1. ambassador to 驻…的大使
2. access to 能进入…;能接近…;有接近…的方法、权利或机会
e.g.: the access to a building到达(或进入)大楼的通路英语六级报名2021时间
have no access to education没有受教育的机会
3. barrier / obstacle to …的障碍
新概念英语视频 e.g.: an obstacle to progress进步的障碍
saturdays (t up / remove a barrier between 再…中间设置/拆除障碍)
4. adherence to whisper对…的坚持
(adhere to the original plan坚持原来的计划)
5. clue to …的线索
e.g.: give / find a clue to the ca提供 / 找到关于…的线索
6. admission to 允许进入…
e.g.: admission to a school准许入学
7. concession to 对…的让步
e.g.: make a concession to 对…让步
(concede to sb. 对某人让步)
8. asnt to 对…的同意
e.g.: give one’s asnt to a proposal同意某人的建议
(asnt vi. to one’s proposal)
9. door to (open the doors to 向…开门)
e.g.: open the door(s) to a visitor为来客开门
This agreement opens the door to advances in technology.
10. journey / trip / voyage / visit / excursion / visitor to swh. 到某地的旅行/拜访/远足/拜访者
11. road / way to通向…的路
approach to 通向…的近路,入门;途径
entrance to …的入口 (exit from)
e.g.: the short approach to the hou通往屋子的近道
This book provides a good approach to electronics.这是本很好的电子学入门书。
12. attachment to 依恋…,爱慕…
e.g.: We have a strong attachment to every tree and bush in Suzhou.make love
She formed an attachment to him.他对她产生了爱慕之情。
(We should attach primary importance to… 我们应及其看重…)
13. tendency to / towards …的倾向
e.g.: a tendency towards simpler administration 精简机构的趋势
the tendency of today’s young people to marry and bear children at late ages
14. ticket to 活得想望之物的手段,达到目的的途径
e.g.: He thought his law degree from the University of Houston would be his ticket to the good life.
15. remblance to 与…相像
e.g.: He bears a strong remblance to his father.他长得及像他爸。
16. exception to 是…的例外
e.g.: There is an exception to this grammatical rule.这个语法规则有个例外。
17. memorial / monument to …的纪念物
e.g.: a memorial to the martyrs心灵鸡汤英文版烈士纪念碑
the Monument to the People’s Heroes人民英雄纪念碑
18. gratitude to 对…的感谢
e.g.: His heart swelled with gratitude to her.他心中充满着对她的感激之情。
express one’s gratitude to sb. for sth.为某事对某人表示感激
19. cretary to …的秘书
e.g.: He is (private) cretary to the minister.他是部长的(私人)秘书。
20. guide to …的指南
e.g.: a guide to a muum. 博物馆参观指南
21. rvice to 为…的服务
e.g.: the spirit of wholehearted rvice to the people全心全意为人民服务的精神
22. opposition / objection to 对…的反对
e.g.: ri in opposition to colonialism 起来反对殖民主义
find onelf in opposition to sb. on a question发现自己在某问题上与某人意见相反
have no / have an objection to the plan不反对/反对这计划
23. reference to class是什么意思谈及…;参看…
e.g.: His book on history contains many references to George Washington.
make references to 提及
24. stranger to
e.g.: He is no stranger to me.他对我来说并不陌生。
I am a complete stranger to city life.我对城市生活很不习惯。
We are no strangers to this kind of thing.我们对于这类事是有亲身体会的。
25. introduction to …的序言;…的入门
e.g.: An Introduction to Elementary English Grammar《英语基础语法入门》
26. preface to …的序言
e.g.: in the preface to this book在本书的序言中
27. subscription to 订阅…
e.g.: renew one’s subscription to China Dailyboston college续订《中国日报》
road tour
28. invitation to 邀请去
e.g.: nd sb. an invitation to dinner向某人发出参加晚宴的邀请
30. successor to …的继承人,接班人
e.g.: a true successor to the party leadership党的领袖的名副其实的接班人
31. appeal to 向…的呼吁
e.g.: make an appeal to sb. for sth.为某事向某人提出呼吁
32. damage to 对…的损害
e.g.: do damage to 对…产生损害
33. application to 应用于…
e.g.: the application of new technology to printing and dyeing印染业中新工艺的应用
34. danger to 对…有危险
e.g.: dangers to health对健康的威胁
35. apprentice to 跟…学徒
e.g.: be bound apprentice to sb.做某人的学徒
36. devotion / dedication to 奉献给…
e.g.: devotion to duty忠于职守
37. alternative to 供选择的东西;供抉择的解决办法;供替代的抉择
e.g.: an alternative to gold金的代用品
Is there any alternative to surgery (或to undergoing a surgical operation)?
38. contribution to 对…的贡献
e.g.: make greater contributions to the cau of… 为…的事业做出更大贡献
39. credit to 为…增光的人(事)