volumeRekanalisation des chronisch verschlosnen Infarktgefäßes bei koronarer Ein-Gefäß-Krankheit: Reduktion kardialer Ereignis im klinischen希伯来语
期刊名称: Dtsch Med Wochenschrよっしゃ
大家论坛职称英语作者: W. A. Schmidtjgb
期号: 第39期
中秋节手抄报英语activist摘要:OBJECTIVE: The prognostic significance of recanalisation of a chronically occluded infarct vesl in single-vesl coronary dia remains controversial, in contrast to early re-opening of the infarct vesl in the acute state of infarction. It was the purpo of this prospective study to discover whether successful recanalisation in the former influences the incidence of cardiac events (death, infarction, by-pass operation) and clinical symptoms in the long term. PATIENTS AND METHOD: Recanalisation procedures were successful in 58, unsuccessful in 41七律长征翻译
of 99 patients (81 men, 18 women; mean age 55 [28-79] years) with anterior wall
(n = 53) or posterior wall (n = 46) myocardial infarction (AMI and PMI, respectively). The two groups were similar with respect to age, x, left-ventricular function, indication, exerci