"Plea u IMO Standard Marine Communication Phras"
"I will u IMO Standard Marine Communication Phras"
2.1 字母拼读 spelling of letters
字母 Letter | 识别码 Code | 字母 Letter | 识别码 Code | 字母 Letter | 2012伦敦奥运会会徽识别码 Code |
A | Alfa | J | Juliet | S | Sierra |
B | Bravo | K | Kilo | T | Tango |
C | Charlie | L | Lima | U | Uniform |
D | Delta | M | Mike | imagesV | Victor |
E | Echo | N | November | W | Whiskey |
F | Foxtrot | O | Oscar | X | X-ray |
G | Golfask的反义词 | P | Papa | Y | Yankee |
H | Hotel | Q | Quebec | Z | Zulu |
I | India | R | Romeo | | |
| | | | | |
2.2 数字拼读 spelling of numbers
数字 Number | 拼读 Spelling | 发音 Pronunciation | 数字 Number | 拼读 Spelling | 发音 Pronunciation |
0 | Zero | ZEERO | 6 | Six | SIX |
1 | One | WUN | 7 | Seven | SEVEV |
2 | Two | TOO | 8 | Eight | AIT |
3 | Three | TREE | 9 | Nine | NINER |
4 | Four | FOWER | 1000 | thousand | TOUSAND |
5 | five | FIFE | | | |
| | | | | |
4、数字 Numbers
150应读作:"一五零"; "One-five-zero"
2.5 应读作:"二点五""Two decimal five" or "Two point five"
弃船 Abandon vesl
漂移 Adrift
水面高度 Air draft
风向逆转 Backing< of wind>
盲区 Blind ctor
登轮船速 Boarding speed
平舱机 Bob-cat
倾覆 Capsize <to>
方位浮标 Cardinal buoy
基点<罗经点> Cardinal points
伤亡 Casualty
货物相容性 Compatibility
限于吃水的船舶 Vesl constrained by her draft
航向 Cour
推算航迹向 Cour made good
原油洗舱 COW Crude Oil Washing
最近会遇点/最近会遇时间 CPA/TCPA
紧急停车 Crash-stop
破损控制队 Damage control team
丧失航行能力 Disabled
离船 Dimbark
吃水 Draught or draft
走锚 Dragging <of anchor>
拖锚 Dredging <of anchor >
漂流 Drifting
进水 Flooding 海水不受控制地大量涌入船舶
缠锚 Foul <of anchor>
缠螺旋桨 Foul <of propeller>
让路 Give away
操纵能力受到限制的船 Hampered vesl
初始航向 Initial cour
抛弃货物 Jettison <to> <of cargo>
泄漏 Leaking
下风 Leeward
偏航 Leeway
横倾 List
进水 Make water to
应变部署表 Muster listhauber
失控 Not under command
受限区域 Restricted area
点名 Roll call
安全航速 Safe speed
货物隔票 Segregation <of goods>
货物横移 Shifting cargo
溢油 Spill
风向顺转 Veering <of winds>
锚松出 Veer out <to> <of anchor>
倒出锚链 Walk out <to><of anchor>
上风 windward
火灾 fire,爆炸 explosion
I am/MV…on fire〔after explosion〕. 我船/…轮〔在爆炸后〕失火.
Where is the fire? 哪里失火?
Fire is on deck 甲板
in engine-room 机舱
in holds 货舱
in superstructure/accommodation/… 上层建筑/起居处所/…
Are dangerous goods on fire? 危险货物是否失火.
Yes, dangerous goods are on fire. 是的,危险货物失火.
No, dangerous goods are not on fire. 不,危险货物没有失火
Is there danger of explosion? 是否有爆炸危险?
Yes, danger of explosion. 是,有爆炸危险.
No danger of explosion. 没有爆炸危险
I am/MV…not under control. 我船/…轮失控
Is the fire under control? 火势是否得到控制?
Yes, fire is under control. 是的,火势已得到控制.
No, fire is not under control. 不,火势未能得到控制.
What kind of assistant is required? 你需要什么帮助?
I do not/MV…does not require assistance. 我船/…轮不需要帮助.
I require/MV…requires fire fighting assistance. 我船/…轮需要消防援助.
Breathing apparatus-smoke is toxic. 呼吸器-烟有毒.
Foam extinguishers/CO2 extinguishers 泡沫灭火器/ CO2灭火器.
Fire pumps 消防泵.
Medical assistance/…. 医疗援助/….
进水 flooding
I am/MV…is flooding below water line 我船/…轮水线下进水.
In the engine room ~机舱~
In the holds ~货舱~
I /MV…cannot control flooding. 我船/…轮不能控制进水.
What kind of assistant is abacarequired? 你需要什么帮助?
I require/MV…requires pumps/divers/…. 我船/…轮需要水泵/潜水员/….
I will nd pumps/divers/…. 我将送出水泵/潜水员/….
I cannot nd pumps/divers/…. 我不能送出水泵/潜水员/….
I have/MV…has dangerous list to port side/starboard. 我船/…轮有危险的左/右倾.
I am/MV…in critical condition. 我船/…轮处于危急状况中.
Flooding is under control. 进水得到控制.
I /MV…can proceed without assistance, 没有援助我船/…轮能继续航行.
I require/MV…requires escort/tug assistance/…. 我船/…轮需要护航/拖轮协助/….
hateyou碰撞 collision
I have/MV…has collided with MV… 我/…轮与…轮发生碰撞.
Unknown vesl/object/…. ~与不明船舶/物体/…发生碰撞.
…< name > light vesl. ~与…〔名称〕灯船发生碰撞.
Seamark …<charted name> ~与…〔海图所标名称〕海上标志发生碰撞.
Iceberg/心理素质…. ~与冰山/…发生碰撞.
Report damage. 报告损坏情况.
I have/MV…has damage above/below water line. 我船/…轮水线以上/以下有损坏.
I am/MV…not under command. 我船/…轮失控.
I /MV…cannot establish damage. 我船/…轮不能确定损坏.
I /MV…cannot repair damage. 我船/…轮不能修理损坏.
I /MV…记录英语can only proceed at slow speed. 我船/…轮只能慢速航进.
What kind of assistant is required? 你需要什么帮助?
I require/MV…requires escort/tug assistance/…. 我船/…轮需要护航/拖轮协助/….
搁浅 Grounding
I am/MV…aground 我船/…轮搁浅.
What part of your vesl is aground? 你船哪部分搁浅?
Aground forward/amidships/aft/full length. 船首/船中/船尾/全船搁浅
I cannot establish which part is aground. 我不能确定哪部分搁浅.
I /MV…will jettison cargo to refloat. 我船/…轮将抛弃货物以脱浅.
Warning! Do not jettison IMO-Class cargo. 警告!不能抛弃IMO危险货物!
When do you/does MV…expect to refloat? 你船/…轮预计何时可以脱浅?
I expect/MV…expects to refloat at …UTC. 我船/rabbits…轮预计在…UTC脱浅. ~ when tide ris. ~ 在涨潮时脱浅.