rbcFactors influencing the adoption of online
期刊名称: Personnel Review
作者: Emma Parry,Hugh Wilson
rob evans>aam作者机构: Cranfield School of Management
年份: 2009年
英文职位大全期号: 第6期
everythingatonce关键词: online operations; recruitment; human resource management internet;
united kingdom
reception是什么意思摘要:Purpo – The internet is initially hailed as the future of recruitment and is expected to replace o阿尔及利亚第纳尔
crush什么意思ther media as the preferred recruitment method, but the adoption of online recruitment has not been as comprehensively predicted. In addition, empirical rearch regarding online recruitment from an organisational perspective is spar. This paper aims to examine the reasons behind an organisation's decision to u online recruitment, and reports on the development of a model of the factors affecting the adoption of this recruitment method. Design/methodology/approach – The paper us in‐depth interviews and a survey of human resource (HR) managers with recruitment responsibility. The factors that affect the adoption of online recruitment are explored, and related to Rogers's diffusion of innovation theory (DIT) and Ajzen's