1. 求关于高校社团的英语作文
aprilfoolgreen dam1 building' s hall.welcome you to join us.i have joined it since i steped into the colleage',and we will recruit new members next sunday in the NO,including going out to help the old people in rest home and donating when some people suffered from earthquake.
assumedif you want to join us ,plea contact us by the following message;s gate.and many avtivities have been held by our organization in each mester there are many organizations in our college and eah of them all has more than 100 members.but the most popular one is The Red Cross which has over 700 members ,is the biggest organization in our college
2. 关于高校协会的英语作文
there are many organizations in our college and eah of them all has more than 100 members.but the most popular one is The Red Cross which has over 700 members ,is the biggest organization in our college.i have joined it since i steped i 订敞斥缎俪等筹劝船滑nto the colleage's gate.and many avtivities have been held by our organization in each mester ,including going out to help the old people in rest
home and donating when some people suffered from earthquake. if you want to join us ,plea contact us by the following message,and we will recruit new members next sunday in the NO.1 building' s hall.welcome you to join us.
3. 英语作文范文:高校生参与社团的利与弊
On campus there're many clubs and organizations open to all students,such as Painting Club,Callligraphy Club and English Club,etc.Some people believe that taking part in the clubs can enrich their college life,improve their social skills,help them get experience and prepare for the future job hunting.However,other people maintain that it may be in conflict with their studies.
As for me,I think taking part in some clubs really do good to our growth.The activities provide us with pleasure and entertainment,which makes our college life more colorful.It also give us opportunities to improve and demostrate our abilities.What's more,it give us more opportunitis to meet students from different departments.When taking part in clubs,students should bear in mind that regardless of how good
新标准小学英语and interesting the activities are,their primary task is to get academic knowledge.Only in this way can students choo the right club and avoid the constant conflict with their regular study time.
4. 高校社团英语短文
University Community
glzOf the university life,community is an important part.Community means a group or a team,in which there are many people with the same interest,for example,Sports Association,Archery Club, Athletics Club,etc.Generally speaking,communities recruit university freshmen at the beginning of each term,when there will be a propagate meeting to show the community's talent.Students can run for the president of the community after they stay in the community for a appointed time.Community can wide students' sight,improve their ability of communicating and increa the experiences.
5. 高分求一篇关于高校社团的英文文章和中文翻译每日一句英语
练电视台成都经济台岷江广播电台华西都市报成都商报新潮周刊华西城市周刊 TOM 新浪网腾讯网网易雅虎中华英才网四川在线中国训练在线搜狐网高校生网四川新华网拟邀嘉宾:中国移动成都分公司总经理吴绪明成都蚂蚁企业集团董事长、总裁李浪成都国际会议展览中心有限公司董事长邓鸿成都建国汽贸总经理赵锦辉中海地产(成都)公司总经理陈斌成都迪信通科技有限公司常务副总罗建军联通四川省分公司副总经理陆斌成都统一企业食品有限公司董事长林苍生时代数码广场总经理唐立新新浪四川区域经理梁磊华硕成都分公司总经理王明义中华英才网待定雅虎校内频道待定TOM校内频道待定清华同方待定硅谷动力待定搜狐校内频道待定参与单位:共青团四川省委、共青团成都市委、各高校团委、四川省24所高校200余社团担任人、长期推动高校社团文化建设的同学工作者、经济学专家、社会学专家、高校生创业者以及胜利企业的高层代表。
日期: 2006年9月16日地点:家园国际酒店/四川高校学术报告厅议程: 13:00----13:30 签到13:30----14:00 大会开幕式 1、大会引见2、嘉宾引见3、共青团四川省委吴副书记致开幕辞4、资助单位领导庆贺词14:00----15:00 主题演讲:一、四川省高校社团文化建设概况演讲人:(团省委领导)二、高校社团健康进展的措施和方法演讲人:(高校团委代表)三、校内市场的开辟演讲人:(企业代表)四、社团管理的心得体会演讲人:(社团代表)15:00----16:00 圆桌会议一:企业代表、高校代表和社团代表谈如