02 采 矿 | |||
序 码 | 汉 文 名 | 英 文 名 | 注 释 |
02.01 一般术语 | |||
02.001 | 采矿工艺 | mining technology | |
02.002 | 有用矿物 | valuable mineral | |
02.003 | 冶金矿产原料 | metallurgical mineral raw materials | |
02.004 | 矿床 | mineral deposit | |
02.005 | 矿田 | mine field | 基本同“井田” |
02.006 | 矿山 | mine | |
02.007 | 矿井 | mine shaft | workhard |
02.008 | 露天采矿 | surface mining, open-pit mining | |
02.009 | 地下采矿 天津计算机学校 | underground mining | |
02.010 | 特殊采矿 | specialized mining | |
02.011 | 硬岩采矿 | hard rock mining | |
02.012 | 矿床勘探 | mineral deposit exploration | |
02.013 | 矿床模型 | deposit model | |
02.014 | 矿山场地布置 | mine yard layout | |
02.015 | 矿山可行性研究 | mine feasibility study | |
02.016 | 矿山生产能力 | mine production capacity | |
02.017 | 矿山规模 | mine capacity | |
02.018 | 矿山年产量 | annual mine output | |
02.019 | 清洁开采 | clean mining | |
02.020 | 无废开采 | waste-less mining | |
02.021 | 数字矿山 | digital mine | |
02.022 | 绿色矿山 | green mine | |
02.023 | 无人采矿 | unattended mining | |
02.024 | 采矿方法 | mining method | |
02.025 | 矿山环境评价 | mine environment asssment | |
02.026 | 矿块 | Ore block | |
02.027 | 矿山安全评价 | mine safety asssment | |
02.028 | 采矿权 | mining right | |
02.029 | 分期开采 | phad mining | |
序 码 | 汉 文 名 | 英 文 名 | 注 释 |
02.030 | 矿区 | mine area | |
02.031 | 富矿 | rich ore | |
02.032 | 贫矿 | lean ore | |
02.033 | 矿井服务年限 | mine life | |
02.034 | 矿山基本建设 | mine construction | |
02.035 | 矿山建设期限 | mine construction period | |
02.036 | 矿山投产 | start-up of mine production | |
02.037 | 矿山达产 | arrival at mine full capacity | |
02.038 | 矿山装备水平 | mine equipment level | |
02.039 | 开采顺序 | mining quence | |
02.040 | 开采步骤 | stages of mining | |
02.041 | 采掘计划 | schedule of extraction and development | |
02.042 | 开采强度 | mining intensity | |
02.043 | 强化开采 | strengthening mining | |
02.044 | 采掘比 | development mining | |
02.045 | 剥采比 | stripping ratio | |
02.046 | 剥采总量 | overall output of ore and waste | |
02.047 | 矿山维简工程 | mine engineering of maintaining simple reproduction | |
02.048 | 矿石回收率 | ore recovery ratio | |
02.049 | 矿石损失率 | ore loss ratio | |
02.050 | 矿石贫化率 | ore dilution ratio | |
02.051 | 工业矿石 | industrial ore | |
02.052 | 采出矿石 | extracted ore | |
02.053 | 商品矿石 | commodity ore | |
02.054 | 矿产资源保护 | conrvation of mineral resources | |
02.055 | 矿山复垦 | mine reclamation | |
02.056 | 矿井报废 | mine abandonment | |
02.057 | 露天地下联合开采 | combined surface and underground mining | |
02.058 | 矿体 | orebody | |
02.059 | 矿体几何形状 | geometric configuration of orebody | |
02.060 | 盲矿体 | blind orebody | |
02.061 | 板状矿体 | tabular orebody | |
序 码 | 汉 文 名 | 英 文 名 | 注 释 |
02.062 | 矿脉 | vein | |
02.063 | 冲积矿床 | alluvial deposit | |
02.064 | 冲击砂金 | alluvial gold placer | |
02.065 | 海洋矿产资源 | oceanic mineral resources | |
02.066 | 出矿品位 | grade of withdrawal of ore | |
02.067 | 实际损失率 | actual loss rate | |
02.068 | 视在损失率 | apparent loss rate | |
02.069 | 矿石一次贫化率 | primary ore dilution ratio | |
02.070 | 矿石二次贫化率 | condary ore dilution ratio | |
02.071 | 废石混入率 | waste in-ore rate | |
02.072 | 露天转地下开采 | open pit into underground mining. | |
02.073 | 覆盖岩层 | 奥巴马任期overburden rock stratum | |
02.074 | 废石 | waste rock | |
02.075 | 厚大矿体 | thick orebody | |
02.076 | 薄矿体 | thin orebody | |
02.077 | 中厚矿体 | medium thick ore body | |
02.078 | 缓倾斜矿体 | gently pitching orebody | |
02.079 | 倾斜矿体 | 冰咖啡 pitching orebody | |
02.080 | 急倾斜矿体 | steeply pitching orebody | |
02.02 生 产 探 矿 | |||
02.081 | 矿石 | ore | |
02.082 | 矿石构造 | ore structure | |
02.083 | 矿石品位 | ore grade | |
02.084 | 矿床品位 | deposit grade | |
02.085 | 可采品位 | payable grade, workable grade | |
02.086 | 矿床工业指标 | industrial index of deposit | |
02.087 | 边界品位 | marginal grade (cut-off grade) | |
02.088 | 边际品位 | cut-off grade | |
02.089 | 最低工业品位 | minimum economic ore grade | |
02.090 | 最低可采厚度 | minimum workable thickness | |
02.091 | 最大允许夹石厚度 | minimum allowable thickness of barren rock | |
02.092 | 最低米百分值 | minimum meter-percentage | |
02.093 | 最低米克吨 | minimum meter-gram-tonage | |
02.094 | 围岩 | wall rock | |
序 码 | 汉 文 名 | 英 文 名 | 注 释 |
02.095 | 围岩蚀变 | wall rock alteration | |
02.096 | 断层泥 | fault gouge | |
02.097 | 断层角砾岩 | fault breccia | |
02.098 | 弱面 | weakness plane | |
02.099 | 裂隙间距 | fracture spacing | |
02.100 | 露头 | outcrop | |
02.101 | 铁帽 | gossan | |
02.102 | 上盘 | hanging wall | |
02.103 | 下盘 | foot wall | |
02.104 | 节理玫瑰图 | joint ro | |
02.105 | 极射赤面投影法 | stereography | |
02.106 | 极射赤面投影图 | stereogram | |
02.107 | 区域评价 | regional appraisal | |
02.108 | 预查 | primary reconnaissance | |
02.109 | 普查 | reconnaissance | |
02.110 | 详查 | detailed reconnaissance | |
02.111 | 勘探 | exploration | |
02.112 | 生产勘探 | productive exploration | |
02.113 | 勘查类型 | Exploration type | |
02.114 | 勘查工程 | Exploration engineering | |
02.115 | 槽探 | trench prospecting | |
02.116 | 坑探 | drift exploration | |
02.117 | 钻探 | drilling | |
02.118 | 勘探线 | exploration line | |
02.119 | 勘探网 | exploration grid | |
02.120 | 水平勘探 | horizontal exploration | |
02.121 | 勘探工程网度 | spacing of exploration engineering | |
02.122 | 地质测量(地质填图) | geological mapping | |
02.123 | 化探(地球化学找矿) | geochemical prospecting | |
02.124 | 物探(地球物理找矿) | geophysical prospecting | |
02.125 | 矿床评价 | ore deposit evaluation | |
02.126 | 地质储量 | geological rerves | |
02.127 | 好主意的英文工业储量 | recoverable rerves, workable rerves | |
02.128 | 资源量 | resources | |
02.129 | 可采储量 | workable rerves | |
02.130 | 基础储量 | basic rerves | |
02.131 | 生产矿量 | productive ore rerves | |
02.132 | 开拓矿量 | developed ore rerves | |
02.134 | 采准矿量 | prepared ore rerves | |
02.135 | 备采矿量 | blocked-out ore rerves | |
序 码 | 汉 文 名 | 英 文 名 | 注 释 |
02.136 | 探明储量 | proved rerves | |
02.137 | 保有储量 | retained rerves | |
02.138 | 远景储量 | prospective rerves | |
02.139 | 储量估算 | rerve estimation | |
02.140 | 断面法 | ctional method | |
02.141 | 克立格法 | Kriging | |
02.142 | 地质统计学法 | Geostatistics | |
02.143 | 矿石取样 | ore sampling | |
02.144 | 化学取样 | chemical sampling | |
02.145 | 岩矿取样 | ore and rock sampling | |
02.146 | 技术取样(物理取样) | physical sampling | |
02.147 | 技术加工取样 | processing sampling | |
02.148 | 矿体二次圈定 | condary delimitation of orebody | |
02.149 | 地质编录 | geological logging | |
02.150 | 露头填图 | outcrop mapping | |
02.151 | 地形地质图 | topographic-geological map | |
02.152 | 勘探线剖面图 | exploratory cross ction | |
02.153 | 水文地质图 | hydrogeological map | |
02.154 | 地质平面图 | geological map | |
02.155 | 地质剖面图 | geological profile | |
02.156 | 地质柱状图 | geologic columnaxe | |
02.157 | 钻孔布置图 | drilling pattern | |
02.158 | 钻孔柱状图 | drill columnar ction | |
02.159 | 中段地质平面图 | level geological map | |
02.160 | 平台地质图 | open bench geologic map | |
02.161 | 垂直纵投影图 | vertical longitudinal projected profile | |
02.162 | 水平投影图 | horizontal projected profile | |
02.163 | 矿体顶底板等高线图 | contour map of roof and floor | |
02.164 | 品位等值线图 | isoline map of grade | |
02.03 矿 山 测 量 | |||
02.165 the carpenters | 大地水准面 | geoid | |
02.166 | 地球椭球体 | ellipsoid | |
02.167 | 子午线收敛角 | convergence of meridian | |
02.168 | 方位角 | azimuth | |
02.169 | 地理坐标 | geographical coordinates | |
02.170 | 平面直角坐标系 | rectangular plane coordinates system | |
02.171 | 矿山测量 | mine surveying | |
02.172 | 矿区控制测量 | control survey of mine district | |
02.173 | 近井点测量 | nearby shaft point survey | |
序 码 | 汉 文 名 | 英 文 名 | 注 释 |
02.174 | 矿井联系测量 | shaft connection survey | |
02.175 | 矿井定向测量 | shaft orientation survey | |
02.176 | 一井定向 | one shaft orientation | |
02.177 | 两井定向 | two shaft orientation | |
02.178 | 井下测量 | underground survey | |
02.179 | 竖井施工测量 | shaft sinking survey | |
02.180 | 巷道施工测量 | drifting survey | |
02.181 | 井巷贯通测量 | mine workings link-up survey | |
02.182 | 贯通偏差 | link-up warp | |
02.183 | 采场测量 | stope survey | |
02.184 | 深孔测量 | longhole survey | |
02.185 | 采场空硐测量 | stope space survey | |
02.186 | 天井联系测量 | rai connecting survey | |
02.187 | 矿井延伸测量 | shaft deepening survey | |
02.188 | 巷道验收测量 | drift footage survey | |
02.189 | 矿山测量图 | mine survey map | |
02.190 | 采掘工程图 | mining engineering map | |
02.191 | 分层平面图 | layer horizontal map | |
02.192 | 巷道系统立体图 | stereographical view of development system | |
02.193 | 露天矿测量 | surface mine survey | |
02.194 | 采剥验收测量 | check and acceptance by survey on mining and stripping | |
02.195 | 采剥剖面图 | cross ction view of mining and stripping | |
02.196 | 露天矿爆破测量 | blasting survey of surface mine | |
02.197 | 露天矿境界圈定 | boundary demarcation of surface mine | |
02.198 | 露天矿线路测量 | route survey of surface mine | |
02.199 | 排土场平面图 | plan view of waste disposal site | |
02.200 | 防排水系统图 | waterproof and drainage system map | |
02.201 | 地表移动曲线 | curve line of surface displacement | |
02.202 | 岩层移动 | strata displacement | |
02.203 | 开采沉陷 | mining subsidence | |
02.204 | 冒落带 | caving zone | |
02.205 | 裂隙带 | fissured zone | |
02.206 | 弯曲带 | bend zone, sagging zone | |
02.207 | 下沉系数 | subsidence factor | |
02.208 | 地表临界变形值 | critical value of surface deformation | |
02.209 | 陷落角 | caved angle | |
02.210 | 移动角 | displacement angle | |
02.211 sounds什么意思 | 裂隙角 | fractured angle | |
02.212 | 断裂角 | break angle, crack angle | |
02.213 | 巷道腰线 | half height line of drift | 大学英语四级 |
02.214 | 竖井定向 | shaft plumbing | |
02.215 | 矿用经纬仪 | mine theodolite, mine transit | |
序 码 | 汉 文 名 | 英 文 名 | 注 释 |
02.216 | 陀螺经纬仪 | gyroscope theodolite | |
02.217 | 逆转点法 | rever point method | |
02.218 | 矿用挂罗盘 | hanging compass | |
02.219 | 激光导向仪 | guiding lar | |
02.04 岩 石 力 学 | |||
02.220 | 岩石力学 | rock mechanics | |
02.221 | 岩体力学 | rock mass mechanics | |
02.222 | 岩石物理力学性质 | physical and mechanical properties of rock | |
02.223 | 岩石容重 | weight density of rock | |
02.224 | 岩石密度 | mass density of rock | |
02.225 | 岩石比重 | specific gravity of rock | |
02.226 | 岩石孔隙性 | porosity of rock | |
02.227 | 岩石水理性 | hydro-physical properties of rock | |
02.228 | 岩石渗透性 | permeability of rock | |
02.229 | 达西定律 | Darcy’s law | |
02.230 | 岩石弹性模量 | elastic modulus of rock | |
02.231 | 岩石泊松比 | Poisson’s ratio of rock | |
02.232 | 岩石粘结力 | cohesion of rock | |
02.233 | 岩石内摩擦角 | internal frictional angle of rock | |
02.234 | 岩石软化系数 | softening coefficient of rock | |
02.235 | 岩石非连续性 | discontinuity of rock | |
02.236 | 岩石各向异性 | anisotropy of rock | |
02.237 | 岩石各向同性 | isotropy of rock | |
02.238 | 正交各向异性 | orthogonal anisotropy | |
02.239 | 横观各向同性 | transverly isotropy | |
02.240 | 岩石不均质性 | non-homogeneity (heterogeneity) of rock | |
02.241 | 岩石本构关系 | Constitutive relations of rock | |
02.242 | 弹性本构关系 | elastic constitutive relation | |
02.243 | 塑性本构关系 | plastic constitutive relation | |
02.244 | 岩石强度理论 | theory of rock strength | |
02.245 | 莫尔—库仑强度(破坏)准则 | Mohr-Coulomb criterion of rock failure | |
02.246 | 莫尔强度包络线 | Mohr’s envelope of rock strength | |
02.247 | 格里菲斯强度准则 | Griffith criterion of rock failure | |
02.248 | 经验强度准则 | empirical criterion of rock failure | |
02.249 | 岩石流变性 | Rheological properties of rock | |
02.250 | 蠕变 | Creep | |
02.251 | 松弛 | Relaxation | |
02.252 | 弹性后效 | delay effect of elasticity | |
序 码 | 汉 文 名 | 英 文 名 | 注 释 |
02.253 | 岩石流变模型 | Rheological model of rock | |
02.254 | 岩石长期强度 | long-term strength of rock | |
02.255 | 岩石强度尺寸效应 | size effect of rock strength | |
02.256 | 岩体结构 | structures of rock mass | |
02.257 | 岩体结构面 | structural planes of rock mass | |
02.258 | 节理 | Joint | |
02.259 | 层理 | stratification | |
02.260 | 岩体变形 | deformation of rock mass | |
02.261 | 岩体强度 | strength of rock mass | |
02.262 | 非限制性压缩强度 | Unconfined compressive strength, UCS | |
02.263 | 限制性压缩强度 | confined compressive strength | |
02.264 | 围压 | confining pressure | |
02.265 | 点荷载强度 | point load strength | |
02.266 | 拉伸强度 | tensile strength | |
02.267 | 巴西试验拉伸强度 | tensile strength of Brazilian test | |
02.268 | 弯曲强度 | flexural strength | |
02.269 | 限制性剪切强度 | confined shear strength | |
02.270 | 非限制性剪切强度 | Unconfined shear strength | |
02.271 | 弱石剪切强度 | shear strength of weakness | |
02.272 | 岩石残余强度 | residual strength of rock | |
02.273 | 岩石饱水强度 | water saturated strength of rock | |
02.274 | 岩石风化强度 | weathering strength of rock | |
02.275 | 岩石扩容 | dilatancy of rock | |
02.276 | 全应力—应变曲线 | whole stress-strain curve | |
02.277 | 刚性材料试验机 | stiff material test machine | |
02.278 | 岩石疲劳破坏 | fatigue failure of rock | |
02.279 | 承载能力 | load-bearing capacity | |
02.280 | 岩石分类 | classification of rock | |
02.281 | 岩石质量指标 | rock quality designation, RQD | |
02.282 | 岩体质量分级 | rock mass rating, RMR | |
02.283 | 地应力 | in-situ stress | |
02.284 | 原岩应力 | virgin stress in rock mass | |
02.285 | 自重应力 | gravity stress | |
02.286 | 构造应力 | tectonic stress | |
02.287 | 地应力测量 | in-situ stress measurement | |
02.288 | 直接测量法 | direct measurement techniques | |
02.289 | 水压致裂法 | hydraulic fracturing technique | |
02.290 | 声发射法 | acoustic emission technique | |
序 码 | 汉 文 名 | 英 文 名 | 注 释 |
02.291 | 间接测量法 | indirect measurement techniques | |
02.292 | 应力解除法 | stress relief technique | |
02.293 | 套孔应力解除法 | stress relief by overcoring technique | |
02.294 | 孔径变形测量 | diametral deformation measurement | |
02.295 | 孔壁应变测量 | strain measurement at borehole wall | |
02.296 | 空心包体应变测量 | strain measurement at hollow inclusion | |
02.297 | 地压 | ground pressure | |
02.298 | 散体地压 | ground pressure of discrete materials | |
02.299 | 变形地压 | ground pressure of deformation | |
02.230 | 冲击地压 | ground pressure of shock bump | |
02.231 | 膨胀地压 | ground pressure of dilatancy | |
02.232 | 巷道坍塌 | roadway collap | |
02.233 | 冒顶 | roof falling | |
02.234 | 片帮 | slab off | |
02.235 | 底臌 | floor heave | |
02.236 | 岩爆 | rock burst | |
02.237 | 地压控制 | control of ground pressure | |
02.238 | 围岩 | surrounding rock, wall rock | |
02.239 | 围岩加固 | reinforcement of surrounding (wall) rock | |
02.240 | 巷道支护 | roadway support | |
02.241 | 巷道衬砌 | roadway lining | |
02.242 | 喷锚支护 | bolting and shotcrete lining | |
02.243 | 喷射混凝土 | Shotcrete | |
02.244 | 锚杆 | rock bolt, anchor bolt | |
02.245 | 锚索 | cable anchor | |
02.246 | 新奥法 | New Austrian Tunneling Method,NATM | |
02.247 | 共同作用理论 | interaction theory | |
02.248 | 采空区处理 | handling of mined-out areas | |
02.249 | 卸压爆破 | pressure-relief blasting | |
02.250 | 普氏岩石强度系数 | Protogyakonov’s coefficient of rock strength | |
02.251 | 地压监测 | monitoring of ground pressure | |
02.252 | 岩体应力监测 | monitoring of stress in rock mass | |
02.253 | 岩体位移监测 | monitoring of displacement in rock mess | |
02.254 | 岩层移动 | strata displacement | |
02.255 | 岩层控制 | strata control | |
02.256 | 地表沉陷 | surface subsidence | |
02.257 | 收敛测量 | convergence measurement | |
02.258 | 钻孔应力计 | borehole stress-meter | |
02.259 | 钻孔应变计 | borehole strain-meter | |
02.260 | 钢弦应力计 | wire stress-meter | |
02.261 | 液压枕 | flat jack | |
序 码 | 汉 文 名 | 英 文 名 | 注 释 |
02.262 | 多点位移计 | multipoint displacement meter | |
02.263 | 地音仪 | geophone | |
02.264 | 声发射 | acoustic emission | |
02.265 | 钻孔倾斜仪 | borehole inclinometer | |
02.266 | 钻孔伸长仪 | borehole extensometer | |
02.267 | 光弹应力计 | photoelastic stress-meter | |
02.26 | 光弹应变计 | photoelastic strain-meter | |
02.26 | 微震监测 | micro-ismic monitoring | |
02.270 | 模拟试验 | modeling test | |
02.271 | 赤平投影 | stereographic projection | |
02.272 | 数值模拟 | numerical modeling | |
02.273 | 应变软化模型 | strain-softening model | |
02.274 | 应变硬化模型 | strain-hardening model | |
02.275 | 有限差分法 | finite differential method | |
02.276 | 有限元法 | finite element method | |
02.277 | 边界元法 | boundary element method | |
02.278 | 离散元法 | discrete element method | |
02.279 | 不连续变形分析 | discontinuous deformation analysis | |
02.280 | 位移反分析 | displacement rever-analysis | |
02.281 | 不确定性理论 | uncertainty analysis theory | |
02.282 | 可靠性理论 | reliability analysis theory | |
02.283 | 非线性理论 | nonlinear analysis theory | |
02.284 | 模糊综合评判 | synthetic-fuzzy evaluation | |
02.285 | 灰色系统理论 | gray system theory | |
02.286 | 人工神经网络 | artificial neural network, ANN | |
02.287 | 专家系统 | specialist system | |
02.288 | 人工智能 | artificial intelligence | |
02.289 | 分形理论 | fractal theory | |
02.290 | 耦合分析 | coupling analysis | |
02.291 | 岩石断裂力学 | fracture mechanics of rock | |
02.292 | 岩石损伤力学 | damage mechanics of rock | |
02.293 | 自然边坡 | natural slope | |
02.294 | 人工边坡 | man-made slope | |
02.295 | 边坡破坏模式 | failure mode of slope | |
02.296 | 平面型滑坡 | plane-shaped landslide | |
02.297 | 圆弧形滑坡 | circular-shaped landslide | |
02.298 | 楔形滑坡 | wedge-shaped landslide | |
02.299 | 倾斜破坏 | toppling failure | |
02.300 | 崩塌 | burst landslide | |
02.301 | 滑塌 | sliding collap | |
02.302 | 极限平衡分析 | limit equilibrium analysis | |
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