---Book 5
1.发表演讲deliver a speech
2.开讲座del iver a lectur e
3.诉诸暴力re sort to violen c e
4.禁锢思想en slave the mind
5.提高社会福利enhanc e the social good
6.保证生活securea living
7.重塑社会re struc ture the society
8.传播知识ex tend knowle d ge
9.增强实力in creas e power
10.丰富文学财富enric h litera ture
11.升华思想elevate though t
12.推翻政府ov erthr ow govern ment
13.寄予很高期望p lace high hopes on
14.激化矛盾in tensi fy the confli cts
15.提出要求im p od emand s on
16.制造紧张气氛b uild up tensio n
17.恶意攻击ba d-mouthsomeon e
18.耸肩squa re should ers
19.吵吵嚷嚷sq uabbl e over sth
20.一意孤行fo llowone’s own mind
21.维护自己意志a sr t one’s will
22.令人失望fa ll short of one’s expecta tion
23.如释重负re move a tremen d ous b urden
24.堵塞街道cr amp the street s
25.交通堵塞。T raffi c crawls。
26.渴求理想asp ireto some ideals
27.摇呼啦圈twirlH ula Hoops
28.抚平皱纹fl atten the crease
29.进行商业和文化交流w eavethe commer cial a nd cultur al connec tion
30.遭遇阻力en counter obstac l es
lanbo31.归功于tak e credit to someon e
32.环游世界ro am the world
33.值得关注de rve attention
34.驳斥某人论断r efute one’s argument
35.某事出乎某人意料。Someth ing backfi res on somebod y。
36.在房间踱步p a ce the room
37.情绪激动excite the emotio n s
38.情感战胜理智。H eart rules h ead。
39.促进事业fu r ther one’s career
40.锻炼身体bu ild the body
41.看手表con sult the watch
42.绝食refu one’s meals
43.摇摇手指wa g one’s finger
44.弥补不足supply the lack
45.抓紧胳膊cl utch the arm
46.绷紧下巴、咬紧牙关se t the jaw
47.摊开手掌ex tend the hand
48.忽闪睫毛ba t the lashes
49.磨牙、咬牙切齿gr ind the teeth
diamond50.眨眼睛blinkone’s eyes
51.挠头snatch one‘s head
52.博同情app eal to one’s sympathy
53.引经据典cite instan ces
54.交叉胳膊fold arms
55.挤出笑容fo rce a smile
56.调整音调modula te one’s voice
57.摸摸下巴stroke one’s chin
58.探秘prob e into the myster y
59.推动give impetu s to someth i ng
60.秉持科学态度maintain a scientific attitu d e
61.发出信号yi eld a signal
62.实现突破ma ke a breakthroug h
63.激发乐观fi re optimi sm
64.证实存在verifythe pren c e
65.提出观点in v ent the idea
66.修正观点tw eak the idea
67.倒磁带rew ind the tape
68.主持大会pr eside a confer ence
69.开路chop a path
70.谋生earn one’s living
71.劫掠地球ra vagethe earth
72.毒害水源po isonthe water
73.污染空气fo ul the air
74.支付费用co v er the expen
75.唤起记忆jo g one’s memory
76.引发思考pr ovoke though t
77.寻根ek roots
78.迫于生计sl ave to the simple necess ity of surviv al
79.环抱take hold of
80.编辫子bra id the hair
81.呈现take on the appear anceof
82.栖息于per ch upon 。。。
83.表达关切ec ho concer ns
84.表达祝福ex tendb lessi ngs to
85.表达心情co nveyone’s mood
86.轻轻扬鞭fl ick the whip
87.加强民主str ength en democr acy
88.削弱民主wea kend emocr acy
89.发动战争wa ge a war
90.宣战declar e a war on
91.怀抱希望nu rture hopes for
92.动摇信念sh atter the n
93.寻求慰藉se ek solace
94.加强信心str ength en confid ence
95.用力挥鞭fl ouris h the whip
96.点燃烛火ki ndlethe flame
97.杀猪butc h er the pig/hog
98.静思己过med itat e on one’s sins
99.磨咖啡豆gr ind the coffee b eans
100.傲视严寒defy winter
1.提出解决方案b ring up soluti on
2.加剧两极分化exacerbate the polarizatio n
3.消灭贫穷ab olish /cast off/ elimin ate/get rid of the poverty
4.推广医疗democra tizeh ealth care
5.救助穷人su ccor the poor
6.扩大入学en hance ed ucational opportuniti es
7.打击民心、士气destroy the morale
8.破坏婚姻br eak up the marria g e
9.推卸责任re lieve sb. of respon sibil ity
10.荒废光阴id l e away the time / whileaway/ dawdle away
11.逃避责任escap ethe respon sibil ity for
12.控诉商人ch argeagainst the businessman
13.保持和扩大社会与政治稳定p res erveand enlarg e the social and political tranqu ility
14.应对挑战live up to the challe n ge
15.补给repl enish the stock
16.瞄准draw a bead on
17.行医乡里do ctor the county
18.逗弄孩子te a the kid
19.毗邻小店ad jointhe store
20.宠养小猫pet a cat
21.弄清账目se ttlean accoun t
22.拍打蚊子sl ap the mosqui toes
23.品尝苦果ta ste the bitter fruits
24.达成公共意识a ttai n the public awaren ess
25.提高公共意识h eigh ten the awaren ess
26.免责exemp t …from respon sibil ity
27.施加影响ex ert the influence on
28.发电generatethe electr icity
29.维持生态系统susta in the ecosph ere
30.排放污物emi t the pollutants
31.历经考验su rvive the test
32.制定方案concoc t a scheme
33.踩单车petal the bike
34.弥补差距br idgethe gap
property是什么意思35.讨论重要问题addre ss the esntial proble ms
36.展现实力di splay the streng th
37.企图骚扰in tendthe harass ment
38.包扎伤口dr ess the wounds
39.发福put on weight
40.口若悬河la u nchout on a rampag e of talk
41.关闭脑海sn ap the mind shut
42.拥抱创新emb race innova tion
43.提出异议/呛声voic e one’s opposi tionto /air differ ent views
44.促进经济发展facil itate the economic develo p ment
45.发挥潜力dev elop potentialiti es
46.开发个人才智fulfi ll talents
47.发挥个人能量r elea one’s energi es
48.歪曲事实fa lsify reality
49.预见未来fo r ecas t the future
50.贪食crav e food
物水源,毒害身体,大大降低人类维持生存的能力。In turn, the altered ecosph ere threa t ens to floodour great cities, dry up our bounti ful farms, contam inate our food and water, and poison our bodies---catastrophi cally d imini shing our ability to provid e for the basic humann eed s.
52.能源驱动工业系统。The energy source s power the techno spher e.
圣诞节用英语怎么写The humanattack on the ecosph ere has instig atedan ecolog ical c ounte ratta c k.
Nature knowsb est.
A wire zings throug h the wholeb ody.
The ideals of Americ an indepe ndenc e found expres sionin the classi cal documents w hichaccomp anies the birtho f the nation.
Pragma tismhas triump hed over the absolu tism.
58.E.B.White的文章充满幽默。His humorp ermea tes his essay.
59.猪生病了。The pig took sick.
60.天空乌云密布。T he sky overca st.
61.拯救猪脱离苦海是我唯一的心思。The task of trying to deliver the pig from the miry
became a strong obss ion.
62.挣脱贫苦的桎梏b reakthe bondso f mass miry
63.摆脱贫困的枷锁cast off the chains of poverty
64.心怀敌意bear ill-will
65.提出建议fo r mula te proposal
执拗66.探索星球ex p lore the stars
67.征服沙漠co nq uer the dert
68.消除疾病er adica te dias e
69.开发深海ta p the oceand epths
70.服兵役answ er the call to rvic e
71.推卸责任sh rinkfrom the respon sibil ity
1.引起争论stir up debate
2.就业land a job
3.发毕业文凭i ssued iplomas
4.忘到九霄云外throw…into the winds
5.皇天不负苦心人。H eaven reward s persis tence。
6.苍天不负有心人。H eaven does not let down the one who has a will.
7.料事如神ha ve a crysta l ball
8.沁人心脾se ep into one’s heart
9.无事生非co ncoct someth ing out of nothin g
10.磨练意志to ughen one’s willpow er
11.饱经风霜go throug h thickand thin in life/weather the storms/ w eather the viciss itude s
12.发誓cross one’s heart
13.快餐短命。Fast food shorte n s life。bigboobs
14.酒后话多。(酒后吐真言。)Wine soon loon s one’s tongue。
15.减轻经济负担ea financ ial burden
16.哼着小曲hu m a tune
17.勒紧裤带ti ghten the belt
18.跑腿run errand s