∙v. [gɪv] ( gives; gave, given; giving )
∙ 双解释义
不死之药∙vt. & vi. 1.给予,赠送,授予 cau a person to have, receive; hand over to sb without payment or exchange
∙vt. 2.供给,提供 provide or supply
∙26个拼音字母表读法vt. 3.交给,托付 cau sb to have; ask sb to look after
∙vt. 4.作出(某一动作),发出(声音等) perform or carry out (an action)
∙vt. 5.举办,表演 cau (a performance, amument, or public event) to take place
∙vt. 6.付出,出售 pay in order to buy
∙vt. 7.产生,引起 produce
∙vi. 8.(物体)塌下,折断 bend or stretch under pressure
∙vi. 9.让步 give up
1.give是常用动词,词义丰富,用法复杂,构词能力强; 其基本的词义是“给”。give作及物动词时可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语有时可转换为介词to的宾语,还可接动词不定式或以“as+n.”充当补足语的复合宾语。
2.give接双宾语时,间接宾语是人,双宾语的句型可以转变为跟to短语的句型,但当间接宾语是物时,则间接宾语在前,直接宾语在后的位置是固定的,不可以转换。give接双宾语时的被动结构可把间接宾语变为主语; 也可把直接宾语变为主语。但人们通常对人(或动物)比对物更感兴趣,所以用人作主语比较多。
3.give的过去分词常用作定语,多前置,构成过去分词短语时则一般后置。过去分词短语作状语时表示完成或被动的意义,作“假定; 容许; 如果有…”解。
5.习语give it me主要用在英国, give it to me则多用在美国,是正式用法。
∙give a cough 咳嗽一声
∙give a cry 叫喊一声
∙give a dinner 设宴
∙give a garden party 开游园会
∙give a good account of onelf 表现优异〔英勇〕
∙give a jump 跳了一下
∙give a kick 踢一脚
∙give a lecture 开演讲会
∙give a look 看一看backspace
∙give a loud laugh 大笑一声
∙give a play 上演一剧
∙give a ring 打了一个电话
∙give a shout 叫一声
∙give a start 大吃一惊
∙give a try 试一试
∙give cau 给予…理由
∙give cha 追赶
∙give thanks 作感恩祈祷
∙give the gun 加速
∙give voice 引吭高歌
∙give way 退后,失效,屈服,为…所代替
∙give sb a hand 援助; 赞许
∙give sb a piece of one's mind 责难,责骂
∙give sb the cold shoulder 待人冷淡
∙give sb the gate 解雇,放弃
∙give sb the slip 溜走
∙give the city a new look 使这个城市面目一新
wudi∙give abundantly 丰富地供给
∙give charitably 宽厚地供给
∙give conscientiously 诚心诚意地提供
∙give discreetly 谨慎地提供
∙give exclusively 孤傲地表演
∙give freely 慷慨捐助
∙give generously 慷慨解囊
∙give grudgingly 吝惜地提供
∙give intentionally 故意地提供
∙give magnificently 宏伟地表演
∙give willingly 乐意给予
∙give around 让步
∙give away 放弃,泄露,分配,贡献
∙give away a cret 泄露秘密
∙give a friend away 出卖朋友
∙give away one's comrades 出卖
∙give onelf away 暴露自己,露马脚
∙give away to sb 向某人让步
∙give back 归还,恢复,反射,报复
taylor swift mean
∙give sb back an angry look 回瞪某人一眼
∙give sb back his health 使某人恢复健康
∙give sth back to sb 把某物归还给某人
∙give in 屈服,交上,被…所取代,瓦解,失态,(驾车时)礼让
∙give in to sb 对某人让步,迁就某人
∙give off (释)放出,发出(气味等)
博大考神∙give off heat 发热
∙give off light 发光
∙give off smoke 冒出烟
∙clorgive out 布置,分发(书,文件等),用尽,发表,发布(新闻),发出(光,热等),交出(票)
∙give out a sweet smell 吐出芬芳
∙give out assignment 布置作业
∙give out the examination papers 分发试卷
∙give out the news 宣布消息
∙give over 放弃,递交,致力于,把精力花在…上
∙give over a mode of life 放弃一种生活方式
∙give over a package to sb's keeping 把包裹交某人保管
∙give onelf over to drinking 纵酒
∙give up 中止,屈服,引渡,放出
∙give onelf up to 投降,自首,专心致志(于)
∙give onelf up to the police 向警察局投案自首
∙give up a cret 泄露秘密
∙give up all hope 放弃一切希望
∙give up halfway 半途而废
∙give up job 辞去工作
∙give up life 献出生命
∙give up one's arms 缴械
∙give up school 辍学
∙give up at to sb 把座位让给某人
∙give up smoking 戒烟
∙give sb sth as a prent 给某人某物作为礼物
∙give cau for 是…的原因,引起
∙give money for sth 花钱买某物
∙give one's life for the country 为国捐躯
∙give one's answers in English 用英语回答
∙give one's daughter in marriage 嫁女儿
∙give into 通向(大街等)
∙give of one's best 尽自己最大的努力
∙give on to the street (窗)正对着大街
∙give onto 朝向,面对,开向,通向
∙give to 给予,赠给,交付,委托
∙give colour to 使…生色
∙give onelf to 专心致力于,沾染上
∙give place to 让位于
∙give tongue to one's doubts about 说出对…有怀疑
∙give way to 让位于,对…让步,给…让路,向…妥协
∙give wide berth to 避免
give and take
互让,互相迁就; 平等交换 make mutual concessions; exchange on an even basis
Faculty members will have to give and take in creating new cours and revising old ones.开设新课程或修订旧课程时,教师们应该互相迁让。
give away(v.+adv.)
1.送掉; 赠予; 颁发 give sth free of charge; give sb a prent or prize of sth
▲give sth ⇔ away
She decided to give the old clothes away.她决定把这些旧衣服送给别人。
i will be thereWe have invited a famous former student to give away the prizes.我们邀请了一位知名校友来颁发奖品。
He only gave away a small part of his fortune.他只捐赠了小部分家产。
圣诞节快乐的英语▲give sth ⇔ away to sb/sth
He gave away most of his fortune to the poor.他把他大部分财产都送给了穷人。
He gave away a lot of clothes to the people of the flooded area.他向水灾地区的人民捐了许多衣物。
They gave away a large sum of money to the people of a poverty-stricken area.他们向贫
2.泄露; 告发 tell a cret; inform against sb
▲give sb/sth ⇔ away
He didn't want to give his comrades away.他不愿背弃他的们。
Don't give away the ending of the story.别把故事结尾说出来。
He was arrested for having given away state crets.他因泄漏国家机密而被捕。
◇ 用于be ~ed结构
He was given away by one of his accomplices.他被一个同伙出卖了。
3.失去; 丧失; 抛弃 lo or waste sth carelessly
▲give sth ⇔ away
You've given away a good chance of success.你失去了一次获取成功的良机。
cylinder4.(在婚礼仪式中)将新娘交给新郎 in a marriage ceremony, prent the bride ritually to the bridegroom
▲give sb ⇔ away
Mr. Jackson gave away his daughter.杰克逊先生将女儿交给新郎。