genreMy cousin’s son, Little John, is only three years old, but he has already taken over the hou. Whenever he wants something, he will throw a tantrum until he gets it. He will even yell at his parents if they don’t give him what he wants right away.
My cousin and his wife have tried reasoning with him and punishing him, but nothing ems to work. They have even tried ignoring him, but that just makes him angrier. He has become the boss of the family, and everyone is at his mercy.
My cousin and his wife are at their wits’ end, so I suggested that they try a different approach. I told them to show Little John that he can get what he wants without throwing a fit. Instead of giving in to his demands, they should give him choices and let him decide. This way, he will learn that he can get what he wants without resorting to tantrums.
simon cowell
My cousin and his wife have started using this approach, and it ems to be working. Little John is still demanding, but he no longer throws tantrums. He is learning that he can get what he wants without resorting to bad behavior.白雪公主话剧剧本
My cousin and his wife are relieved that they have found a way to deal with Little John’s outbursts. They are slowly but surely regaining control of the hou. Little John is still the boss, but he is learning to be a more reasonable one.悄悄地离开