
更新时间:2023-05-13 01:27:28 阅读: 评论:0

焊接工艺评定试验报告welding procedure qualification report (PQR)
应用范围application region, 试验材料和设备 testing materials and equipment, 试验用板basic materials, 母材ba metal ,焊接设备welding equipment,坡口准备和工艺规范weld preparation and procedure details, 坡口组装形式joint type, 焊道布置welding quences, 焊接工艺参数welding details, 试验现场test place ,检验内容及结果汇总 list of test items and results, 附录 annex 试验材料质量证明书certification of testing materials,无损检测报告non-destructive examination result, 机械性能试验报告mechanical performance test result ,宏观检验报告macro-examination result, 试板 test piece  试样specimen  横向拉伸transver tensile  正接straight polarity  反接reverd polarity 指示评定值 defect rating 指示值defect level信源编码
焊接工艺指导书WPS  焊工资格考试WQT 
韦博国际英语费用>you jump i jump是什么意思
tex焊接材料consumables or welding materials, 焊条药皮coating, 酸性焊条 acid electrode  咸性焊条basic electrode  烧结焊剂sintered flux  焊剂flux  焊丝wire  药芯焊丝flux-cored wire 合金焊剂  alloy flux 填充金属filler metal
缺陷焊缝defective weld夹渣slag inclusion  气孔blow hole or porosity 咬边undercut  焊瘤overlap  凹坑pit  弧坑裂纹crater crack  夹层lamination  焊缝飞溅weld spatter 尖角 burr 焊缝咬边weld under-cuts  对接焊缝咬边butt weld undercut 变形distortion不连续性discontinuity 焊接性weld ability
焊后热处理post-weld heat treatment  焊接性试验weld ability test 焊接结构welded construction  焊后成品finished weldments  焊后状态as-welded 预制端、预制口、预制边 built-up edges 预制件built-up members贴合面flying surface 完全熔合complete fusion  完全熔透complete penetration  铲凿grinding 锤击peening  打磨出白chipping 调平整形fair up,反面清根zero是什么意思back gougingsmiling 切角copes 衰减attenuation
焊道bead or weld pass 打底道焊(管结构)backup weld(tubular structures)盖面焊道cover pass 焊层layer 仰焊overhead position welding 俯焊中国教育考试down hand立向上焊vertical up weldin
g 单面焊 welding by one side  单道焊single pass welding 多层焊multi-layer welding包角焊all-round welds or oxing 搭接、塞焊 及槽焊lap plug and slot welding 间断焊intermittent welds 螺柱(电弧焊)stud arc welding or SW埋弧焊submerged arc welding or SAW  捻缝 caulking 半自动焊miautomatic welding  药皮焊条电弧焊shielded metal arc welding or SMAW  药芯焊丝电弧焊flux cored arc welding or FCAW
未熔合incomplete fusion  层间温度inter-pass temperature 焊接顺序welding quence 焊接方向 direction of welding 根部间隙root gap or root opening接头根部 root of joint 单面焊接接头single-welded joint角接接头corner joint 搭接接头lap joint  热影响区heat-affected zone(HAZ) 热影响区硬度控制heat-affected zone(HAZ) hardness control 焊接区weld zone  断续intermittent  焊缝正面face of weld  焊缝余高reinforcement  返修焊 re-welding 补焊repair welding 电弧电压arc voltage 电弧刨槽arc gouging氧气刨槽oxygen gouging熔化速度melting rate  送丝速度 wire feed rate  修正焊缝repairing bead  焊接边welding edge  单道焊with one layer of weld bead对接焊butt weld  填角fillet weld 坡口角度angle of groove  坡口深度depth of groove  坡口面角度bevel angle 实际焊缝厚度actual throat 带永久衬垫with permanent backing 焊趾角度toe angle 焊接接头welded joints 定位焊缝 tack w
elding bead 水平基准线 horizontal reference line
保护气体shielded gas 焊接工作站welding bench引弧ARC-strike引弧板  run-on tab/end tab 引出板run-off tab/end tab  焊接衬垫 welding backing  衬环backing ring  穿越环access holes  面罩helmet  焊工手套welding glove
机械气割 mechanized gas cutting  手工气割2011四川高考英语manual gas cutting  等离子切割 plasma ARC cutting激光切割lar beam cutting  半自动气割miautomatic cutting  气割缺口notches of gas cutting 氧气切割 oxygen cutting(OC)

本文发布于:2023-05-13 01:27:28,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:焊接   焊缝   工艺   试验   坡口   气割   切割
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