Lesson Ten The Tenth Man
⼀、Words and Expressions:
1. abrupt adj. – abruptly adv. –abruptness n.
sudden, unexpected突然的,意外的,陡峭的
abrupt turn 急转弯
abrupt ending, change, departure 突如其来的结束,变化,离去
2. allotment: assignment n.
3. beforehand: in advance, earlier adv. 预先
attemptI have prepared beforehand.我已经预先作了准备。
We have been aware of the problem beforehand.我们事先就知道有这么个问题。
4. compassion: n. pity, sympathy
compassion for sb./sth.
be filled with compassion 充满怜悯
The plight of the refugees arous our compassion. 难民的困苦引起了我们的同情。 We did it out of compassion. 我们这么做是出于同情。
adj. compassionate adv. compassionately
5. constrict v. 缩紧,缩⼩
the drug that constricts the blood vesl 收缩⾎管的药
constriction n.
the constrictions of life on a low income 低收⼊的节⾐缩⾷
6. contemptuous: scornful
7. coward—cowardice, timidity
8. daunt v. discourage, frighten 威吓
tragedy什么意思I was rather daunted by the thought of addressing such an audience.
nothing daunted 毫⽆惧⾊,毫不⽓馁
adj. daunting dauntless 勇敢的adv. dauntlessly
9. delude v. 哄骗,欺骗 deceive
delude sb. with sth./delude sb. into doing sth. 欺骗某⼈
delude sb. with empty promis/fal hopes以虚假的诺⾔/虚幻的希望哄骗某⼈
10. disquiet n. worry, agitation 不安,焦虑
11. draw/cast lots for sth. 抽签决定某事
They drew lots for the right to go first. 他们抽签决定谁先去。
12. elusive—elude adj.—v.
elude one's enemy 避开敌⼈
elude capture 逃避被抓
His name eludes me. 我想不起他的名字。
13. enmity n. hostility, rivalry, antagonism, opposition
14. excavate –excavation 挖掘
excavate a buried city
15. gamble v./n. 赌博gambler gambling
保质期英文gamble on sth.
He gambled all his money on the last race. 他把所有的钱全压在最后⼀场赛马上了。
gamble away 赌光
gamble in 冒险投资
16. legal—illegal legible—illegible
17. wear mustache 留胡⼦
18. nag v. (-gg-)
Ⅰ. nag at sb. = criticize, scold不断挑剔或批评
My mother nagged at me all day long. 我的妈妈⼀天到晚说我。
Ⅱ.不断烦扰或伤害 trouble, bother
The problem has been nagging me for weeks.
专科考研的条件19. odds n. probability, chance
odds and ends 零零碎碎的东西
be at odds with sb. over/on sth. 与某⼈在某事上不和
against (all) the odds 冲破重重困难
The odds are in your favor. 你成功的机会居多。
The odds are against him. 他可能失败。
21. quiet down/cool down/slow down/calm down
v./n. to quiet a frightened hor down
disquiet v./n. worry, agitation, upt
quieten down v.
22. ration 定量配给 fixed quantity
butter/petrol ration 配给卡,供应证 a ration card
rations ⼝粮领取⼝粮draw rations
23. refasten—fasten v. 使固定 fix, t, cure sth. firmly
请系好安全带Plea fasten your at-belt.
你把所有的门窗都关严了吗?Have you fastened all the doors and windows?
fasten sth. on/to
fasten the lamp to the bed
He fastened his eyes on me. 他紧盯着我看。
24. rite, ceremony, ritual
结婚/丧葬仪式marriage/funeral rites wedding ceremony
⼊会仪式initiation rite
25. roll of bedding/knitting
26. shameful/ashamed be ashamed of sth. guilty
27. shuffle n. 梭⼦v. 穿梭般往返移动
穿梭外交shuffle diplomacy
28. sum up
sum n./v. summary n.summarize v.
29. undecided = hesitant
30. will vt./n. 意志,意愿
God wills that man should be happy. 上帝愿⼈类幸福。
willing adj. be willing to do sth.
31. wily/sly/cunning/foxy/tricky
1. Where and when did the story take place?
It was at three the next afternoon(alarm clock time)that an officer entered the cell: the first officer they had en for weeks -and this one was very young, with inexperience even in the shape of his mustache which he had shaved too much on the left side.
enter enter for(报名参加)
mustache ⼩胡⼦
shave 刮胡⼦
in the shape of sth.
He was as embarrasd as a schoolboy making his first entry on a stage at a
prize-giving, and he spoke abruptly so as to give the impression of a strength he did not posss.
embarrasd = awkward
make one's first entry on the stage 第⼀次出现在舞台上
strength 权威
He said, “There were murders last night in the town. The aide-de-camp of the military governor, a rgeant and a girl on a bicycle.”
2. What had happened to two German soldiers and a French girl?
on a bicycle
He added, “We don't complain about the girl.
complain about/of sth.对…抱怨n. complaint
Frenchmen have our permission to kill Frenchwomen.”
permit sb. to do sth. (⼀般指官⽅的允许)
permit doing sth.
He had obviously thought up his speech carefully beforehand,
beforehand adv. 预先total是什么意思
but the irony was overdone and the delivery that of an amateur actor:
省略句,and 后⾯的句⼦省略了was
deliver v. –delivery n.
deliver a speech
deliver fruit/vegetable/newspaper
deliver a baby接⽣
cash on delivery 货到付款
the whole scene was as unreal as a charade.
He said, “You know what you are here for, living comfortably, on fine rations, while our men work and fight.
fine: enough 充⾜
Well, now you've got to pay the hotel bill. Don't blame(别怪罪/责备) us. Blame your own murderers.
3. What did the Germans decide to do as a retaliation?
retaliation 报仇,报复
My orders are that one man in every ten shall be shot in this camp. How many of you are there?” He shouted sharply,“Number off,” and sullenly they obeyed, “… twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty.” They knew he knew without counting. This was just a line in his charade he couldn't sacrifice. He said, “Your allotment then is three. We are quite indifferent as to which three. You can choo for yourlves. The funeral rites will begin at ven tomorrow morning.”
be indifferent to sth.
The charade was over: they could hear his feet striking sharply on the asphalt going away. Chavel wondered for a moment what syllable had been acted-“night,” “girl,” “aside,” or perhaps “thirty,” but it was of cour the whole w ord-“hostage.”The silence went on a long time, and then a man called Krogh, an Alsatian, said, “Well, do we have to volunteer?”volunteer to do sth.
“Rubbish,” said one of the clerks, a thin elderly man in pince-nez, “nobody will volunteer. We mus t draw lots.” He added,“Unless it is thought that we should go by ages-the oldest first.”
“No, no,” one of the others said, “that would be unjust.”
“It's the way of nature.”
“Not even the way of nature,” another said. “I had a child who died when sh e was five…”
“We must draw lots,” the mayor said firmly. “It is the only fair thing.” He sat with his hands still presd over his stomach, hiding his watch, but all through the cell you could hear its blunt tick tock tick. He added, “On the unmarried. T he married should not be included. They have responsibilities…”
stomach 肚⼦
水果硬糖 影评“Ha, ha,” Pierre said, “we e through that. Why should the married get off? Their work's finished. You, of cour, are married?”
e through sth. = look through
e through one's tricks
“I have lost my wife,” the mayor said, “I am not married now. And you…”
“Married,” Pierre said.
The mayor began to undo his watch: the discovery that his rival was safe emed to confirm his belief that as the owner of time he was bound to be the next victim.
rival 对⼿,竞争者
confirm 证实,确认
The announcement confirmed my suspicions.
请确认⼀下预定的项⽬。confirm one's rervation
be bound to do sth.
He looked from face to face and cho Chavel, perhaps becau he was the only man with a waistcoat fit to take the chain. He said, “Monsieur Chavel, I want you to hold this watch for me in ca…”
“You had better choo someone el,” Chavel said. “I am not married.”
The elderly clerk spoke again. He said, “I'm married. I've got the right to speak. We are going the wrong way about all this. Everyone must draw lots. This isn't the last draw we shall have, and picture(想像) to yourlves what it will be like in this cell if we have a privileged class-the ones who are left to the end. The rest of you will soon begin to hate us. We shall be left out of your fear…”
“He's right,” Pierre said.
The mayor refastened his watch. “Have it your own way,” he said. “But if the taxes were levied like this…” He gave a gesture of despair.
levy taxes on sb. 向——征税
向所有旅客征收离境税levy departure tax on all travelers
“How do we draw?” Krogh asked.
Chavel said, “The quickest way would be to draw marked papers out of a shoe…”
Krogh said contemptuously, “Why the quickest way? This is the l ast gamble some of us will have. We may as well enjoy it. I say a coin.”
as well:(1)倒不如, 还是...的好(2)最好...还是
“It won't work,” the clerk said. “You can't get an even(均等的) chance with a coin.”
“The only way is to draw,” the mayor said.
The clerk prepared the draw, sacrificing for it one of his letters from home. He read it rapidly for the last time, then tore it into thirty pieces. On three pieces he made a cross in pencil, and then folded each piece. “Krogh's got the biggest shoe,” he said. They shuffled the pieces on the floor and then dropped them into the shoe.