
更新时间:2023-05-15 22:48:52 阅读: 评论:0


飞机 aeroplane/ airplane
航空邮件 air-post/ air-mail
……(人)生气 angry with/ angry at
垃圾箱 ash-bin (dust-bin) /ashcan
autumn /fall
面包店 bakery /bakehou
纸币 (bank-)note/ (bank-)bill
理发厅 barber"s shop/ barber shop
浴盆 bath /bathtub
浴室 bathroom/ bath
寝具 bedclothes/ covers
饼干 biscuit /cracker
百叶窗 blind /shade
公寓 block of flats /apartment hou
宿舍 boarding hou/ dormitory
预约 booking/ rervation
售票处 booking-office/ ticket-office
长筒鞋 boot/ shoe
the artist圆顶黑色高帽equally bowler/ derby
裤子的吊带 braces /suspenders
小憩时间 break /recess
中途下车 break one"s journey /stop over
白洋布、印花布 calico/ printed cloth
旅行队,篷车 caravan/ trailer
客车 carriage /coach
游览车 charabanc /sighteing bus
药局 chemist"s shop /drugstore
支票 cheque /check
衣柜 chest-drawers/ bureau
教名 Christian name/ first name
电影院 cinema /picture hou
寄物处,衣帽间 cloakroom /checkroom
光头 clo crop/ crew out
nst是什么意思衣夹双学位英文 clothes-peg/ clothes-pin
公共汽车 coach/ bus
雄鸡 cock/ rooster
棺材 coffin /casket
魔术师 conjuror/ magician
蒸汽锅 cooker /stove
谷物 corn /grain
棍棒 cosh/ blackjack
领带 cravat /(neck)tie
十字路口 cross-roads/ interction
碗柜 cupboard/ clot
窗帘 curtain /drape
煎报 cutting /clipping
圣谕骑自行车的人 cyclist /cycler
舞厅 dancing saloon/ dance ball
死者,故人 decead/ decedent
无尾礼服 dinner-jacket /tuxedo
抹布 dish-cloth /dish towel
老资格,老前辈 doyen /dean
绸缎店 draper"s shop /dry-goods store
西洋象棋 draughts /checkers
客厅 drawing room/ parlor
睡衣 dressing-gown /bathrobe
酒类饮料 drink /liquor
偶然拜访 drop in/ drop by
垃圾箱 dust-bin /ashcan
公司的休憩时间 elevens /coffee break
雇佣 engage/ hire
机车,车头 engine /locomotive
过分 excessively/ overly
快递 express delivery post/ special delivery mail
战争 fighting/ combat
消防队 fire-brigade/ fire-department
二楼 first floor/ cond floor
鱼类,海味 fish /a food
鱼贩 fish-monger/ fish-dealer
花线,皮线 flex /electric cord
人行道 footway /side walk
空格表 form /blank
二星期 fortnight /two weeks
句点 full stop/ period
橡皮套鞋 galoshes/ rubbers
百度翻译器拍照监狱 gaol/ jail
再见 good-bye/ good-by
货车 goods train/ freight train
卡车 goods waggon /freight car
食品杂货店 grocer"s shop/ grocery store
一楼 ground floor /first floor
车掌 guard /conductor
长筒橡皮套鞋 overshoes /gum boots
大炮 cannon/ gun
争价,还价 haggle/ dicker
一半 half a / a half
门厅,回廊 hall/ hallway
长筒靴 high boot/ boot
休假 holiday /vacation
旅馆的侍者 hotel page/ bellboy
有病的 ill /sick
旅馆主人 innkeeper /innholder
演出休息时间 interval/ intermission
铁器店 ironmonger"s/ hardware store
水罐 jug /pitcher
街道的边石 kerb/ curb
邮票,印花税票 label /sticker
标签 label/ tag
化妆室 ladies" cloakroom /powder room
地崩,山崩 landslip /landslide
厕所 lavatory/ washroom
电梯,升降机 lift /elevator
铁路 line/ road
寄宿者 lodger /roomer
卡车 lorry /truck
西装 lounge suit /sack coat
行李 luggage /baggage
主要街道,大路 main road /highway
玉米 maize /corn
汽车 (motor)car /auto(mobile)
市政厅 municipal office/ city hall
音乐厅,演艺馆 music hall/ variety hou
suarez棉布 muslin /calico
naught, nought zero
通讯社 news-agent/ news-dealer
单据夹 note-ca /billfold
告示 notice/ bulletin
校友 lod boys (girls)/ alumni
大衣,外套 overcoat/ topcoat
(纸牌的)一组 pack (of cards) /deck
内裤,短裤 pants /shorts
小包,包裹 parcel /package
挂布 pelmet/ valance
婴儿车 perambulator/ pram baby carriage
也许 perhaps /maybe
汽油 petrol/ gasoline
电影 pictures/ movies
邮筒 pillar-box /letter-box
(电器)接头 point /outlet
转辙手 pointman /switchman
职业的 professional /career
公共电话 public call-box/ pay station
酒馆,酒店 public hou /tavern
(车胎等)爆坏 puncture /become flat
钱包,皮夹 pur/ pocket-book
睡衣 pyjamas/ pajamas
赛马场 race cour /racetrack
铁路 railway/ railroad
火车站 railway station /depot
电冰箱 refrigerator/ icebox
来回车票 return ticket /round-trip ticket
挂断电话 ring off/ hang up
打电话 ring up/ call
人行道 roadway/ pavement
圆环 roundabout rotary, traffic circle
垃圾堆 rubbish-heap/ trash heap
围毯 rug/ robe
解雇 sack/ fire
大麦饼 scone/ biscuit
a/ ocean
定期票,长期票 aon ticket /commutation ticket 乔布斯英文名
抵押 curity/ collateral
鞋子 shoe/ oxford
擦皮鞋 shoe-black /boot-black
商店 shop /store
店员 shop assistant/ clerk
女店员 sjpp-girl /salesgirl
颊发 side-shiskers/ sideburns
单程车票 single ticket/ one-way ticket
chris hughes地基,地点 site/ lot
枕木 sleepers /crossties
袜带 suspenders /garters
律师 solicitor/ lawyer
螺丝起子 spanner/ wrench
眼镜 spectacles /eyeglass
毕业典礼 speech day /commencement
教员 staff /faculty
公立学校 state school /public school
停留 stay /stopper
石头 stone/ rock
地下道 subway / underpass
日出 sunri/ sunup
餐后甜点 sweet/ cour desrt
糖果 sweets/ candy 京翰
燕尾服 tail-coat /cutaway
水龙头 tap/ faucet
终点 terminus/ terminal
大公寓,大杂院 tenements /flat
神秘小说,侦探小说 thriller/ mystery story
领带夹 tie-pin/ stickpin
截止期限 time-limit /deadline
时间表 timetable/ schedule
罐头食品 tinned goods/ canned goods
手电筒 torch /flashlight
城市 town/ city
电车 tram car street car/ trolley
长途电话 trunk call /long-distance call
裤子 trours /pants
地下铁路 tube(London) /subway
裤管的反折 turn-ups/ cuffs
地下铁路 underground /subway
傧仪业者 undertaker/ mortician
贴身内衣 underwear/ undershirt
杂项表演 variety /burlesque
阳台 veranda /porch
贴身内衣 vest/ undershirt
名片 visiting card/ calling card
背心 waist-coat/ vest
洗礼日 washing day/ wash-day
酒店 wine merchant/ liquor store
无线电 wireless/ radio
工作时间 working day /workday
工厂 works /factory

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