1.Buying stuff is a part of America's DNA.
2.It's a tradition that really took off near the end of World War II, when the economy was thriving and the market exploded with products Americans didn't even know they wanted.
3.And even in an economy rocked by a pandemic, buying is on track to exceed 2020 levels this holiday ason.
4.The result of all that spending means consumption drives 70% of this country's GDP, but it's also driving very real environmental issues.
5.Let's break down what the environmental cost can be, and whether it's possible to limit the damage.
一.Counting the cost beyond our bank accounts
6.The true environmental cost of a product can't be summed up just by looking at the physical material.
7.You have to take into account the entire system in place that brings that product to you, from manufacturing to packaging to shipping and transportation.
8."You name [an environmental problem], consumerism drives it," says journalist J.B. MacKinnon, who wrote The Day the World Stops Shopping, How Ending Consumerism Saves the Environment and Ourlves.
9.Mackinnon cites deforestation, toxic pollution, climate change, and the extinction of species as just a few of the myriad problems tied to our consumption.
10.And, he adds, the environmental impact of consumer culture can take shape in surprising ways.
11.Mackinnon gives the example of how endangered North Atlantic right whales are killed after being struck by cargo ships carrying consumer goods.
12."One whale conrvationist said to me, every time you hit that 'buy now' button on Amazon, you're helping power up the ships that are running down endangered whales off the east coast of the United States," Mackinnon said.
二.Companies have a role to play too
13.The reality is that consumer goods are integral to the economy, but it is possible for companies to continue to ll products without exacerbating to the cycle of overproduction and overconsumption, Mackinnon says.
14.He says apparel brands like Levi's and Patagonia have adopted more sustainable business models.
15."Both of tho companies are moving towards models where they will be making the sale of new products a smaller part of their model and the sale of recouping and relling condhand their own products a larger part of their model, as well as the repair and maintenance and alteration of their products as part of their income stream as well."
16.By implementing a system to repair, refurbish, and rell products for customers, the companies are able to extend the longevity of their goods, while simultaneously drawing in revenue to keep the economy going.