
更新时间:2023-05-11 19:53:00 阅读: 评论:0

Oxford Advanced Learner's English-Chine Dictionary (Seventh edition)
#1 A #2 abandon #3 abide #4 abode #5 about-turn #6 abrupt #7 absolute temperature #8 abstracted #9 academia #10 acceptable #11 accessory #12 accompanist #13 accountable #14 accretion #15 acellular #16 acid salt #17 acquiescence #18 ACT #19 actionable #20 active citizen #21 actuary #22 adamant #23 addictive #24 ADHD #25 adjustable spanner #26 admit #27 admonition #28 adroit #29 advanced #30 adventurer #31 advice column/columnist #32 aerodrome #33 affectation #34 afforestation #35 African American #36 afterbirth #37 against #38 ageing #39 aggravated #40 agog #41 agreeable #42 ahem #43 aimless #44 aircrew #45 airport #46 à la #47 alcoholic #48 -alia #49 alkali #50 all- #51 allergy #52 all-out #53 all-rounder #54 aloha shirt #55 alongside #56 also #57 alternative medicine #58 alveolar #59 amazement #60 ameba, amebic #61 Americanism #62 among #63 amply #64 analgesia #65 ANC #66 andante #67 angle bracket #68 anguish #69 anime #70 announcement #71 anonymous FTP #72 answerable #73 anthemic #74 anticoagulant #75 antisocial #76 anyhow #77 apart from #78 apocalyptic #79 appalled #80 appearance #81 applau #82 appoint #83 appreciative #84 appropriation #85 après-ski #86 Arabic #87
arch- #88 Arctic Circle #89 argumentation #90 armada #91 armpit #92 around-the-clock #93 arrestable offence #94 art deco #95 articulated #96 artistry #97 ASA #98 aptic #99 aside from #100 askew
#101 aspirate #102 asmbly #103 assiduous #104 associated #105 assumption #106 astrakhan #107 atavistic #108 -ative #109 ATP #110 attacker #111 attendee #112 attract #113 auctioneer #114 august #115 authenticate #116 auto-da-fé #117 auto-suggestion #118 aver #119 avoirdupois #120 awareness #121 awning #122 ayatollah #123 B #124 baby bouncer #125 back #126 backache #127 backdate #128 backhander #129 backstitch #130 bad #131 bad debt #132 bag #133 baggage #134 baked beans #135 balance beam #136 ballad #137 ballot box #138 banana skin #139 bane #140 bankable #141 banter #142 baraza #143 Barbour #144 bargaining #145 barnstorm #146 barrier #147 baball #148 basil #149 basque #150 Bath bun #151 baton round #152 battlefield #153 BCE #154 be- #155 bean #156 bearable #157 beast of burden #158 beat box #159 beauty contest #160 bêche-de-mer #161 bed and board #162 bedraggled #163 beer belly #164 begad #165 beginning #166 behindhand #167 believer #168 bell jar #169 belt
#170 bender #171 bequest #172 besides #173 best-before date #174 beta-carotene #175 better half #176 bewilderment #177 Bible-bashing #178 bid #179 bigamist #180 big hair #181 bilingual #182 billet #183 bin bag #184 bint #185 biotechnology #186 birth #187 bitch #188 bite-sized #189 bitter lemon #190 blackmoor #191 black flag #192 black spot #193 blank cheque #194 blasted #195 bleed #196 blether #197 blindfold #198 blistering #199 blockade #200 blood bank
#201 bloom #202 blow-dry #203 blowpipe #204 blue pages #205 blurb #206 boarder #207 bobbed #208 body #209 body armour #210 bodywork #211 boilermaker #212 bolt-action #213 bombshell #214 bone dry #215 boob tube #216 booking office #217 boorish #218 boozer #219 bore #220 born-again #221 both #222 bottle blonde #223 bottom feeder #224 bouncing #225 Bourke #226 bow legs #227 box junction #228 barce and bit #229 brain box #230 brand #231 brave #232 breadboard #233 break down #234 break out #235 breakable #236 breastbone #237 breather #238 brewer #239 bridge-building #240 brighten #241 brimful #242 bring-and-buy sale #243 Britannic #244 broadcaster #245 broken #246 Bronx cheer #247 brow #248 bruir #249 brutalism #250 buccaneer
#251 bud #252 buffet #253 build #254 building block #255 bulkhead #256 bull terrier #257 bumper car #258 bunk #259 bureau de change #260 burner #261 burnish #262 bursty #263 bushido #264 business end #265 busybody #266 butte #267 butty #268 buzz saw #269 by-product #270 C #271 cack #272 caffeinated #273 calculated #274 call #275 callback #276 callous #277 camber #278 campaign #279 campanology #280 can #281 Cancer #282 canker #283 canst #284 capability #285 capillary action #286 caps #287 carafe #288 carcinogenic #289 card index #290 care assistant #291 careline #292 carol singing #293 carrier bag #294 carrycot #295 cart track #296 cabook #297 cashless #298 castanets #299 casualization #300 cataphora
#301 catch-all #302 catch-up #303 cat's craddle #304 cauterize #305 caving #306 ceiling ro #307 Celtic #308 Central America #309 centre forward #310 ceri #311 certificated #312 chain gang #313 chairlift #314 chamber #315 chancel #316 change #317 changeable #318 chap. #319 character actor #320 chargeable #321 charity shop #322 chartered #323 chastity #324 cheapen #325 check #326 check book #327 check room #328 cheerful #329 chemo #330 chervil #331 chickadee #332 chikungunya #333 chime #
334 chinless #335 chipolata #336 chocoholic #337 choked #338 chop-chop #339 chough #340 chrome steel #341 chunk #342 cigar #343 circlet #344 circumnavigate #345 citizenry #346 civility #347 claimant #348 clampdown #349 clasp #350 class action #351 classifier #352 clean #353 clean and jerk #354 clear #355 clearance #356 clearness #357 clerk of works #358 climatic #359 cling film #360 clip-on #361 clocker #362 clo #363 clo-cropped #364 clod ason #365 clothes hanger #366 cloudless #367 cluck #368 cluttered #369 coalman #370 coastal #371 cobblestones #372 cocktail #373 CODESA #374 coffee morning #375 cohort #376 cold-blooded #377 cold cream #378 collapsible #379 collectable #380 collectivism #381 collocate #382 colophon #383 colourant #384 Columbus Day #385 combining form #386 come #387 come #388 come #389 comeback #390 comfortably #391 commandant #392 commendation #393 commercialization #394 commitment #395 the common cold #396 commue #397 community centre #398 company car #399 compartment #400 compensation
#401 complainant #402 complementary medicine #403 complication #404 compositor #405 compromi #406 comrade #407 concentrated #408 concerned #409 conchie #410
concrete jungle #411 conditional #412 condo #413 confabulation #414 confidence #415 confirmation #416 confrontation #417 conglomeration #418 conjugal rights #419 connective #420 conscience-striken #421 conquent #422 considerable #423 consolation prize #424 conspicuous consumption #425 constitutional #426 constructional #427 consumerism #428 container #429 contend #430 contiguous #431 continued #432 contraband #433 contraflow #434 contribution #435 control freak #436 convalesce #437 conversant #438 convey #439 coo #440 coolabah #441 co-opt #442 copperplate #443 corbel #444 corkage #445 cornerback #446 corporate raider #447 correlate #448 corrupt #449 cosmogony #450 cost accounting #451 costume party #452 couch potato #453 count #454 countdown #455 counterpoint #456 country and western #457 couplet #458 courbook #459 court card #460 courtly love #461 coverage #462 coveralls #463 cowling #464 crackbrained #465 crackle #466 crammer #467 crash barrier #468 crater #469 cream chee #470 creative accounting #471 creditable #472 cremains #473 crevas #474 crimp #475 critical #476 crocodile clip #477 crop top #478 cross- #479 cross-platform #480 crouton #481 crown colony #482 cruet #483 crusader #484 crybaby
#485 the CSA #486 cuddly #487 cultivar #488 cumulus #489 curacao #490 curler #491 curd #492 curvilinear #493 customary #494 cut #495 cut and dried #496 cutlass #497 cybernetics #498 cystitis #499 D #500 dainty

本文发布于:2023-05-11 19:53:00,感谢您对本站的认可!



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