abandon [E`bAndEn] (a-=at在,ban禁止,-d-, -on名词后缀,这里作动词)v.抛弃,放弃dert; depart; discard; quit; relinquish; forsake
aba [E`beis] (a-=to, ba 低)v.降低;贬低
belittle; deba; degrade; disgrace; humiliate; humble
abash [E`bAF] (a-出,bash 打→震惊)v.使羞愧;使困窘
shame; embrass; confound; timid
abate [E`beit] (a=to, bat打)v.减少,减轻
reduce; lesn; decrea; diminish
abbreviate [E`bri:vieit] (ab-=to, brev短,简,-i-,are动词后缀)v.缩短,缩写;简略shorten; curtail; conden; abridge; abridge; compress
abbreviation [Ebri:vi`eiFEn] (-ation名词后缀)n.省略,略语
abdicate [Abdikeit] (ab-离开,dic说→宣布,-ate动词后缀;“宣布离开”)v.放弃;退位renounce; resign; a
bandon; quit
abdomen [AbdEmen] (人体的)腹部
abduct [Ab`dQkt] (ab-离开,duct带)v.; 诱拐
kidnap; snatch; carry off
abet [E`bet] (a-=to, bet 诱使)v.教唆;唆使
incite; promote; urge; prompt back; spur
abeyance [E`beiEns] (a-=to, at, bey等待,-ance名词后缀)n.暂缓;暂时无效temporary suspension; postponement
abhor [Eb`hC:] (ab-离开,hor战栗)v.憎恨;厌恶
hate; detest; despi; loathe; dislike
abhorrent [Eb`hCrEnt] (-r-, -ent形容词后缀) a.憎恶的
hateful; detestable; loathsome
abide [E`baid] (a-加强意义,bid逗留,停留)v.遵守;坚持;忍受
put upcontinue; endure; last; bear; stand
abject [AbdV ekt] (ab-离开,ject投掷;“被抛弃的”)a.可怜的;悲惨的mirable; wretched; pitiful
abjure [Eb`dVuE] (ab-离开,jur发誓)v.发誓弃绝;公开放弃
renounce; abstain from
ablution [E`blu:FEn] (ab-离开,lut洗,-ion 名词后缀)n.沐浴
bath; bathing; purification; washing; cleansing
abnegate [Abnigeit] (ab-离开,neg否定,-ate动词后缀)v.放弃
relinquish; give up
abnormal [Ab`nC:mEl] (ab-离开,norm标准,-al…的)a.反常的;异常的irregular; eccentric; odd; insane; unnatural
abode [E`bEud] (bod←bid 逗留;停留;“逼留的地方”)n.住所;房屋residence; home; dwelling place; hou
abolish [E`bCliF] (ab-离开,ol=olesc=alesc长大,-ish动词后缀)v.取消;废除;废止cancel; destroy; eliminate; eradicate
abominable [E`bCminEbl] 可厌的;可恶的
aboriginal [,AbE`ridVEnl] (ab-从,origin开始,起源,-al…的)a.原来的;土著的primitive; native
abortion [E`bC:FEn] (ab-离开,ort开始,-ion名词后缀;“刚开始就离开”)n.流产,早产;失败
miscarriage; failure
abortive [E`bC:tiv] (-ive…的)a.早产的;失败的
unavailing; failing
abound [E`baund] (ab-离开,-o-, und波)v.充满;多;富于
overflow; flourish; be plentiful
abrade [E`breid] (ab-离开,rad根)v.擦掉;擦;磨
free willyerode; scrape; rub off; grind
abreast [E`brest] 肩并肩地
abridge [E`bridV] (a-=to, bridg短)v.删节,节略;削减;剥夺
abbreviate; curtail; curtail; contract; reduce; lesn; diminish
abrogate [AbrEugeit] (ab-离开,rog要求,-ate动词后缀)v.取消,废止
abolish; repeal
abrupt [E`brQpt] (ab-脱离,rupt断裂)a.突然的;意外的;陡峭的
sudden; hasty; curt; unexpected
abscond [Eb`skCnd] (abs- =ab-离开,cond 藏)v.潜逃;开小差
escape flee; quit; decamp; s; away
abntee [,AbsEn`ti:] (abs-=ab-离开,ent存在,-ee表示人)n.缺席者
one who is abnt
absolute [AbsElju:t] (ab-从, solu松开)a.无限的; 绝对的; 完全的
definitive; entire; free; shee; utter
absolve [Eb`zClv] (ab-从,solv解开,松开) v.免除;宣告无罪
discharge; forgive; free; relea; pardon; exempt
absorb [Eb`sC:b] (ab-从,sorb吸,吮进)v.吸收;吸引
digest; engulf; enthral; immer soak up; drink in
abstain [Eb`stein] (abs-离开,tain保持;持有)v.戒除;节制;弃权
avoid; desist; refrain; resist; give up
abstinence [AbstinEns] (abs-离开,tin保持;持,-ence名词后缀)n.戒除;节制;禁戒forbearance; moderation; refraining
abstract [AbstrAkt] (abs-离开,tract拉→抽)n.抽象;提要;概括
abridgment; summary
abstraction [Ab`strAkFEn] (-ion名词后缀)n.抽出;抽象;分离
absorption; isolation; paration
国民教育序列学历abstru [Ab`stru:s] (abs-=ab-离开,tru=trude推)a.深奥的;奥妙的
deep; abstract; mystical; hidden
absurd [Eb`sE:d] (ab-加强意义,surd 聋;“因听不见而产生荒谬”)a.荒谬的;可笑的;不合理的
funny; illogical; irrational ludicrous; nless; unreasonable
becau of you 歌词abundance [E`bQndEns] (-ance名词后缀)n.丰富;富裕
中韩翻译great plenty; a great supply
依赖是什么意思abundant [E`bQndEnt] (ab-离开,und波,-ant形容词后缀;“溢出的”)a.丰富的
ample; exuberant; lavish; plentiful
abu [E`bju:z] (ab-离开,u用)v.滥用;误用
maltreat; misu; ill-treat; deceiveopen marriage
anti cnnabysmal [E`bizmEl] (-m-,-al…的)a.深不可测的;无底的
without boundary; bottomless; endless
abyss [E`bis] (a-无,bys底)n.深渊
depth; immeasurable space; a bottomless gulf
accede [Ak`si:d] (ac-=to到,ced走;“走到”)v.答应;同意
acquiesce; agree to; asnt to
accelerate [Ak`lEreit] (ac-=to, celer快,速,-ate动词后缀)v.加速;促进
hurry; hasten; quicken; speed up
acceleration [Ak,lE`reiFEn] (-ion名词后缀)n.加速,加速度
accent [AksEnt] (ac-=ad-=to, cent唱歌)n.口音;重音
tone; stress; emphasisv. 重读underline; stress; emphasize
accentuate [Ak`ntjueit] (-u-,-ate动词后缀)v.加重;强调
deepen; emphasize; accent; strengthen
access [Aks] 1. 进入2. 接近
accessory [Ak`sEri] (ac-=to 到,cess走,-ory名词后缀;“走到→加到”)n.附件;附加物extra; addition; supplement; contributory; appendix
acclaim [E`kleim] (ac-,表示加强意义,claim叫→呼喊)欢呼,喝采
acclimate [E`klaimit] (ac-=ad-=to, climate气候;“适应气候”)v.使服水土;使习惯于adapt; adjust; accommodate; accustom
accommodate [E`kCmEdeit] (ac-=ad-=to, com-加强意义,mod尺寸,-ate动词后缀) v.调节;容纳;供应