Pitcher plants are carnivorous plants who prey-trapping mechanism features a deep cavity filled with liquid known as a pitfall trap. It has been widely assumed that the various sorts of pitfall trap evolved from rolled leaves, with lection pressure favouring more deeply cupped leaves over evolutionary time. However, some pitcher plant genera (such as Nepenthes) are placed within clades consisting mostly of flypaper traps: this indicates that this view may be too simplistic, and some pitchers may have evolved from flypaper traps by loss of mucilage.
tooltip Whatever their evolutionary origins, foraging, flying or crawling incts such as flies are attracted to the cavity formed by the cupped leaf, often by visual lures such as anthocyanin pigments, and nectar bribes. The sides of the pitcher are slippery and may be grooved in such a way so as to ensure that the incts cannot climb out. The small bodies of liquid contained within the pitcher traps are called phytotelmata. They drown the inct, and the body of it is gradually dissolved. This may occur by bacterial action (the bacteria being was
hed into the pitcher by rainfall) or by enzymes creted by the plant itlf. Furthermore, some pitcher plants contain mutualistic inct larvae, which feed on trapped prey, and who excreta the plant absorbs.[1] Whatever the mechanism of digestion, the prey items are converted into a solution of amino acids, peptides, phosphates, ammonium and urea, from which the plant obtains its mineral nutrition (particularly nitrogen and phosphorus). Like all carnivorous plants, they occur in locations where the soil is too poor in minerals and/or too acidic for most plants to be able to grow.
Pitcher plants
carnivorous plants
cupped leaf
leisuretime slippery
labi amino acids
ammonium and urea
nitrogen and phosphorus
拼搏的英文 吃动物的植物,全世界有500多种,其中,以最最猪笼草的捕虫器最精巧和复杂。猪笼草大多数生长在印度洋群岛、马达加斯加、斯里兰卡、印度尼西亚角落里等潮湿亚热带森林里,我国广东、云南等省也有这种苔藓。猪笼草吃虫,全靠它奇特的叶子。它叶柄的叶片