在社会生活中,委婉语的应用较为普遍。中国人不讳言“老”,年纪稍大一点的人在一起甚至互相比谁更“html的含义老”。而在西方,没有“老人”(old people),有的只是nior citizen或the longer-lived七年级英语试卷分析,有mature golden age进出evergreen clubs。这是因为中国社会崇尚尊老,认为老人经验丰富,是智慧的象征。相反,西方社会人一旦变老,就意味着要被逐出主流社会,表示对社会无用了,因此,人人讳言“老”。相应的,退休的人retired people常称作pensioners,残疾人crippled(disabled)man则称为special man。例如:
(1)Senior citizens are respected in our country.
(2工程施工方案)There are veral pensioners in my school.
(3)The special men support their family by themlves.
死(death)这个词是人们最忌讳的。无论在何种文化中,人们总是寻求一些不伤及感情的或中性的词汇来表达它。象汉语中的“常眠了”“升天了”“见马克思了”“老了”等说法,而英语中则同样有许多相应的委婉表达语。如:to go,to go West,to pass away,to be gone,to be at rest,to be in Heaven,to fall asleep,to breathe one's last,to be in Abraham's bosom,to go to e Confucius,to have the cur,to shake the dew off the lily 比如:
(1)He worked until he breathed his last.
(2)The child is now in Abraham's bosom.
社会生活中,委婉语的用法很多,忽视或滥用这些用法时会引起笑话。曾有一名留学生对与之一起打羽毛球的中国女学生想一起跟他wash her hands迷惑不解,连说No!No!很明显这里wash one's hands只是go to the toilet的委婉说法而非真的洗手。“厕所”的委婉表达法类似的还有bathroom,ladies',Gents',lavatory,power room,comfort room,the smallest room等。有时对身体过于清瘦的妇女我们用“slender”代替“a skinny woman”,过于肥胖的用plump或over-weight代替fat,说送某人去the big hou是送他进监狱,相貌较差的用no pretty或plain而不用ugly。如:His girl-friend is not pretty.他的女朋友不太漂亮。
禁忌语(taboo)是人们多数情况下不能说或不想说的话,同样与性或性器官有关的词也属于此类范畴。因此,英语中也便有了相应的委婉语。如fuck,have xual intercour常用go to bed,sleep together,have relation,lie with somebody等表述。
委婉语是一柄双刃剑,运用得当,可以协调关系,用得过滥则会混淆视听,掩盖某些事情的本质。特别是在国际政治事务中,委婉语的表达法更是举不胜举。里根政府时的“增税”政策不用increa而用Revenue Enhancementcondhou(税收加强);明明是穷人(poor),却称为needy,又改为culturally deprived,再改为underprivileged,最后变为disadvantaged,这样,让人觉得这个国家富得连一穷人也没有。同时,英语里看不到穷国poor nations,有的只是backward nations(滞后国家),underdeveloped nations(欠发达国家),developing nations(发展中国家)和emerging nations(新兴国家)。美国人在越南战争中,为了掩盖其暴行,把空中的狂轰滥炸说成是logistical strikes(后勤行动)clo air support(近距空中支援)。对越南平民的杀戮则称为wasting the enemy(消耗敌人),明明是one fourthcivilian casualties(平民伤亡)却称为collateral damage(附带损伤)。1983年,美国入侵格林纳达为a rescue mission(援求任务),空袭利比亚为surgical strik
es(外科手术式的打击),连鬼鬼祟祟的偷袭(surpri attack)也美其名曰“先发制人的攻击”(preemptive strikes)。海湾战争时又出现了air operation(空中手术)和ground operation(地面手术)这类表示空中轰炸和地面战争的代用语,这样一来,战争的恐怖和残酷性从字面上荡然无存。
委婉语也同样出现在教育生活中。Underachievers是学习上一无建树的学生,他们是exceptional students,成绩差的学生是a below average student或working on his own level,而can do better with help则指反应比较迟钝的学生。学生上课是参加classroom learning experience,学生考试作弊则冠以to depend on others to do his /her work。下面句子也是教育中常用的委婉说法:
(1)He has difficulty distinguishing between imaginary and factual information.(He lies)
(2)He needs help in learning to adhere to rules and standards of fair playroadman.(He cheats)
经济领域也是委婉语的沃土。商品匮乏是have the low availability factor,商品降价/涨价是downgrade economic readjustment /upward price readjustment,旧车叫ud car,garbage,industry实际上就是垃圾清运业,而sanitary engineer则是garbage collector(清洁工)的委婉说法。正如汉语中所说的某人有“经济问题”是指他贪污受贿。
1)Being in Love (恋爱)
assignation (本义)指定
to be gone on (本义)一去不返
to be shock up (本义)被震撼的
to be taken (本义)被吸引住
H2 (本义)hot and heavy
to have a crush on (本义)捣碎
meeting (本义)会面
to t one's cap for (本义)指向某人
to t one's sights at (本义)目光落在身上
to take a fancy to (本义)喜欢上
to walk out 出去溜达
to cut one's eye at (本义)瞥一眼
the glad eye (本义)高兴的眼光
联系电话英文to look sweet on (本义)
to make eyes at (本义)对某人使眼色
wandering eye (本义)游荡的眼光
2) Pregnancy (怀孕)
a hole out in one(本义)一击入洞(高尔夫术语)
an accident(本义)事故
to be caught(本义)被捉住
to be gone(本义)已过去了
to beget(本义)产生
break one's ankle(本义)脚骨折了
eating for two(本义)吃双份饭
an expectant mother(本义)期待的母亲
to fall(本义)倒下了
far gone(本义)去日苦多
full of heir(本义)怀有继承人
to have a hump in the front(本义)前身有块隆肉
to have one watermelon on the vine(本义)藤上有瓜了
to have one on the way (本义)有人要来
in a bad shape(本义)身体不佳
in a certain condition(本义)身处某种状态
in a delicate condition(本义)身体虚弱
in a (the) family way(本义)家常打扮
in a familiar way(本义)熟悉地
in a particular condition(本义)处于特殊状态
in an interesting condition(situation, state)(本义)处于有趣状态
in trouble(本义)惹上麻烦
to knock up(本义)敲门叫人
to learn all about diaper folding(本义)学叠尿布
a mother-to-be(本义)未来的母亲
on the nest(本义)在抱窝
preparing the bassinet(本义)准备摇篮
rattle shopping(本义)采购玩具
rehearing lullabies(本义)练唱催眠曲
to spoil a woman's shape(本义)坏了女子体型
to sprain an ankle(本义)扭伤脚踝
to swallow a watermelon ed(本义)吞了棵西瓜子
that way(本义)那样
waiting for the patter of little feet(本义)等呆小脚牙声
to wear the apron high(本义)围裙系高
a waiting woman(本义)等呆中的妇女
with a baby window(本义)有个凸窗肚
with child(本义)怀孩子了
3)Defecation (如厕)