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更新时间:2023-05-18 00:29:02 阅读: 评论:0

附件 2:外文原文 Natural simplicity - on interior design AnalysisAbstract: The natural simple interior design show is a way of life it allows us clor tonature more emphasis on functionality more concerned about life itlf. create apoetic space.Keywords: minimalism space grade interior design feeling Ancient times Chine wooden framework architecture of ancient India theOrient Europe building caves in ancient Greece ancient Rome and so on decorativestone building
cloly integrated with the components with the main buildinghowever. dissolved into Europe in the early venteenth century Baroque times andthe mid-eighteenth century the Rococo era began with the interior decoration of themain building parated from the main building external and internal fitting-outperiod in the u of the mismatch thus leading to the main building and interiordecoration of the paration in the construction of the French court architecture andaristocratic mansion the new occupation quotdecorative artisanquot was born the buildingsinternal frequency continuous modification fixed the main building the replacementbuilding quotclothingquot the time has come. Baroque-style architecture of the interiordesign one anti-Renaissance solemn subtle balanced tend to
好看的德国电影exaggerate. luxury inchurches and palaces in the architecture sculpture painting into a whole the pursuitof momentum with the ups and downs but an attempt to cau the illusion.
Rococointerior architecture is the palace of nobility in order to be intimate and comfortableelegant interior and the pursuit of a more intimate interior decorative effect. with thinlightweight beautiful and complex decorative hi-shaped with C-shaped or S-shapedcurve of the vortex and soft pastel colors with flowers and birds many shells as atheme and the court order to meet the requirements of the exotic much ud ininterior decoration. Chine-style Baroque and Rococo-style hand-made decorationreached perfection referred to as quotinterior decorationquot. modern reprentatives of thegreat development of the industrial revolution there has been a new type of concretebuilding its interior decoration not only from the main building from the Mediumand developed into the main building and not attached to the sole part of the relativeparation. Sports camp solved simply decorative building components with acombination of the main contradictions in modernist design become a pioneer in theBauhaus school of thought. decision to emphasize the functional form consider thespace of the building are the protagonist advocate discarding fal surface decorationall around the architecture reasonable space requirements Services. excludedecoration emphasis on the u of functions and simplified shapes. Advocate the design of the natural style of natural space
guernyaesthetic promoted theidea that quotnatural beautyquot to the performance of relaxed comfortable natural pastorallife and is often the u of natural wood stone rattan bamboo and other materialsrustic texture. clever in interior ttings greening create a natural simple fresh andelegant atmosphere. only
upholds nature combined with the natural order in todayshigh-tech high-paced social life so that people can achieve physical andpsychological balance. Simple does not mean easy it is an attitude towards life. when we are in modernlife to bear too much pressure we began to look for the feeling of freedom gracefulposture and extraordinary taste. we need to tend to a peaceful state of mind impetuousSo we call for simplicity. from the building space to the general living space fromdesigners to the ordinary citizen vocational naturally simple style - interior design hasbecome very popular direction. The spirit of simplicity is mainly derived from the origin to the early twentiethcentury Western Modernism. Britain and France JOHNPawson twoClaudioSilverstein interior designers
in the mid 80s to lead the trend of
minimalismdesign. Europe and the United States at the time of economic downturn the ArtGallery boss began to display works of art space to find a way out some reportedcosts factory floor layout
easy to become art exhibition hall the purpo of funding isbad on at least make the best display space while the results of doing so is tosimplify the space not decoration superfluous things in fact this also reflects theemergence of a new aesthetic design. from home into the design of art galleries theexhibition space with works of art showing the characteristics of the same type ofaesthetic simplicity. art at this time it started with the interior coincide with the designand gradually began to slip to the prent minimalism became the style of interiordesign and pursue careers. Return to nature of minimalism are阻遏的意思
human-specific labor. its purpo is toconci form of expression to meet the peoples space environment the kind ofinstinctive emotional and rational needs. In a n the prevalence of minimalism arethe
inevitable trend of human development. Natural simple interior design to create a poetic space. We know that the quotpoemquotThe Art of the characteristics is to u very simple vocabulary according to certainrules of composition form a quotpoemquot of such a language its between the lines containsa great deal of space a static implicit in the design space. peoples ideological feelingslife longing for injection
into the environment through the quotmoodquot to reproduce thethree-dimensional space in reality it means its habitat then forgotten by his bodywhich is a spiritual experience beyond the physical experience quotmoodquot of creation itis by creating an atmosphere to achieve a certain spiritual significance embodied thequotaffinityquot.In fact the interior design is minimalism such a quotpoeticquot to create a spacewith minimalist objects. have to imagine the u of display space this space isactually a vice-space has generated various combinations of furniture deputy spaceit often gives a visual quotemptyquot feeling while quotemptyquot like poetry generated by thequotmoodquot a great mobilization of the person in which emotions ability to inspirepeople association. Simple interior design aesthetic to emphasize the form. If Say thegeneral design of the interior furniture such as sofas tables and other items referredto as the main object then minimalism interior design is there is no such distinction.Minimalism in interior designlive it up
consider any part of space will share the sameimportant role including the walls ground and so on top of all the objects dination portfolio has a strong aesthetic form which is mainly embodied in pointLine surface the three elements of the performance space. China for thousands ofculture how much precipitation Heng Bank works especially the Han Chine arebuilding a more beautiful t of Aura esnce to quotsimple solid preci elegantquot as theprinciples unique to Oriental aesthetic ideas independent and vigorous temperamentconci vague
distant charm of simplicity the world should ring. it has also affectedthe international building design concepts but also affect the interior designaesthetic.Design is able to express the language as
dog dayslittle as possible as muchinformation as possible depends on its design will be many manifestations of thecombined elements of science in which the choice and u of color plays a verycrucial role. We know colors are different wavelengths Light reflection and absorptionof the result of the spread of light faster than the spread of graphic language fasterwhich makes it the first time people feel so the first n of space is the color anddifferent colors can cau different and feelings of psychological reflect. Naturalsimple interior design black and white and color materials are reprentative of itscolor is often ud in color the colors were not inclined to think most are the colorsof  the visual interference of the smallest personInterior design at the same time alsoemphasized the u of light often through access to
natural light source such asskylights which create a pastel color space母亲节快乐的英文

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