2012National English Contest
for College Students
(Level C-Preliminary)
Part I Listening Comprehension(30marks)
Section A(5marks)
Section B(10marks)
Section C(5marks)
Section D(10marks)
21.disruption22.air pressure23.slow down24.immune system25.stimulates 26.bear in mind27.circulation28.decreas29.Consult30.side effects
Part II Vocabulary and Structure(15marks)
Part III Cloze(10marks)
buttholePart IV Reading Comprehension(40marks)
Section A(10marks)
Section B(10marks)
64.The special depth that true friendship is about.中间
65.They need to get over fear of confrontation and rejection.
Section C(10marks)
66.High fatality67.thrill eking;risk taking68.pushing out personal boundaries69.C70.A Section D(10marks)
71.“Linguistic”intelligence and“Logical mathematical”intelligence.
72.The ability to gauge one蒺s own mood,feelings and mental states,and the ability to gauge it in others and
u the information.
73.“Logical mathematical ”intelligence and the “bodily-kinesthetic ”intelligence.
这些类别中都有从无能到聪慧的各种不同能力的人。Part V Translation (10marks)
76.Since there is no turning back,we might as well try his method.77.How do you account for the decline in profits for three concutive months?78.Talking about how to achieve success,Blair puts more emphasis on creating rather than waiting for
79.I wish I had had such good opportunities as yours when I was young.80.High tuition doesn ’t necessarily guarantee better education.Part VI Error correction (10marks)
Cash reward is a common form of motivation ud by parents with high
expectation to encourage their children ∧work hard at exam time.Some youngsters receive payments of as much as £100for each A grade they
obtain at GSCE.But would such “bribes ”be bad on exam performance or should they,as many parents and teachers feel,be offered in recognition of a child ’s effort,regardless of results?The later approach would solve the problems of how parents reward children with different levels of ability;imagine,for example,a family with one child who is academically gift and another who has lear
ning difficulties.The dangers of result-relating incentives for the cond child are clear;with little hope of obtaining the higher
withholding of promid financial rewards would only compound the child ’s feeling of fal.However,some leading educational believe that parents should rely in their own judgments in such matters.They maintain that if parents know that money will motivate their child,then they should not be condemned for operating a system of cash 82.should 83.√
84.latter 85.problem 86.gifted 87.
related 88.89. Part VII IQ Test (5marks)
91.Post Office.92.The letter “e ”.
93.Falling in love.94.A
95.Three socks.
Part VIII Writing (30marks)Omitted.
Part I Listening Comprehension Section A
In this ction,you will hear five short conversations.Each conversation will be read only once.At the end of each conversation,there will be a twenty-cond pau.During the pau,read the question and the three choices marked A,B and C,and decide which is the best answer.Then mark the corresponding letter on the
answer sheet with a single line through the centre.1.W:How do you feel about oil crisis?
M:It ’s frightening.Maybe there will be wars about oil.We need to find alternative energy sources very
soon.Any alternatives do you know?
W:I think wind energy and wave energy would play important parts in our lives in the future.
2.W:Excu me,I want to buy a new car and I ’d like some information about the loans.What are the current interest rates on short-term loans?
M:Well,that depends on the amount you ’re thinking of borrowing and over how long a period you want to pay it back.
W:If I have a loan for £5,000payable over three years,what will the rate be and how much will the monthly repayments be?M:OK,I ’ll figure it out.
3.M:Janice won ’t be coming back after she ’s had her baby,so do we keep Meryl,or do we need to find someone el?
W:As far as I ’m concerned,Meryl can stay.I think she ’s done a great job over the last month.
M:I ’m sorry,but I really can ’t agree with you.She hasn ’t got the right manner.Take for example that
incident with the customer a couple of days ago.The customer wasn ’t very friendly,but that ’s no excu for being rude.
4.W:Hi,come in.So,do you think you ’ll have that report ready in time for the meeting?
M:Well,the meeting ’s on Thursday,so that gives me two days.I ’m pretty sure it ’ll be ready in time.
W:Pretty sure isn ’t good enough.The regional director is going to be here tomorrow afternoon,and we ’re meeting the big boss for dinner afterwards,so it needs to be ready earlier.
M:OK,I ’ll get it finished by tomorrow noon.
5.W:So,Professor Taylor,I ’d like you to tell us what is likely to be the biggest problem we ’ll have to face in the future?
M:Well,the most alarming problem is still world population.In 1948,there were 2billion inhabitants on
2012National English Contest
for College Students
(Level C -Preliminary)
the earth and in1992that figure had more than doubled to over5billion and by the year2020,it’s estimated that it will increa to over8.5billion.
W:There’ll be more famines and more wars.
Section B
In this ction,you will hear two long conversations.Each conversation will be read only once.At the e
nd of each conversation,there will be a one-minute pau.During the pau,read the questions and the three choices marked A,B and C,and decide which is the best answer.Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.
Conversation One
魔法师的学徒主题曲W:We have with us in the studio today,Simon,an astronomer with an organization arching for intelligence and life in space.Simon,could you tell us something about it?
M:Yes,of cour.We’re a scientific organization that started in1959to arch for radio signals from intelligent life in space.
W:So presumably you believe that there is intelligent life in space.
M:No,I wouldn’t say I believe that.But there may be intelligent life out there.It’s certainly possible.The univer is so vast.Our sun is just one star among billions and it’s a fact that many stars have their own planets orbiting around them.
W:Really,I didn’t know that.
M:No,we’ve only recently discovered that.
W:So why are you arching for radio signals?
M:Becau the distances in space are so great.It’s unlikely that other life forms will ever visit us.If they exist,we’re more likely to know from their radio signals.
W:So,you don’t believe all tho stories about aliens visiting our planet?
M:I’m afraid I don’t.There’s just no real evidence.But that doesn’t mean there isn’t other life in the univer.
W:If there IS life,what might it be like?
M:Oh,it’s hard to say.It might not have a form that we recognize.For example,on a planet where gravity is very strong,all life forms could be the size of microbes.
M:Even if we can’t find life on distant stars,we might find simple forms of life in our own solar system.For example,we think there’s ice on Mars.And where there’s water,there’s a possibility of life.
W:That would be exciting.But what about the radio signals?Have you found anything interesting?
M:I can’t say we have.But we’re going to keep looking.
W:One final question that I’ve always wanted to ask an astronomer.Scientists now believe that the univer must have started with what’s called“the big bang”.
M:Well,we’re not100%certain.But yes,we think that the univer could have begun with a huge explosion about12billion years ago.
W:What I’ve always wanted to know is this:what began“the big bang”?How did it start?
M:Are you asking me if I believe in God?We don’t know how“the big bang”started.We just don’t know.