[2013. 2.23] 美国第三十任总统柯立芝VS经济大萧条

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[2013. 2.23] 美国第三十任总统柯立芝VS经济大萧条
Calvin Coolidge and the Great Depression

When less led to more

America’s 30th president has been much misunderstood

Feb 23rd 2013 |From the print edition 

Coolidge. By Amity Shlaes. Harper; 560 pages; $35. Buy

作者:Amity Shlaes

WEANED on a pickle” was how the acid-tongued Alice Roovelt Longworth described Calvin Coolidge, America’s president from 1923 to 1929. Popular historians have been no kinder. Many blame his laisz-faire approach for prompting the Wall Street crash of 1929.


Implicit in this view is the presumption that only interventionist central government can hel
p America recover from economic shock. Mr Coolidge’s hallmark was distrust of government. He saw it as an entity that us “despotic exactions” (taxes) that sap individual initiative and prosperity across the board. American readers who believe intervention to be a good thing are likely to blanch at a controversial new biography of Coolidge by Amity Shlaes, an American columnist and historian of the Depression. However, if they are brave enough to read on they will also discover a presidency of remarkable achievement that has received too little attention. During Coolidge’s tenure American debt fell by one-third, the tax rate by half and unemployment collapd.

该观点暗含着这样一种推论,即只有实行干涉主义的中央政府才能帮助美国从经济冲击中复苏。柯立芝的特点就是对政府的不信任。他视政府为使用“专横的苛捐杂税(税款)”来削弱个人积极性、破坏国家全面繁荣的实体。这本备具争议的柯立芝传记是美国专栏作家、研究大萧条的历史学家 Amity Shlaes的新作,认为干涉主义是一件好事的美国读者们可能会对这本书避之不及。然而,如果他们足够勇敢来读下去的话,还会发现柯立芝在总统任职期间取得的巨大成就鲜为人知。在他任职期间,美国的债务削减了三分之一、税率

Coolidge learned young about dealing with tough times. He grew up in a farming community with poor access to markets. To save on school fees, he studied law in a free library. As a lawyer and in a ries of elected positions in western Massachutts, he acquired a reputation for speaking rarely but knowing a lot.


Coolidge learned at first towards the surging progressive movement, which supported state intervention and union involvement in the economy. But his views shifted when he saw what tho ideas meant in practice. The railways, for example, were regarded as vill
ainous by many, and were subjected to increasing regulation. Coolidge had en how the farmers of his childhood suffered from lack of rail access. He regarded rail transport as hugely beneficial, and understood that the railways needed to be free to make a profit in order to expand. Called upon to mediate in a strike of wool workers in Massachutts, he first sympathid with the strikers who worked under brutal conditions. But this was quickly tempered by a n that many of tho behind them cared more about the confrontation than about wages or the prosperity of the companies that could provide them.


Coolidge’s defining moment came in 1919, when the Boston police held a strike while he was governor of Massachutts. Politicians from President Woodrow Wilson down wavered. Coolidge stood firm, insisting on the need for public safety. This “is not a strike, it is a dertion,” he said, and then sacked the entire force. The country, it turned out, was on his side.


The journey to the White Hou, which began when Warren Harding asked him to be vice-president on the Republican ticket in 1920, enjoyed strong support. By the summer of that administration’s first year, though, the stockmarket had fallen by 47.8% from its peak in 1919, further than it would fall in 1929. The country was awash in debt left over from the first world war; unemployment was high. The new administration responded with austerity. In a symbolic first step, President Harding shunned a costly inaugural. Taking office after Harding died suddenly in 1923, Coolidge was sworn in by his father, a notary, by the light of a kerone lantern. His reaction on becoming president was just as spartan: “I think I can swing it.”

他的总统之路始于沃伦•哈定 (Warren Harding)的邀请。哈定在1920年参加总统竞选时,邀请柯立芝作为共和党候选人竞选副总统,这条路走得十分顺畅。然而,截至那一届政府上任后第一个年头的夏天,股市从1919年的峰值下降了47.8%,下降幅度比1929年的还要大。美国深深陷入了第一次世界大战留下的债务当中,而且失业率很高。对此,新一届政府班子以紧缩策略应对。在象征性的第一步中,哈定总统就把就职仪式搞得很简洁。哈定

Coolidge felt that his duty to the public did not include protecting Washington’s influence, and he t to shrinking it. MsShlaes us Coolidge’s diaries to show how often the president met with his budget director, Herbert Mayhew Lord. They cut back on the u of pencils, changed the fabric of mailbags and lowered the tariff on paintbrush handles. Government departments that reduced expenditures were rewarded with special citations. Sensitive to the importance of personal example, he was equally tough on his own houhold, questioning even the amount of food on the White Hou table. “I am for economy. After that I am for more economy,” Coolidge said as he faced an onslaught of interests eking cash, from the army to civil engineers to pensioners to governors.

柯立芝感到他对民众的义务不包括保护华府的影响力,相反他决心减小这种影响力。作者Shlaes引用柯立芝的日记来证明,柯立芝经常会见他的预算主管Herbert Mayhew。他们削

Coolidge was, MsShlaes writes, “the great refrainer”. He wanted government to support innovation by using it—he made the first presidential radio broadcast—but not get involved otherwi. “It is much more important to kill bad bills than to pass good ones,” he said. “Let administration catch up with legislation.” Coolidge oppod the dams and power projects beloved by his successors, Herbert Hoover and Franklin Roovelt. He also objected to public ownership of the Post Office, tax exemptions for municipal debt and farm subsidies, all of which have produced costs that still hang heavily over America.


Even in the face of natural disasters, he held back, fearing that intervention would undermine individual initiative and corrupt the national government. This restraint was tested twice in 1927, first during devastating floods of the Mississippi river and then by floods in his home state of Vermont, which affected neighbours and friends. The acts of resistance pitted Coolidge against the vast forces that converge on Washington eking benefits, and turned him into an anti-debt activist.


The person who says no is rarely loved. But Coolidge survived becau his faith in America proved justified. The share crash and the economic slump that greeted the Harding-Coolidge administration were forgotten as the stockmarket and economy recovered. After winning a new election in his own right in 1924, he declined to run in 1928 despite substantial popularity, believing that the presidency was a transitional position, and not a monarchical one.


Hoover, the next president, was a successful businessman, a proven mobilir of people and resources who was eager to push a more expansive agenda. Seven months into the new administration, the stockmarket fell again. The economic malai that followed was so long and deep it became known as the Great Depression. It took until 1942, after America’s entry into the cond world war, for unemployment to shrink back. MsShlaes’s biography provides a window onto an unfairly tarnished period. It derves to be widely read.


From the print edition: Books and arts

I. 表达:

across the board     全部每一个
blanch at                  对---避之不及
in one's own right   靠自己的能力

II. 注释:

进步运动。在性质上,进步运动是以中产阶级为主体、有社会各阶层参与的资产阶级改革运动,目的在于消除美国从 “自由”资本主义过渡到垄断资本主义所引起的种种社会弊端,重建社会价值体系和经济秩序。在内容上,进步运动同时在联邦、州和市三级展开,从政治上的争取妇女选举权、市政改革到经济领域的反托拉斯运动,从救济穷人和改善工人待遇的社会正义运动到自然资源保护,囊括社会生活的各个方面,影响深远。 

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