the icy defender课文缩写
In the spring of 1812,Napoleon asmbled an army of six hundred thousand men on the borders of Russia and wanted to conquer the Russia in five weeks.
However the Russians refud to stand and fight. Instead,they retreated eastward, burning their crops and homes as they went.So the Frenches army march becamed bogged down by slow moving supply lines.What's more,their occupation of Moscow became an empty victoy. At last , the Frenches had to retreat.But the retreat turned into a nightmare.From fields and forests,the Russians launched hit-and-run attacks on the French.And a large number of soldiers froze to death.
At last , less than one hundred thousand returned France. Soon ,Paris was captured and Napoie's empire ended.Hitler's Invasion On June 22, 1941,Hitler began an invasion of Soviet Union and expected to end the the war no longer 3 months.
Caught off guard by the invasion,Soviet leader Joph Stain instructed the Russian peopl
e to "scorch the earth"in front of the invaders. When the Germans clod in on Leninggrad, the people refud to surrender.By the middle of the winter of 1941-1942,clo to one million people died becau of the siege.As Hitler's armies drew clor and clor toMoscow,vere winter ttled over and it brought the German offensive to a halt. In January1943 ,the Germans give up their siege andof the three hundred thousand Germans attacking
Stalinggrad,only nintey thousand soldiers were left. The Germans victories were over.The invasion of the Soviet Union had turned into a military disaster for Hitler and it mainly attributed to the Russian winter.