1. –latry: worship: idolatry
2. –laud-, -laus- prai: laudable, laudatory
3. –lavat-, -lot- wash: lavatory, lotion
4. –lax- loo: relax, laxity
5. *-le 1) v. denoting repeated action, esp. of a small or trivial kind: winkle, twinkle, wriggle 2) n. usually diminutive: shuttle, handle, girdle 3) adj. from verb stems: brittle 4) onomatopoeia: sizzle, gurgle (不影响重⾳)
6. *–led taking ~ as the leading force: export-led (不影响重⾳)
7. *–leg- 1) [also –legis-] law: legal, legitimate, legislature, legislation, legislate, extralegal, legality, legalist, illegakize 2) appoint: delegate, relegate 3) choo, read, gather [also –lig-, -lect-]: legible, intelligence, lect, eligible, elect, elitism, intellect, intellectual, collect, collection, elegant, neglect, neglectful, negligence, lecture, dialect, idiolect, legendary
8. *–lence n. of adj. ending in –lent: turbulence, fraudulence (重⾳’ - - lence)/l[ns/
9. –leni- mild: lenity, lenient
10. *–lent full of: virulent, fraudulent, turbulent (重⾳’ - - lent)/l[nt/
11. lepto- small, thin: leptosome, leptocephalic
12. *–less without: lfless, homeless (不影响重⾳) /l[s/
13. *–let diminutive: riverlet, bracelet (不影响重⾳) /lit/
14. leuc-, leuk- white: leukemia
15. *–lev-, -lieve, -lief lift: elevate, alleviate, relieve, lever, elevator, levitate
16. levo- left: levorotation
17. *–liber- free: liberal, liberate, libertine
18. –libr- book: library, librarian
19. –lid-, -lis- bump: collide, collision
20. –lig- bind: oblige, obligation
21. lign- wood: ligneous
22. *–like like, suitable for: gentlemanlike, womanlike (不影响重⾳)
23. –limin- threshold: eliminate, preliminary
24. *–ling diminutive: duckling, underling, yearling,weakling (不影响重⾳)
25. *–lingu- language: bilingual, linguist, linguistic, multilingual
26. –liqu- liquid: liquor, liquidate
27. *–liter- letter: literary, literal, literate, literacy, illiteracy, anti-illiteracy, transliterate, obliterate
28. –lith-, -lite stone: monolith, lithography, aerolith, aerolithology, Paleolithic, Neolithic, megalith, lithic, lithiasis, zoolite
29. *–loc- place: collocate, allocate, local, location, localize, locomotive, relocate, dislocate
30. *–log-, -logue word, logic, discipline: logical, monologue, sociology, dialogue, eulogy, eulogize, apology, prologue, epilogue, neologism, philology (重⾳’- - logue /l[g/, ‘- logy /l[dVi/)
31. *–loger n. of certain n. ending in –logy: astrologer (重⾳’ - loger)/l[dV[/
32. *–logian n. of certain n. ending in –logy: theologian (重⾳’logian)/lCdVi[n/
33. *–logic, –logical adj. of n. ending in –logy: geologic, geological, anthropologic (重⾳’logic, ‘logical)/lCdVik/, /l[dVikl/
34. *–logist: n. of most n. ending in –logy: Sinologist, biologist (重⾳’- logist)
35. *–long- long: longevity, longitude
36. *–loqu-, -locut- speak: loquacious, eloquent, grandiloquent, eloquence, soliloquy, obloquy, loquacity
37. *–luc- light [n]: lucid, elucidate, translucent, lucent, elucidate, noctilucent
38. *–lud-, -lus- play: delude, allude, illusory, elusive, collude
39. *–lumin- light, lamp: luminous, illuminate, illuminance, luminary, luminosity, relumine
40. *–lun- moon: lunar, sublunary, lunatic, lunacy, sublunary
41. –lup- wolf: lupine
42. –lustr- light up: illustrate, illustrious
43. *–ly 1)n → adj. friendly, brotherly 2) adj. → adv. slowly, helpfully(不影响重⾳)/li/
44. –lysis dissolution, relaxation: analysis, catalysis, paralysis
45. –lyst analyst, catalyst
46. –lytic, -lytical adj. of n. ending in –lysis: analytic, analytical (重⾳’lytic, ‘lytical)
47. –machin-, -mechan- machine: machinery, mechanism
48. *macro- big: macrocosmic, macroeconomics, macroworld, macroscale
49. –macul- stain: immaculate
50. *–magn- [positive] big; major- [comparative]; maxim- [superlative]: magnify, magnifier, magnitude, magnanimous, magnificent, magnate, majority, maximum
51. *mal-, male- [positive] bad or badly; pejor- [comparative]; pessim- [superlative]: maltreat, malcontent, malpractice, malnutrition, malfunction, malediction, pejorative, pessimist, pessimism
52. –malacia 软化: cerebromalacia (重⾳’lacia)
53. *–man-, -mans- stay, dwell: remain, mansion, immanent, manor, permanence, remanent
54. –mancip- slave: emancipate
55. *–mand-, -mandat- command: demand, mandate, mandatory, countermand
56. *mani-, manu- hand: manicure, manuscript, manufacture, manacle, maintain
57. *–mania craziness: monomania, megalomania (重⾳’mania)
58. *–maniac person suffering from mania: monomaniac (重⾳’maniac)
59. *–maniacal of mania or a maniac: megalomaniacal (重⾳ma’niacal)
60. *–manship qualities associated with a profession: sportsmanship, craftsmanship
61. *–mar-, -mer- a: marine, submarine, mermaid, mariner, antisubmarine, maritime
62. –marit- husband: marital
63. *–mascul- man: masculine
64. *–mater-, -matr- mother: maternity, matricide, matron, matriarchal, maternal
65. –materi- mater: material, materialize
66. –matur- ripe: maturity, immature
67. *–medi- middle: mediate, medium, intermediate, immediate, mediator, medieval, Mediterranean, median
68. *-medic- physician: medical, medicine, medication, medicinal, medicable, medico, medico-legal, Medicaid
69. *mega- million, large: megabyte, megacity, megaphone, megatanker, megahertz, megaton
70. megalo- huge: megalomania
71. mela-, melan- black: melancholy
72. –memor- mindful: memorize, immemorial, memorial, commemorate, commemorative
73. –mens- 1) month: mens, menstruate 2) measure: immen, immensity, mensuration, commensurate, mensural
74. *–ment- mind: mental, mentality, mention, mentionable, comment, commentary, commentator, amentia, demented
75. *–ment: v. → n.: government, instrument, development (不影响重⾳)
76. –merc- trade: commercial, mercantile
77. *–merg-, -mers- dip, sink: emerge, submerge, immer, emergence, immerge, immersion, submergible
78. meso- middle: mesoderm
79. *meta- [met- before a vowel]1) change in position or form, alteration, transposition =trans-: metathesis, metasomatism 2) after [in medical terms =post-]: metaphysical 3) behind, at the back of [in anatomical terms, =dorso- ] metanephros 4) going beyond or higher, transcending: metalinguistics, metahistory, metacriticism 5) between: metope 6) in chemical terms: metaprotein
80. *–meter, -metr- measuring, or instrument or science for measuring: geometrical, symmetry, barometer, speedometer, trigonometry, thermometer, metrology, ismometer, photometer, optometer, audiometer, diameter, perimeter, gasometer, spirometer
81. *meteoro- meteor or climate: meteoroid, meteorology, meteorite
82. metho- 甲基: methane
83. *–metry: measurement: geometry
84. *micro- 1) small: microphone, microscope, microprint, microsystem 2) 1/1,000,000 micrometer
85. *mid- middle: midsummer, midlife, midnight
86. *–migr- move: migration, immigrant, emigrant, transmigration, migrant, intermigration
87. *–milit- army: militant, military, militia, militarism, militarize
88. *mill- 1,000: millennium
89. *milli- 1/1,000 millimeter, milliliter, milligram
90. *–min- hang: imminent, prominent, eminent, preeminent
91. *mini- small: minibus, miniskirt, minister, minify, minim, minimum, miniature, diminish
92. -ministr- rvant: miniter, administer
93. *–minut- small: minute, diminutive, minutiae
94. *–mir- wonderful, strange: mirror, miracle, admire, mirage, miraculous
95. *mis- bad, wrong: mistake, misunderstanding, misconception, misu, misprint, misspelling, misfortune, misrule, misremember
96. *–misc-, -mixt- mix: miscellaneous, promiscuous, mixture, miscible, immiscible, promiscuity
97. –mir- unfortunate: mirable, commirate
98. miso- [mis- before a vowel] hate: misogyny, misanthropy
99. *–mit-, -mitt-, -miss- nd: remit, remittance, admission, missile, dismiss, dismissal, dismissive, transmit, transmission, promi, missionary, intermit, intermittent, intermission, emit, emission, emissary
100. *–mob-, -mot-, -mov- move: mobile, motion, remote, remove, movement, demobilize, demote, promote, motive, motivation, motor, mob, immobile, mobilize
101. *mock- imitation: mock-trial
102. –mod-, -moder- measure, way: modal, mode, modulate, moderate
103. –molli- tender: mollify
104. *–mon-, -monit- warn: admonish, premonition, monument, monitor, admonition
105. *mono- [mon- before a vowel] single: monologue, monarch, monotone, monoplane
106. –monstr- show: demonstrate, demonstrative
107. *–mony event or state: hegemony, matrimony, patrimony, ceremony
108. –morb- sick: morbid, morbidity
109. –morph- shape: amorphous, morphology, geomorphic, anthropomorphous, homomorphic
110. –mors- bite: remor
111. *–mort- die: immortal, mortuary, postmortem, mortician, mortal, mortality
112. *–most most: northernmost, utmost (不影响重⾳)
113. *multi- many: multitude, multinational, multidirectional, multiracial, multiparty
114. –mur- wall: mural, muralist, extramural, intramural, intermural, immure, immurement
115. *–mut- change: mutable, mutability, mutual, mutant, mutation, permutation, commutation, commute, commuter, transmute 116. myco- fungus: mycology
117. myria- 10,000, many: myriad, myriapod
118. myrmeco- any: myrmecology
119. myxo- 粘液: myxoderma
120. mytho- myth: mythology, mythopoeic
121. narco-, narcot- numb: narcolepsy, narcotic, narcosis
122. –narr- tell: narrative, narrate
123. *–nasc-, -naiss-, -nat- birth: natural, nation, prenatal, renascent, renaissance, native, nativity, neonate, natal, prenatal, postnatal, connate, cognate
124. -naut- sailor: astronaut, nautical, aeronautics
125. *–nav- ship: navy, naval, navigate, circumnavigate
126. –navig- steer: navigation, circumnavigate
127. –nebul- fog: nebulous, nebula
128. *necro- death: necromancer, necrophobia