Chapter 04
Human Resource Planning and Recruitment
True / Fal Questions
1. The first step in the human resource planning process is forecasting.
True Fal
2. An objective measure that accurately predicts future demand is called a nominal predictor.
True Fal
3. Economic planning models are uful when there is a long, stable history that can be u
d to reliably detect relationships among variables.
True Fal
4. Change matrices are extremely uful for charting historical trends in a company's supply of labor.
True Fal
5. The goals an organization ts in its human resource planning process should come directly from the analysis of its labor supply and demand.
True Fal
6. As an option for avoiding an expected labor shortage, the u of new external hires is fast and the terms of revocability are high.
True Fal
7. In the past decade, the typical organizational respon to a surplus of labor has been downsizing, which is fast, but high in human suffering.
True Fal
8. The typical organizational respon to a labor shortage has been either hiring temporary employees or outsourcing, respons that are fast and high in revocability.
True Fal
9. One of the reasons organizations engaged in downsizing was that, for economic reasons, many firms changed the location of where they did business.
True Fal
大英百科全书软件10. Despite the fact that baby boomers are approaching retirement, early indicators show this group has no intention of retiring.
True Fal
11. An advantage of employing temporary workers is that it frees the firm from many administrative tasks and financial burdens associated with being the "employer of record."
True Fal
12. Outsourcing is a logical choice when a firm does not have certain experti and is unwilling to invest the time and effort to develop it.
True Fal
13. Increasingly, "call center" staffing is the only type of work that is being offshored.
True Fal
14. Employers prefer hiring and training new employees rather than having to pay workers extra for overtime production.
True Fal
15. A comparison of the proportion of workers in protected subgroups with the proportion that each subgroup reprents in the relevant labor market is called a workforce utilization review.
True Fal
16. The goal of recruiting is simply to generate large numbers of applicants.
True Fal
17. Characteristics of a job vacancy are less important than recruiters or recruiting sources when it comes to predicting job choice.
True adjusted Fal
18. Rearch indicates that job applicants find companies with due process policies more attractive than companies with employment-at-will practices.
True Fal
19. Image advertising is often effective becau job applicants develop ideas about the
general reputation of the firm and then this spills over to influence their expectations about the nature of specific jobs at the organization.
True Fal
20. Recruiting advertiments in newspapers and periodicals typically generate more desirable recruits than direct applications or referrals.
True Fal
21. Private employment agencies rve primarily blue-collar workers, while public employment agencies mostly deal with white-collar workers.
True Fal
22. Newspaper ads generate the largest number of recruits, but relatively few of the are qualified for the position.
True Fal
23. Recruiters tend to be viewed by job ekers as less credible when they are personnel specialists rather than subject matter experts in the job being filled.
stronger中文歌词True Fal
24. When applicants' reactions to recruiters are examined, age and gender are the two traits that stand out the most.
True Fal
25. Rearch indicates that realistic job previews do lower expectations and can help reduce future turnover in the workforce.
True Fal
Multiple Choice Questions
26. The first step in the human resource planning process is _____.
A. forecasting
B. goal tting
C. program implementationwould like的用法
D. program evaluation
E. groupthink
27. The process of attempting to ascertain the supply and demand for various types of human resources is called _____.
A. goal tting
B. downsizing
C. program evaluations