英语语法教案Grammar Hierarchy

更新时间:2023-05-10 18:13:01 阅读: 评论:0

Grammar Hierarchy
Teaching Aims
1. Systematic introduction to grammatical analysis with a high degree of explicitness
2. Sufficient information of major phenomena of English grammar
3. Improvement of students’ awareness of grammar
Teaching content
1.Basic Concepts
2.Grammatical terms
1.1 Morphemes
1.2 Words
1.3 Phras
1.4 Claus
1.5 Sentences
1.Basic Concepts
Language is the tool for human communication, is the system of vocabulary and grammar.
Grammar is the rule to organize language.
Vocabulary is the materials to construct language. Grammar puts the words together to express certain meanings.
Grammar arrangement can be divided into 5 levels:
ntence-clau- phra-wordmorpheme.
By using gmentation, ntence can be gmented to the smallest part----morpheme:
2.Grammatical terms
1.1 Morpheme is the smallest grammar unit as well as the smallest meaning unit.
      Two types: free morpheme and bound morpheme.
(1) Free morpheme is the morpheme that owns a complete meaning and can be ud as simple word (function 1). E.g. under, graduate, rapid, improve, write
      Can be acted as Root, and be added affix to build Derivative (functon2).
E.g. rapidly, care-ful, care-less, care-less-ness
      Can be compod with other free morpheme to form Compound word, e.g.: under-graduate, black-board, pencil-box
(2) Bound morpheme is the morpheme that doesn’t own a complete meaning and canno
t be ud as ‘simple word’, and must be attached to free morpheme or other word forms to express the meaning.
        Bound morpheme can act as Affix (function): Inflectional Affix and Derivational Affix.
Inflectional Affixes are few in English, include noun plural form –s/-es ; noun posssive form –‘s/-s’; singular third person’s verb prent ten form –s/-es; verb past ten form –ed; past participle form –ed; prent participle form –ing; adjective or adverb comparative degree form –er, and superlative –est.
Derivational Affix can be divided into Prefix and Suffix, can be arranged to root and form derivative.
          E.g.:  prefix                suffix                prefix + suffix
              anti-war                Marxist              unlucky
              postwar              movement            co-existence
              pan-African            careless              inappropriateness
              co-exist          carelessness        pre-liberation   prearrangement
Allomorph is the morphemes that own the same meaning but appear in different forms  in different situations, this can be en in the spelling as well as pronunciation.
In spelling (e.g. adjective negative form):
          in-          im-          il-            ir-
          inactive      immature    illegal        irrational
          incoherent    immortal    illogical        irregular
          inexperienced imperfect    illegible        irrelevant
          incure      impractical  illegitimate      irresponsible
          in pronunciation (e.g. plural form –s):
          -s in cats is pronounced /s/,  in dogs /z/, in hors /iz/.
1.2 Words
Word is the grammar unit higher than morpheme, is constructed by one or more morphemes. Wo
Word category can be divided according two norms: one is word-building, the other is syntax function.
(1)According to word-building, words can be divided into simple word, derivative and compound word.
1)simple word: also called Morpheme word, is built by simple morphemes, most of them are short words such as “ at, by, in, far, take, meat…”, though they are few in English, such words are ud frequently and have stronger derivative ability.
2)Derivative: is built by root (mainly free root) and derivational affix. Root is the basic of derivative; the same root added by different affixes can have different meanings and different part of speech.
[1] Most of the prefixes don’t effect part of speech of a root, but modify the meaning of the root, to express negative, contrary, derogative, degree, time, direction, etc.
Negative: unfair      nonviolent  inedible    discontent
Contrary: unbind    deduct      discourage    counteract 
Mistake and improper: misjudge maltreat/
malpractice  pudoclassic/pudoscientific
Support and oppo:  pro-American    antiwar
Degree and size:  archbishop  supermarket  ultra leftist
overdresd      undercook    miniskirt    misteel 
time:      preschool        forecast          post doctor
direction:  subway      international    transfrontier

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