Party A: ( Employer ) 甲方:(用人单位)
Party B: (Manpower Service Company) 乙方:人力资源服务公司ashtray
Whereas employer (hereinafter referred to as party A) entrust Manpower Service Company (hereinafter referred to as party B) provide rvice of manpower; and
Whereas party B agree and connt, on the requirement of party A, to arch and nominate the technician to party A and party A shall by the agreement effect the payment of rvice to party B;courage是什么意思 NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promis contained herein, the parties hereto hereby agree on the contents of agreement as follows
1.Party A's Rights & Responsibilities: 甲方权利与义务
1.1 Party A has the right to receive candidates recommended by Party B according to the contract.
1.2 Within three working days of every written assignment issues, Party A shall provide reliable and accurate necessary information such as position requirements, job description, company introduction, structure of organization, possible remuneration package, etc. which will help Party B to asss potential candidates and communicate to the candidates what they need to know about the company and the job.
合同签署后 3 个工作日内,甲方就向乙方提供可信的、准确的和必须的信息,包括职位要求、职位说明书、公司简介、组织架构、可能的薪资预算等等。帮助乙方寻找潜在的人选
1.3 Party A shall keep the information on individual candidates provided by Party B confidential and guarantee all the information will not be transferred to another party before Party A officially employ the candidate.
1.4 Party A shall keep all information obtained from Party B confidential during the execution of the contract. Party A shall not u the information for other purpos other than the contract stipulates. Any loss incurred by breaching this statement by Party A, Party B has the right to claim compensation from Party A.
1.5 Party A shall pay the rvice fee to Party B according to the contract.文艺复兴的影响
2.Party B's Rights and Responsibilities 乙方的权利与义务
2.1 Party B has the right to receive rvice fee according to the contract.
2.2 Party B shall maintain clo contact with Party A to keep Party A well informed of the process of the recruitment.
2.3 Upon Party A’s request, Party B shall provide the candidates’ detailed background and other relevant information.
2.4 Party B shall transmit all the requirements provided by Party A to the candidates. Party B shall guarantee the candidates have a good understanding about Party A’s requirements, working conditions and location of Party A.
boronhallow2.5 Party B shall conduct reference checks on the candidates recommended to Party A as per Party A's request.
2.6 Party B shall keep all information concerning Party A’s assignment strictly confidential. 乙方应对甲方的相关信息保密。
3 Recruitment Fee and Terms of Payment 定冠词the的用法费用与支付
3.1 Party B shall submmit short name list and background information within 20 working days after signing the agreement and receiving the job description and requirements from Party A. Party B shall provide at least 2-3 candidates for each single position to meet Party A's needs. Upon Party A’s requirements, Party B may provide more name list until Party A identifies the satisfactory candidate.
乙方应在收到合同签署并收到甲方职位说明的 20 个工作日内,向甲方提供候选人名单和背景情况。每一个职位乙方应提供至少生意 2-3 位候选人以满足甲方需求。在合理的范围内,按照甲方要求,乙方应提供更多的候选人直至甲方确定满足的候选人为止。