罗夏:罗夏日记 10月12日 1985年 Dog carcain alley this tread in burst stonmach. 今早巷子有具狗尸体,车子碾得它肚皮开花 This city’s afraid of me. 这座城市畏惧我。 I’ve en its true face. The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood. 我已看穿它的真面目,街上是无尽的臭水沟,沟里淌满了鲜血。 And when the drains finally scab over all the vermin will drown. 一旦水管都长满了藓垢,所有害虫都得淹死殆荆 The accumulated filth of all their -x and murder will foam up around their waists 性与谋杀长期积累的污秽将冒起泡泡淹盖他们全身 and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout, “Save us.” 那时,所有娼妓 和政客只会仰天长啸:“救救我们。” And I’ll whisper, “No.” 而我会轻声说: “NO”。 Now the whole world stands on the brink staring down intobloody hell. 如今全世界都危落在崖边,凝视下边血淋淋的地狱。 All tho liberals and smooth talkers and all of a sudden, nobody canthink of anything to say. 所有那些自由主义者,知识分子和那些油嘴滑舌的人在这一刻都吐不出一个字来。 Beneath me, this awful city. It screams like an abattoir full of retarded children and thenight reeks of fornication and bad consciences. 我的身后就是这肮脏的城市 ,尖叫着如同一所堆满智障
儿童 的屠宰场,亦似散发通奸与无良臭气的夜晚 。 : It’s a joke. It’s all a fu-cking joke. You know, I thought I knew how it was. 笑匠:这是个玩笑,这一切都是该死的玩笑,我本以为我知道这是怎么回事。 I thought I knew how the world was. 我以为我了解这世界。 heard joke once. Man goes to doctor, says he’s depresd. 我只听过一次笑话。一个男人去找医生,说他抑郁极了。 Life ems harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in threatening world. 生活是如此严酷残忍,他说他在这威胁人的世界里感到很孤独。 Doctor says treatment is si-mp-le. “The great clown Pagliacci is in town. Go e him. 医生说治疗方法很简单,伟大的小丑‘帕格里亚齐’就在镇上。去找他吧。 That should pick you up. “ Man bursts into tears. 那样你就能振作起来了,男人立马泪流满面。 “But doctor, “ he says. “I am Pagliacci.” Good joke. Everybody laugh. Roll on snare drum. Curtains. 可是医生,他说道:”我就是帕格里亚齐”。很好笑,每个人都笑了。鼓声响起,帷幕落下。 :The alley was cold, derted. My things were where I left them, waiting for me. 罗夏:小巷真冰冷,荒无人烟。我的东西就在我丢下它们的地方,这会儿正等着我呢。 My coat, my shoes, my spotlegloves. My face. Putting them on, I abandoned ...became mylf. 我的大衣,我的鞋,还有干净手套,我的
脸。将它们戴上,我就抛弃了我的伪装…做回我自己。 :You wanna know about Rorschach? I’ll tell you about Rorschach. 罗夏:你想了解罗夏吗?那我就告诉你什么是罗夏。 Once a man has en society’s ...he can never turn his back on it. 一旦有人看见社会的黑暗面…他是无法熟视无睹的。 Never pretend, like ...that it doesn’t exist, no matter who orders him to look the other way. 他不会就像你一样假装…当它不存在,甚至是外人干预,他也不自欺欺人。 Men get arrested. Dogs get put down. 人进监狱 狗只有死 Tremors of impact shook my arm. Warm blood splashed my face. 颤抖冲击着我的胳膊。温暖的血液喷溅我的脸上。 Whatever was left of me died that night with that little girl. 不管那晚我还残留有任何影子都随着那个女孩的死消失的无影无踪了。 From then on there was only Rorschach. 从那时起 就只剩下罗夏 From then on I know 从那时起 我开始明白 God doesn’t make the world this way. 不是上帝令世界变成这个样子 We do. 是我们自己。 :None of you em to understand。I’m not locked in here with you. 罗夏:看来你们没有明白,不是我被-迫和你们关在这里 You’re locked in here with me. 是你们被-迫和我关在一起。 : Never compromi. Not even in the face of Armageddon. 罗夏:永不妥协,即使是面对世界末日