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魔术贴 英文
ISBN 0-15-343934-3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 039 10 09 08 07 06 0518youngchinagir g小姑娘
Energy to Move (2)
Different Kinds of Energy (4)
mountain lionKinetic and Potential Energy (6)
How We U Energy (8)
We Need Energy! (10)
Renewable or Nonrenewable? (12)
Save Our Energy (14)
Glossary ....................................................
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This car moves very fast.
It burns gasoline to get
the energy to move.
Cars get energy
by burning gas.
How do you get
无锡英语翻译energy? You eat
food. You eat
breakfast before
you leave for school.
Your body changes the food you eat into energy. Your brain us energy to pay attention and learn new things in math, science, and reading. Your muscles need energy so you can run and play and not get too tired. Without food, your body would not be able to produce energy for you to think,
work, and play.