productive forces. A
What kind of work did the term "sustainable development" first appear in? World natural resources protection program, our common future, China's sixteen major reports, A
graffitiFor the first time in our country, sustainable development was written into the plan of economic and social development, that year? 199419962001 A
What are the criteria for Kuhn's division of science? The history of historical monism pluralism of critical rationalism A
What kind of facts are the numbers, images, etc. recorded and displayed on obrvation instruments? Fact I. facts II. Facts III A
Which of the following does not belong to the empirical facts? Facts of daily life, production facts, scientific facts, C
Which one of the basic conditions for the formation of hypothes is wrong? Consistent correspondence, interpretability, operability, C
What is the following characteristic statement about the scientific hypothesis? The unity of abstraction and image, the
unity of science and speculation, the unity of objectivity and subjectivity C
Who was the scholar who explored and studied the spirit of Science in 1942 when he published the normative structure of science? Merton layzer Popper A
英语等级考试时间What is the starting point of scientific rearch? Scientific hypothesis, scientific problem, scientific theory, B
What is the basic principle of scientific choice? Innovative, scientific, usability, C
The quantitative relation, logical relation and spatial relation of the object of study. Which model does the simulation show? Physical model, mathematical model, simulation model, B
Which of the following scholars is not a proponent of the theory of obrvational osmosis? Popper, Hann, Bacon, C
Who is the reprentative of classical induction? Bacon, Kuhn, Hann, A
The process of creating theoretical thinking,
What are the goals in the brewing pha? Problem solving, problem solving, breakthrough, B
The creation of the theory of thinking process, what is the broad stage to accomplish the goal? The problem results proved a breakthrough in the problem of solving C