OEM:贴牌加工ODM:设计代工Corporate Social Responsibility:企业社会责任CSR Joint venture:合资企业Inquiry:询价Follow up this ca/order:跟单order follow up:跟单员sample follow up:跟样Forwarder:货代MOQ:minimum order quantity:最小订单量ETD:预计交货时间Quote:报价Delivery date:交货期FOB:离岸价CIF:到岸价CFR:成本加运费价Status inquiry:资信调查Reference:资信证明人Exchange rate:汇率Force majeure:不可抗力Export tax rebates:出口退税Pre-production sample:产前样PPsampleOffer:报盘+for PI:proforma invoice:形式发票Counter-offer:还盘Repeat order:返单Target price:目标价PO:Purcha order:购货订单S/C:sales contract:销售合同Confirmed and irrevocable L/C:保兑的不可撤销的信用证T/T:电汇D/P:付款交单D/A:承兑交单CAD:cash against documents on arrival of goods:货到后凭单付款A mendment:修改an amendment to the L/CFreight:运费Extension advice:延期通知Directive marks:指示标识Warning marks:警示标Price label:定价标签instruction manual:使用手册,说明书“Snake loaded”flat:蛇形平铺装柜Shipping instruction:装运指示Shipping advice:装船通知CY:集装箱堆场CFS:集装箱货运站FCL:整箱LCL:拼箱Telex relea:电放Bank receipt:银行水单Transshipment:转运Partial shipments:分批装运Insurance amount:保险金额+forInsurance policy:保单Insurer:承保人The insured:投保人C.I.C:中国保险条款FPA:平安险WPA:水渍险AR:一切险ICC:协会货物保险条款Malicious damage clau:恶意损坏险Insurance premium:保险费Warehou to warehou clau:仓至仓条款Open policy:开口保单Insurance rate:保险费率Claim:索赔
Lesson 2
1. We avail ourlves of this opportunity to introduce to you as a foreign-invested corporation specializing in arts and crafts.现借此机会向贵公司介绍,我们是外资企业,专门经营工艺品
2. We want to acquaint ourlves with the supply position of steel products。我们想熟悉一下钢材的供应情况
英语小报3 We are enclosing a cope of pricelist.我们随函附上一份价目表belen
4.We have 28 distributors across the world.我们公司在全球有28个分销商
5. We are one of the leading exporters of Chine industrial products and are desirous of entering into business relations you.我们是中国轻工产品的主要出口商之一,愿与你公司建立业务关系
Lesson 3 1.We are a dealer in Egypt.。我们是埃及的一家经销商
2. I have 2 years of follow-up purcha orders and shipping experience我有两年以上的跟单和般务经验
3. We have pictures of sports shoes lling well in UK. 我们有在英国热销的运动鞋款式的图片
4. We are nding some samples and brochures under parate cover for your reference.
5. We are interested in the electric appliance in your sample. Plea kindly nd your quotations to us.我们对你方目录里的电器用品感兴趣,请寄报价表来
6. We’d like to inform that you’ll find our new products are at Stand 16.我们特此通知你们,我们的新产品在16展台展出
Lesson 4
1. We are looking for a reliable supplier who can provide us the laptop.我们在寻找能够供应手提电脑的可靠厂家
2. I would like to buy computers and computer parts. Plea nd me a detailed pricelist with min. Order and shipping costs.我们想购买电脑配件,请寄最小订单量的详细价目表及运费3 Regarding the model we attached here, our target price is USD9.5 for our market.关于所附的这种型号,我们的目标价位是每台9.5美元
4. We allow you a discount of 3% for quantity over 1000 pieces of the offered item.订购量超过1000件,可允许给予3%的折扣
5. As regards our financial standing, plea refer to the Bank of China, Shanghai Branch.至于我们的信用情况,请向中国银行上海分行咨询
Lesson 5
1. Plea quote in USD CIF London for 1000 ts of bed sheets.请按美元报1000套床单CIF 伦敦价
jaw2. The attached price list will provide you with the concrete information of the models you are most interested in. 所附价格单将提供有关你方最感兴趣的型号的具体情况
3. Plea kindly inform the quotations and payment terms for the following items.请告知按什
4. Our company wants to enquire for the 500 ts of your Model No. 277 washing machine. 本公司想询问贵公司型号277洗衣机500台的价格
5. If your prices are competitive, we will place large orders with you. 如果你们价格具有竞争性的话,我们将向你们大量订购
Lesson 6
1. We approach you for the export of chemicals. 我们是为了出口化工产品的事与你方联系的
2. As to the can foods, we advi you to contact directly Tianjin Foods Import and Export Co.关于罐头食品,我们建议你们与天津食品进出口公司直接联系
3. We shall appreciate it very much if you could inform the financial and credit status of the above company. 如能提供有关上述公司的资信状况,我们将不胜感激
4. Plea refer to Bank of China, Beijing Branch or China International Commercial Bank for the business standing of our company.有关本公司业务概况的资料,请向中国银行北京分行及中国国际商业银行查询
5. Any information you may obtain will be treated as confidential. 对你方提供的任何资料,我们都予以保密
Lesson 7
1. The confirmation sample remains valid for two years.确认样有效期为两年
2. Our company intends to import silver products from your company. Pls nd us sample pricelist.我公司有意从贵公司进口银制品,请寄样品价格单
3. We have received your samples with thanks.已收到你方的样品,非常感谢
4. We will refund the charge upon receipt of your order.一旦收到你们的订单,我们会把费用退还给你们
5. Pls confirm the enclod sample brochure. 随函附寄我们的样本书,请确认
Lesson 8
1. The illustrated catalog and sample have been nt by DHL. The courier No. is QD1234.带图解的目录和样品已由敦豪快速寄出,查询号为QD1234
2. The samples are free, but the customer must bear the freight cost according to the company policy.样品是免费的,但是根据公司规定,客户必须支付运费
3. The products you make should be in complete compliance with our enclod picture. 你方生产的产品应与我方随函附照片完全一致
4. We will nd samples immediately when the standard freight of USD70 reaches our account of HSBC, or we get your DHL or UPS account. 当标准运费70美元转至我们在汇丰银行的账户,或提供你的DUL,UPS账号,我们会立即发送样品
5. It is a heavy burden for our factory to nd out free samples in large quantities. We are forced to ask you to share the cost with us. 由于大量寄送样品对我们工厂是沉重的负担,我们不得不请求贵公司与我们分担费用
Lesson 10
1. At your request, we make the quotation for the following goods, subject to our final confirmation.根据你方要求,我公司就如下货物向贵方报价,以我方最后确认为准
2. We’ve learned that there is a heavy demand for EV A suitcas in your market. We hereby enclod our NO. 555 quotation sheet for your reference. 我们了解到你方市场对EV A行李箱要求强劲,随函随上第555号报价单,供你方考虑
3. We are offering for our jas mine tea, RMB1,125 per KG CIF Kobe with next-week shipment. 兹报盘,茉莉花茶每公斤价格为1125人民币,神户(Kobe)CIF价,下周交货。
4. Thanks for your inquiry for Galvanized iron Sheet. We make the following quotations and look forward to your orders.感谢贵公司对电镀铁板(Galvanized Iron Sheet)的询盘,现报价如下,敬请惠顾订货为盼。
5. This offer is subject to your reply before the goods being unsold. 此报盘以我货未售出前,收到你方回函接受为准
Lesson 11
1. We’d like to trade with you, but regret that we cannot reduce the prices to what you expected. They have been our lowest prices after our accurate calculation of all the costs.虽然我方非常愿意与贵方开展贸易往来,但遗憾的是我们不能将价格降到你方所求,因为我方经准确计算成本后,已将价格降到最低点。
2. After careful investigation of our market situation, we have to make a reduction of 10% in order to meet the fierce competition. Otherwi, there’s no possibility of transactions. 我们经过对我市场条件仔细研究后认为,为应付剧烈竞争,你们必须降价10%,否则,生意成交无望。
3. We regret to inform you that the quotation you made for the plastic bags is out of line with our local market level.我们遗憾地告诉你方,你方所报塑料手提包价格完全与我地市场行
4. Our counteroffer for the captioned goods is USD125, subject to your reply reaching us before noon of Wednesday of our time. 我们对标题商品还实盘125美元,以本地时间星期三中午前答复有效。
5. We are plead to enclo the PI in triplicate for 1000 SETS of bicycles of the following specification. Plea telephone us to prepare the goods upon receipt of the import licen.
Lesson 14
1. Attached is the label for your reference.随函附上标贴供参考。
2. Now our stocks are running down quickly. The maximum we can offer is 200 metric tons.现在我们的库存量急剧减少,我们能供应的最大量是200公吨。
3. We can only accept delivery in March owing to the heavy ocommotments the manufacturer has got. 因制造厂接到订货太多,我们只能答应三月份装船
4. The products for delivery by the end of this year have all been sold out, due to too many orders. 订货太多,到年底交货的产品都已售完。
5. We are plead to confirm ordering with you for 1000 cas of Tomato Paste with October shipment. 我们高兴地确认从你处购进1000箱番茄酱(Tomato Paste),10月船期。Lesson 15
1. After our recent exchange of faxes, we are plead to put through a transaction for 10 metric tons of dry red chilli.经过最近我们双方的传真往来,我们很高兴与你方达成10公吨干红辣椒(dry red chili)的交易。
2. If there’s no problem, we hope you could countersign and return one copy S/C for our fil e.如果你们认为没问题,我们希望你们签回销售合同的副本一份备查
3. Plea rest assured that there will be no further delay for the shipment of the goods.
4. We have opened through Bank of China, Tokyo Branch the L/C No. 1758 in your favor on 15th.我们已于十五日通过东京的中国银行给你方开出1758号信用证。
5. We are plead to inform you that we have booked your order No. 111 for 5000 Canon Digital Cameras.
很高兴地告知你们,我们已接受了你方111号关于5000台佳能数码相机的订单Lesson 16
we can not accept your T/T request, our usual practice, in view of the small amount of this order, as an exception, one half of the payment will be paid by T/T, and the other half by CA D. Lesson 17
1. We agree to be paid by D/P at sight instead of sight L/C for our future business. 为了今后的业务,我方同意不用即期信用证,而改用即付款交单方式
2. We accept confirmed, irrevocable L/C payable against sight draft, instead of T/T.\我方接受保兑的,不可撤销的信用证,以即期汇票而不是以电汇形式偿付。aggressive翻译
3. In view of the huge amount of the order and the fluctuation of the international currency market, we cannot accept the payment terms other than L/C.鉴于交易总金额巨大,国际货币市场又不很不稳定,所以我方无法接受除信用证外的其他支付方式
4. In view of our long-term friendly business relationship, we exceptionally accept L/C negotiable at 60 days’ sight.鉴于我们长期的友好贸易关系,我方破例接受见票60天议付发信用证
5. We will transfer the full payment when the goods are ready and shipping space is booked, so as to save the high expen on issuing the L/C.
Lesson 18
1. At your request we exceptionally accept the payment terms by D/P at sight. But it cannot be regarded as a precedent for future transactions. 应你方要求,破例接受即期的付款交单方式,但不能认为是惯例
2.Due to the small quantity of the order, we propo the payment terms by D/P to simplify the procedure. 由于这次订单订货数量不大,建议其付款方式采用通过银行付款交单托收方式,以简货手续。
3.3. We agree to accept D/P at sight in view of your current tough situation. 考虑到你方目前的困难,我方同意接受见票即付的付款交单方式。
4. As special accommodation, we accept your proposal to be paid by D/P at sight. But it cannot be regarded as a future precedent. 作为特殊照顾,我们同意你方的建议并接受即期付款交单,但这不应该视为先例
5. In view of our long-term friendly relationship, we comply with your request, 50% to be paid
by L/C and the balance by D/P at sight. 考虑到我们长期的友好关系,我方这次同意你方的要求,即50%信用证支付,其余的用即期付款交单
Lesson 19
Plea countersign and return one copy for our files
the L/C in our favor
the L/C stipulations should strictly conform to the terms of the contract
avoid any future amendment
Y ou may rest assured that we will make shipment
Lesson 20
1. The goods are ready for dispatch. Plea establish the covering L/C. We will make shipment upon receipt of the L/C.由于所订货物已备妥待运,请即开信用证,我方一收到信用证,立即装运。
2. It is necessary that all the L/C stipulations should be in exact accordance with the terms of the contract, so as to avoid any unnecessary amendments.为避免不必要修改,有必要使相关信用证条款与合同规定严格相符
3. After examining the L/C carefully, we regret to find some stipulations are not in conformity with the terms in the contract.在审阅信用证条款后,我方遗憾地发现某些规定与合同条款不符。
msf4. We hope to get your kind cooperation in the effect, and look forward to the L/C amendment from your banker. 我们希望在这一方面得到贵方的合作,同时等候贵方银行的信用证修改书
5. In the L/C we received, the payment is made by draft at 30 days’ sight. But according to the contract it should be made at sight. Plea amend the L/C accordingly. 根据我方所收到的信用证,付款方式是见票后30天付款,但根据合同应是见票即付,因此,请按说明修改信用证。
6. The date of delivery is approaching. Plea amend the L/C as requested ASAP so that we may eff
ect shipment in time. 由于规定的装运期就要到了,请按要求尽快修改信用证,以便我方能按时装运
Lesson 21
1. Plea extend the date of shipment and the validity of the L/C to August 31 and September 15 respectively to facilitate us to make shipment. 请将信用证的装运期和有效期分别延至8月31日和9月15日,以便我方装运该货
2. After checking the stipulations in the L/C, we regret to find that the L/C calls for shipment in October. But the contract stipulates for the shipment in November. Plea extend the time of shipment and negotiation to November 30 and December 15 respectively. 经核对信用证条款,我方遗憾地发现你方信用证要求10月份装运,但我方合约规定11月份装运,因此,务请把装运期和议付期分别延至11月30日和12月15日。
3. As to L/C No. 689, we have instructed the issuing bank to extend the date of shipment and the validity of the L/C to September 30 and October 15 respectively.关于第689号信用证,我方已指示开证行将装运期和有效期分别延到9月30日和10月15日
4. According to the claus of L/C No. 308, we have prented full t of clean on board Bill of Ladin
g and other documents to Bank of China, Fuzhou branch. 我方已根据贵方第308号信用证条款,将全套清洁已装船提单连同其他单据提交中国银行福州分行。
5. As the date of shipment in the L/C is the same as the validity date of the L/C, plea extend the validity of the L/C by 15 days more according to the stipulations of UCP 600.由于你方信用证装运期与有效期相同,请按惯例将信用证有效期延展十五天
6. As there is no direct vesl this month, we ask to extend the validity of the L/C to May 31. 由于本月没有直达轮,我方要求延长信用证有效期到5月31日。
Lesson 22
1. The barcode should be attached on the hand tag and the upper right of the polybag.条形码贴于挂卡上以及贴于胶袋右上角
2. We want the blous to be packed each in a polybag, 12 dozen to a carton lined with waterproof paper.我们要求将每件女式衬衫装一个塑料袋,每12打装一有防水衬里的纸箱
3. We can meet your special requirements for packing but the extra packing charges should be borne by you.我方能满足你方对包装的特殊要求,但额外包装费须由你方负责
4. As suggested, we have improved our inner packing to meet the customers’ demand in your market.根据你方的建议,我们已进了包装,以满足你方市场消费的需要
5. No warning marks are required in the wooden ca. 木箱上不需要印刷警告语
Lesson 23
1. Plea mark our initials ABC in a diamond, under which the port of destination and our order number should be stenciled or printed.请刷上一菱形,内刷我公司首字母A BC,其下
2. Shirts packed in plastic-lined cartons are not so susceptible to damage by moisture as tho packed in wooden cas.衬衣装在衬有塑料袋的纸箱里比装在木箱里不易受到潮损
3. 12 pairs are packed into a carton. The carton stickers should be attached on the side with main marks. The supplier information is as follows. 12双装一个外箱,外箱贴纸应该贴在外箱正在唛头的一面,供应商信息如下
4. Plea make sure that cas are marked “Fragile” and “Handle With Care”.请确保箱子上标有“易碎品”,“小心搬运”字样
nd的过去式5. After examining, we find that 10 bags are packed without 5-ply strong paper bags, which are not in conformity with the stipulations in the contact, resulting in the damage in transit.经查,发现约有10袋未按合同规定以五层坚固纸袋包装,以致在运输途中造成破损
6. The magnetic tapes should be packed in the polybag and aled tightly with adhesive tape.磁带应包装在塑料袋里,并用胶带封紧
Lesson 24
1. We must make it clear that with the different packing material, the packing expens will be different.我们必须说明的是采用不同的包装材料,包装费用会不一样
2. The tea should be packed in international standard tea boxes, 24 boxes on a pallet, 10 pallets in an FCL container.茶叶应装国际标准茶叶盒,24盒装一托盘,10托盘装一整集装箱
3. All PO’s must be loaded parately. No mixing of PO’s within a container is permitted.所有的定单都要单独装框,同一个柜子不允许装几个PO的货
英语简历模板范文4. Considering the fragile goods and the expensive cost of packing, plea u durable packing and economical packing.考虑到货物的易碎性的昂贵的包装费用,请采用耐用包装和经济包装。
5. The greatest care must be given to packing and crating, as any damage in transit would cau us heavy loss.在包装和装板条箱时,必须非常小心,因为在运输中的任何损坏将给我们造成严重损失。
Lesson 25
II. Complete the following ntences in English:
1. covering the readiness of our goods under Order No. 483
2. contact our forwarder ----- MAERSK for shipment
3. Booking, 14 days prior to shipping to ensure the shipping space
4. full quantity of the merchandi which,which has been packed and aled into the container
5. in accordance with the stipulations t forth in L/C No. KH40483NR
III. T ranslate the following ntences into English:
1. 70% of the goods under Order No. 2048 will be shipped in November, and the rest in December.
2. Due to the insufficient shipping space, the 10,000 metric tons of soya beans can’t be fully shipped in October. Plea amend the L/C, allowing partial shipments. 一万公吨大豆因舱位不够,无法全部在十月份装运,请请改信用证,允许分批装运
3. As you desire earlier delivery, you have to bear the extra freight. 由于你方要求提前装运,额外的运费由买方承担
4. As our traditional Spring Festival is approaching, it will get harder to book shipping space. Plea nd shipping instructions at the earliest, so that we can book space earlier. 我国传统的春节即将临近,订舱会比较困难,请尽早发送装运提示,以便尽早订舱
5. We are effecting shipment soon. The forwarder is the same as the one for last shipment. But we hope you could find another shipping company with lower quotations. 我们即将执行装运,货代跟上批货为同一家,但希望你们可以找一家报价更低的船公司
Lesson 26
1. ship the goods with the first available ship next month
2. Becau the goods will be transshipped at Hong Kong
3. the shipment should be made in March or April
4. to delay shipment
5. take delivery of the goods, arrive at your port
Lesson 27
Dear Sirs,
Recently we have 20 cas of chinaware shipped to Rotterdam from Hong Kong. The measurement of each packing ca is 5x5x4feet, with a gross of 250 kgs per ca.
Plea kindly inform the detailed information like the freight cost, ETD, ETA etc. We learn that S.S. Star will depart on Aug. 10. But we expect the shipment with an earlier shipping date. Looking forward to your early reply.
Best Regards,