Chapter 1
Ⅰ Basics of Human Communication
1. Could you list some needs and purpos for Communication?
Personal needs
Social needs
Making n of the world
2. How do you define COMMUNICATION?
"Communication occurs whenever meaning is attributed to behavior or the residue of behavior."——Samovar and Porter Attribution: means that we draw upon our past experiences and give meaning to the behavior that we obrve. Residue: refers to tho things that remain as a record of our actions.
3.What are the two major models of communication to illustrate the process?
3.1 The Linear Model by Aristotle : more applicable to public speaking
3.2 The Contextualized Model : with the dimension of a situation
Ⅱ. Business Communication
1. Would you illustrate the structures of business communication?
2. Three types of internal communication
Downward communication, horizontal communication, upward communication
Ⅲ. Intercultural Communication
1.What is intercultural business communication?
It is the communication among individuals or groups from different cultural backgrounds in a business environment.
2. What are the fields related to the multi-disciplinary approach
to the study of IC?
Anthropology; sociology; psychology; education; linguistics
IV. Learning Intercultural Business Communication
1. What are the potential problems that might ari in IBC?
a. Avoidance of the unfamiliar (Birds of a feather flock together.)
b. Uncertainty of reduction (Reduce the uncertainty in every meeting with strangers from different cultures.)
c. Withdrawal (Withdrawal from the communication event)
d. Stereotyping (Mentally organize your experiences and guides your behavior toward a particular group og peopl
e. Prejudice (Rigid and irrational generalization about a group)
f. Racism (Superior becau of color of skin.)
g. Misu of power (Handle the power incorrectly to control people or things))
h. Cultural shock (Anxiety from losing all familiar signs.)
i. Ethnocentrism (Your own culture is correct.)
2. What is appropriateness and what is effectiveness?
a. Appropriateness means that the valued rules, norms, and expectancy of the relationship are not violated significantly.
b. Effectiveness is the accomplishment of valued goals or rewards to costs and alternatives.
3. What are the 3 requirements to make communication both appropriate and effective?
a. Knowledge
b. Motivation
c. Skilled actions
Chapter 2 Understanding Cultures and Their Values
Ⅰ. The Nature of Culture
Definitions of Cultures P43
Dictionary: "the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively".
Ⅱ.The basics of cultural values
Definition of Value
"Values are matters of preference".
Three types of values P48
Universal values
Cultural-specific values
Peculiar expression or deviations of individuals within cultures
III. Understanding Cultural Patterns
1.Five basic values that appear on Kluckholn and Strodtbeck's chart for each
orientation: P52-55
1)Human nature :good, evil, a mixture of good and evil
2)Relationship to nature :subjugation to nature, harmony with nature, mastery over
3)Sen of time:past, prent, future
4)Activity :being-oriented, being-and-becoming, doing-oriented
5)Social relationship :hierarchy, group, individual
2. The GLOBE Study:P60-61
9 dimensions of cultural variation:
1)Institutional collectivism
2)In-group collectivism
3)Power distance
4)Uncertainty avoidance
5)Gender egalitarianism
7)Humane orientation
8)Future orientation
9)Performance orientation
Power distance: Refers to attitudes toward differences in authority.
High power distance cultures: power is distributed unequally; some members have greater resource
s and influence; status and rank are clear-cut; employees have a great deal of respect for tho in high positions. Decisions and activities focus around personal face-to-face relationships, often around a central person who has authority.
Low power distance cultures: Power is not emphasized; employees are
more comfortable approaching and even challenging their superiors.
Task-centered. Decisions and activities focus around what needs to be done. Division of responsibilities.
3. Hall's High-and Low-context Orientation p61-63
Hall distinguishes among cultures on the basis of the role of context in communication.
(1)High-context culture: most of the information is in the physical context or is internalized in the people who are a part of the interaction.
(2)Low-context: most of the information is contained in the verbal message, and very little is embedded in the context or within the participants.
Contrasing High-context and Low-context cultures:P62
From high-context to low-context:
Chine,Korean,Japane,Arab,Greek,Spanish,Italian,English,North American, Swiss, German
Establish social trust first
High-context Value personal relations and goodwill
Agreement by relations and goodwill
Negotiation slow
Get down to business first
Low-context Value experience and performance
Agreement by specific, legalistic contrast
Negotiation as efficient as possible
Four major differences in how high-context and low-context cultures affect the ttings:P63
(1) Verbal messages are extremely important in low-context cultures.
(2) Low-context people who rely primarily on verbal messages for information are perceived as less attarctive and less credible by people in high-context cultures.
(3) People in high-context cultures are more adapt at reading nonverbal behavior and the environment.
(4) People in high-context cultures have an expectation that others are also able to understand the unarticulated communication; hence, they do not speak as much. Comparison between Low Context and High Context P63