章 程
第四章 董事和董事会
Chapter 4 The Directors and Board of Directors
第三十三条董事每届任期年限为三年, 可连选连任。 任期届满前股东会不得无故 livian解除其职务。为保持公司经营活动具有连续性, 每次换届,董事变动人数不应高于董 事总数的三分之一。 董事长每届任期年限为三年,可连选连任。
董事任期届满未及时改选,或者董事在任期内辞职导致董事会成员低于法定人数 的,在改选出的董事就任前,原董事仍应当依照法律、行政法规和公司章程的规定, 履行董事职务。
The tenure of the高考英语 chairman of board is three years, can be reelected and reappoi
nted, and cannot be removed before the period of occupation. In order to maintain the company business英语入门学习资料 activities runs smoothly, the change of director shall not exceed one third of the total director number in every change of administration.
The term of office of director is count from the day when shareholder’s meeting was pasd, to the patch是什么意思day when the term of office was ended.
The expiration of the term of officean but not elect new directors, or the resignation within the term of office that lead to the board of directors number less than the quorum, in this ca, the former director shall fulfill the duties according to the law, administrative regulations and articles of association of the company before the elected director taking office.
第三十四条 董事会每半年召开一次,由董事长召集并主持。董事长应在会前 15 日书面通知各董事。
The board of directors’ meeting is held once every half a year, convenedezproxy and presided by the chairman of the board. The chairman of the board should inform the directors by written notice 15 days ahead the meeting.
With one of thecashmere following situations, the chairman of the board shall convene the temporary board of director meeting:
(1) More than one third directors offer proposals;
(2) Board of supervisors offer proposals;
(3) General manager offers proposals.
第三十五条 董事会召开暂时董事会会议, 应在会议召开前两个工作日内, 以书面、 传真、电话等形式通知董事。
When convening a conference, the board of directors shall inform the directors within two days by the way of written notice, Fax or Phone call.
第三十六条 董事会行使下列职权:
(九)决定公司内部管理机构的设置;决定聘任或者解聘公司经理及其报酬事项, 并根据经理的提名决定聘任或者解聘公司副经理、财务负责人及其报酬事项;
(十三)法律、法规或者公司章程规定,以及股东会授予的其他职权。 Article36
The board of directors exercis the following powers:
(1) Responsible for convening shareholder's conference, and report to the shareholder's conference;
(2) Executing the shareholders' committee resolution;
(3) Making decisions to the company's business plan and investment plan;
(4) Making the company's annual financial budget plan and final accounts;
(5) Making the company's profit distribution plan and loss scheme;
(6) Making the company's increa or reduction of registered capital plan as well as issue the company bonds plan;
(7) Formulating the merger, division, dissolution or change of corporate form plan of the company;
(8) Deciding the company's foreign investment, pledge of asts, curity matters under the authority of shareholder ’s meeting;
(popular什么意思9) Deciding the company's internal management organization establishmentshow什么意思; deciding hiring or dismissing the manager and its reward items, and deciding hiring or dismissing the Deputy manager, financial administrator and its reward items according to the nomination of the general manager;
(10) Formulating the company’s basic management system;
(11) Formulating the company's regulation modification scheme;
(12) Listening to the general manager's work report and check the general