Clearly, with fewer but larger rods and cones we should e less distinctly. lf they were twice as broad tow points would be twice as far apart before we could distinguish them. lf their size reduced and number incread we should e no better.
dazzling>翻译专业>unionpayNoi may be defined,(义)as unwanted energy interfering with the reception of wanted signals. For example(例)noi makes a radio sound fuzzy, whereas (对照 "snow” appear in TV pictures.Noi falls into two groups:(分决)noi with external resources and noi created within the receiver.First(一)external noi is difficult to treat quantitatively and little can be done. Note radiotelescopes located away from industry(例) Second(另类)internal noi is quantifiable and reducible by receiver design.
Two lines of thought(分) are raid to say population problem can be solved without limitation ofnumbers. lt is argued that(-)using scientific methods could provide not only subsistence but anmproved living standard. This view is not shared by countries such as(
例)lndia. Population increa swallows up production increa. Thus(因果)the argument breaks down.Another argument(另一类is birth-rate falls with improved living standard. This argument also fails. Clearly voluntary controlmust be a big factor in the birth-rate decrea in Europe in the last 50 years(例i). Secondly(分类)with a very high living standard there are both motor-car and babies as in the USA(网iE)
in ca本例中,首先,用分类方法提出两类解决人口问题的想法,然后分别用两个段落并采用例证等方法展开说明,说明了“加强科技运用就能满足人口的资源需求,提高生活水平”和“提高了生活水平,人口出生率就会自然下降”这两种观点都是站不住脚的。