Our study area is located in xiaozhang village , which is about 60 kilometers southwest from the chongqing city 。
2 关于海相中生代地层和火山作用的地址调查早在1959年就曾在该地进行过
Geological survey on Mesozoic marine strata and volcanism was conducted as in 1959。
3 在这个地区,除了在小张村北面很小的一片地区侏罗系被白垩系玄武岩大量侵入以外,侏罗纪地层露头几乎是连续的.
In this region, Jurassic strata is nearly continuous except that in local place of xiaozhang village the strata was intruded by massive cretaceous basalts .
4 2005年夏季,在王教授的率领下,我们在这里进行了为期30天的野外地质工作。
In the summer of 2005, led by prof , wang ,we carried out 30 days"field work 。
We successfully held the meeting on how to organize the next field survey yesterday afternoon .
1 在所有的沉积层序的野外资料收集到之后,就要解释这些资料。
All field data of dimentary successions have to be interpreted after collected .
2 由于这种研究的目的是判断沉积过程和当时的环境,所以就要运用所有的野外资料来确定层序中的沉积相.
Since this study aims decide deposition process and environment , all field data have to be applied to determine the dimentary facies of the succession 。
3 尽管近期研究中仍然存在一些不大的分歧,但是涉及古生代冈瓦纳大陆的形态和构造的观点却大致相同。
Although there are still some small differences in recent rearch, the viewpoints as to the from and structure of the Gondwana continent in the paleozoic remain roughly same.
4 板块构造理论被大多数地质学家普遍接受,因为它提供了一个可以解释地球内部运动以及解释许多似乎不相关的地质现象之间的相互关系的综合模式,
The theory of plate tectonics is generally accepted by most geologists , becau it offers an integrated model which can interpret the movements of earth's interior and explain interactions of many emingly irrelative geologic phenomena。
5 2006年11月27日上午6点到11点,要求地质系全体新生到古生物实验室参观。
All new students of department of geology , plea visit the paleontology at 8am to 11am, November 27 ,2006.
1 晚二叠世末期标志着海退高峰期一直是大多数地质学家接受的传统观点
Most geologists the traditional idea that the end of the late permian marks the peak of regression .
2 许多地质学家因此很自然地同意了他得观点,即重要的环境变化分别是在晚二叠世末期和三叠纪早期。
Therefore , many geologists naturally agreed to his viewpoint that the important environmental changes occurred in late permian and early Triassic, respectively.
3 尽管张教授的论文中多次提及王教授在其他学科方面的研究,但是没有一处提及他的大地构造学说论点.
Professor zhang didn't mention prof。 Wang’s geotectonic model at all ., although he repeatedly mentioned his work in other disciplines in his paper。
4 让我最感兴趣的是一群中国古生物学家在煤山的同一著名剖面所做的工作。
What interested me most was the work conducted by a group of chines paleontologists in the same famous ction in Meishan。
The interrelation between biology and environment provides possibility for understanding the evolution of the biosphere in the geological history.
6 没有足够菊石资料的中生代地层的全球年代地层对比是难以被信赖的。
Global chronostratigraphic correlation of Mesozoic strata is unreliable without sufficient data of ammonites.
The paleomagnetic data of the Southeast Asia quite doubtable due to the poor geochronological constraint by the limited paleozoic data .Although the Mesozoic data may be relatively more reliable, it is still being investigated。
2 这篇论文试图在当前获知的地质物理条件下评估这些地块的起源以及它们在古生代和中生代运移历史的证据。
This paper attempted to evaluate the origin of the blocks and evidences of their movements in the paleozoic and Mesozoic bad on the currently available geological and geophysical conditions .
3 基于最近该区古地磁的研究进展,可以建立从三叠纪至白垩纪的古地磁地层学层序。
Bad on the recent progress of paleomagnetism in this area, the paleomagnetostratigraphic quence from the Triassic to Cretaceous can be established .
4 晚三叠纪末期,华南沿秦岭合线和华北拼接,特提斯北支沿它的西部闭合,从而使脊椎动物可以在新生的东南亚和劳亚大陆之间进行陆上交往。
In the end of the Late Triassic, the South china Block collided with the North china Block along the Qinling suture zone , and the north branch of the Tethys collided along the western Qinling suture , therefore, the vertebrates were allowed to ashore exchange between the newborn Southeast Asia and Laurasia。
5 数年前由于资料匮乏,对于地球和其他新球之间关系的研究了无成效
There was no significant achievement on the relationship between the Earth and planets due to the lack of data veral years ago .
1 ,200多年以前,地质学家得出结论,古代的玄武岩也是火山成因的。
Geologists drew a conclusion two hundred years ago that ancient basalt was of volcanic origin.
2 证明花岗岩是由炙热的,熔融的物质通过结晶作用形成的岩石可不容易.
It’s not easy to prove that granite is formed by hot and molten materials through crystallization 。