1.Banking 银行用语
Almost everyone deals with a bank ! See how John dealt with his first visit to an
American bank. What Modern English was ud?
几乎所有的人都要和银行打交道!我们来看看John 是怎样第一次和一家美国银行交
Banks handle your money!
Find out about some basic terms!
1. I want to make a deposit.
????????????'?'?'?????? 我想存钱。
1) 2. I want to make a withdrawal.
1) 3. I want to cash this check, plea.
我想把这张支票换成现金。 1) 4. I would like to apply for a loan. or I'd like to take out a loan
5. Can I buy travelers checks here? ???????'????????????'????????????????
6. My account number is ... ???????????'????????????????????
7. I would like to open a savings account. ?????????????'?'?'???????????'??????
8. I would like to open a checking account. ???????????????????'?'?'???????????'??????
一、与银行打交道:deal with a bank; 1)我想存钱; 2)我想取钱; 4)我想申请贷款;英国还有一种说法 6)我的帐户号码是.... 7)我想开一个现金帐户; 8)我想开一个支票帐户; 9)我的钱的利息是多少? 10)我的帐户里面还有多少钱?“学习”除了可以使用study、learn之外,可以不必翻译成“学习”的意
思,例如,find out.这里学习到2个有用的名词: 利息: interest
余额: balance
9. How much interest will my money earn? ???????' ? ? ? 我的钱的利息是多少?利率是多少?
1) 10. What’s my account balance?
3:C onversation (对话)
W h a t : H o w t o p l a c e o r r e c e i v e m o n e y i n a b a n k W h o : D o y o u h a v e m o n e y ? W h e r e : A t t h e b a n k , w h e r e e l s e ? W h e n : Y o u w a n t y o u r m o n e y i n a s a f e p l a c e W h y : S o y o u k n o w w h a t w i l l h a p p e n t o y o u r m o n e y
At lunchtime , John goes to the bank to t up an account . He notices many beautiful women on the way , but he really isn’t too interested. He has Kelly on his mind . What
do you think this will lead to? At the bank , he must wait for another client before it is his turn. Then he gets some general account information before being directed to the right
place for opening a new account.
Clerk: Good afternoon, Miss. What can I do for you?
Lady: Could you give me my account balance . My account number is …
Clerk: Just a moment , plea (enters the account number into the computer) Your
Lady: Barbara Winters.
Clerk: Here is your balance (hands her a computer printout )
Lady: Thank you.Clerk: ( fills in a withdrawal slip, gives it to the lady to sign, process the
withdrawal, and gives her the money) Here you go , Miss.
Lady: Thank you (she leaves, and now its John’s turn)
John: Hello, I’d like to open an account, plea.
Clerk: Yes, sir. Would you like to open a savings account or a checking account ?
John: Just a savings account for now. Can you tell me how much interest my
在午饭时间:at lunchtime开新帐户有两种表达方法:open an account set up an account在...的心里:on one's mind在路上:on the way稍等:just a monment将帐户名输入电脑:enter account name in to the computer打印条: computer printout !填写取款单: withdrawal slip冲洗胶卷: process a film指着... : point to somewhere服务台: the customers service counter/service desk可以了,完事了:here you go.目前: for now
2)direct:引导、指引direct sb to somewhere3)enter也可以当“输入”的意思;
hand sb sthwithdraw vt.1)拉开窗帘: withdraw the curtain2)取钱: withdraw ¥20 from an account3)撤军: the army withdraw
money will earn ?
Clerk: The current rate is 4.5%. You’ll have to go to the Customer Service desk to apply for a new account, sir (points to the Customer Service counter)
I e. Thank you .
W h a t : 怎样在银行存钱或取钱?
W h o : 你有钱吗?
W h e r e :在银行,还是在其他什么地方?
W h e n : 你想把你的钱放在一个安全的地方吗?
W h y : 这样你就知道该怎样处理你的钱了
Clerk: 下午好,小姐。我能为您效劳吗?
Lady: Could you give me my account balance ? My account number is …
Clerk: 请稍等一下。(将账号输入电脑)请问您的名字?
Lady: Barbara Winters.
Clerk: 这是您的余额。(递给她一张电脑打出来的条)
Lady: 谢谢。I want to make a withdrawal of $150.
Clerk: ( 填一个存款单,让那位女士签名,手续完了后把钱给她 ) 可以了,小姐。 Lady: 谢谢。(她走了,现在该轮到John 了)
John: 你好,我想开个户头。
Clerk: 好的,先生。Would you like to open a saving account or a checking
account ?
目前我只要一个一般户头。Can you tell me how much interest my money will earn ?`
Clerk: 先生,现在的利率是4.5% 。你得去服务台申 请一个新户头。(指着服 务台) 取款单:withdrawl sliphand it to the lady to sign1)服务
台:the Customer Service desk
Service counter
我知道了。谢谢。 4:Explaination (句子解释)
1.2 这两句话在银行中经常被用到, 而它们的意思正好相反. 前者要存钱, 后者要取钱. 当然 还有其它方式来表达这两个意思. 你可以说 “I wanna put some money into my bank
account” -“我要在我的银行户头中存一些钱”或 “I wanna withdraw/ deposit some money from my bank account” - “我要从我的银行户头中
3. ‘Cash’ 的原意是现金, 在这句话中被用作动词, 是指把…兑换成现金. 兑换支票的时候别 忘了带上 你的 ‘ID’, 比如说 ‘Passport’ -护照, ‘Driver’s
licen’ -驾驶证等等. 在西方国 家人们用的最多的是他们的 ‘Driver’s licen’, 当然他们也有其它各
种各样的证件, 比如 ‘Social Security card’ -社会福利卡 或加拿大人用的 ‘Medical Insurance card’ -医疗保险 卡,来证明自己的身份。
4. 申请贷款在西方国家也不是非常简单, 它需要你有担保- ‘Co-signer’ 来保证款子的收回. 英语中申请贷款还可以说成 “I would like to take out a loan ”.
5. ‘Travelers check’ 是指旅行支票, 出去旅游时带些旅行支票要比带现金安全得多. 如果万 一被盗的话, 你应该去 ‘report to the bank’ - 挂失. 然后要求银行给你 ‘refund ’ -退款.
6. 在告诉别人你的号码时, 如果号码很长, 你最好一个一个的念, 尽量少用 ‘double’ -俩儿, ‘triple’ -仨儿 之类的词.
7.8 这两种帐户的不同在于, 前者是一般的银行户头, 而后者是支票户头。 由于银行给支票户 头更多的服务, 所以在支票户头下的钱的利息要低一些. 当然有了后者,你就不用揣着很多 现金, 担心被小偷光顾了。
9. ‘interest’ 在这儿是利息的意思, 千万不要和 ‘interesting’ 混淆了. 这句话还可以用以下 两种方式来表达 “How much interest do I earn ?” “How much can I earn from the interest on this account”. 请注意第二句中的 ‘on 存些钱/取些钱也可以直接用动词表达:
deposit ... in the bank
withdraw ... from my account
社会福利卡:Social Secuity Card;
担保人: co-signer
挂失:report to the bank
退还:refund sth
申请贷款在英国可以说:take out a loan
this account’ 一般不能省略, 它必须待在 ‘from the interest’ 之后指代某笔钱或某个户头。
10. 如果你只知道 ‘balance’ 有平衡的意思的话, 这句话乍看起来不怎么好懂。 其实 ‘Balance’ 可以指余额. 这样一来, 就好懂多了。你可以直接说 “What’s my balance?” 来 向信用卡公司问及你卡上的余额。 5:Brankground (背景提示) Western banks deal with money in a large variety of ways, for individuals or companies. There is an increasing emphasis today on electronic access. Transaction
s for salary payments , bill paying, account manipulation , etc. can be done by computer. Along with convenient ATM access , visits to the bank in person can be minimized .
西方的银行在处理钱的方面有很多方法,特别是对于个人和公司。今天银行用越来越多的电信方法来处理业务。如发工资, 各种付账, 或账户处理等等。这些都能通过电脑来完成。 另外由于各种自动取款机的应用, 需要走进银行办理业务的人数被限制了。
6:Culture (文化差异) If you handle American paper money, pay attention. All bills are the same size and color, printed black in front and green in back (slang: greenback). They do have different images, which helps after a while, but be careful at first.
如果你和美元打交道的话,一定要注意所有纸币的大小和颜色都是一样 的。它们的正面是黑色,反面是墨绿色。所以在俚语中美元纸币也被称作greenback 。当然,不同面值的纸币会有不同的图案和数字,这些都会帮你识别,但初次使用
重点: emphasis、stress
电子的: electronic
办理: transact/transaction
多样性、种类、变化: variety
将...减小: minimize
个人: individuals
方便的: convenient
随着...: along with...
亲自: in person
正面: in front
背面/反面:in back