急救常识培训 First Aid Training
1. 急救的目的是:维持生命,防止伤势恶化,促进恢复
1. Purpo: maintain life, prevent further worning of the wound and fasten recovery.
2. 心肺复苏:首先检查自主呼吸,循环恢复情况。A、打开气道;B、人工呼吸;C、胸外心脏按压,按压与松弛时间基本一致。
3. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: check spontaneous respiration and return of spontaneous circulation. A. clear airway, B. artificial respiration, C. extrathoracic compression, and the duration of the compression and relaxation shall be almost same.
Characteristics of cardiopulmonary resuscitation: spontaneous palpitations; autonomous respiration; regain consciousness.
3. 可疑有内出血的急救方法:及时拨打急救电话,观察伤员的呼吸、脉搏,保持呼吸道通畅,
3. Treatment on internal hemorrhage: call First Aid on site, obrve the injurer’s respiration, pul, keep the airway clear, no eat or drink.
4. 在创伤止血时常用方法:A、指压止血法;B、加压包扎法;C、止血带止血法;D、加垫屈肢止血法。
4. Method for stopping bleeding on the wounds: digital pressure hemostasis; pressure dressing; tourniquet; limb hemostat by hyperflexion with a pad.
5. 使用止血带包扎忌时间过长,每隔1小时放松1~2分钟,防止时间过长造成远端肢体缺血坏死。
5. It shall not last too long when the method of tourniquet is ud for stopping bleeding. It shall be relaxed for 1~2 minutes every one hour, so as to prevent from the avascular necrosis of the distal end due to the long time.
6. 使用夹板固定时注意松紧度,固定条带能上下移动1cm为宜。
6. The tightness shall be fit when using the splint for fixing. It will be appropriate if the fixing strip can move within 1cm.
7. 外伤出血:一般伤口使用止血药物包扎都能解决,碰撞、击打形成皮下出血、肿痛,可在伤口覆盖消毒纱布,用冰块冷敷半小时,再加压包扎,以减轻疼痛肿胀。
7. Traumatism and bleeding: Normally, it can be applied with hemostatic by wrapping on the wounds. The subcutaneous hemorrhage and pain caud by collision may be treated by wrapping up with sterile gauze, and then cold compress with ice for half hour, and then applied with pressure dressing, so as to relea the pain and tumidness.
8. 怀疑伤员颈椎损伤时,应平抬伤员至担架上,固定其头部颈部两侧放衣物,防止头部扭转屈曲导致加重。
8. As for cervical spine injury, rai levelly the injured to the stretcher, and place some clothes at both sides of the head and the neck for preventing torsional buckling of the head.
9. 脊柱骨折应由3~4人在同一侧同时托住伤员,头、肩、臀部和下肘,平卧在木板上,并用绷带加以固定,严禁采用“搬头般脚”。
9. As for spinal fracture, 3~4 person shall rai the injured at one side by the part of head, shoulder, hip and leg, and place on the wooden board in a horizontal position. It is forbidden to rai the injured only on the head and the foot.
10. 头部撞伤:伤势较重,已昏迷,立即清除口腔内的呕吐物和血块,将头偏向一侧,以防窒息。出现呼吸困难、恶心、呕吐、昏迷等症状忌随搬动,应平卧,抬高头部转运医院,眼珠网膜下腔出血表现为:双侧瞳孔(pupil)缩小。
10. Head injury: if the injured is rious and unconscious, clear the vomit and blood clot inside the mouth immediately, and place the head to one side, so as to prevent asphyxia. The injured shall not be moved if he has such symptom: difficulty in breathing, sick, vomit, coma, etc. The injured shall be placed in a horizontal position. Rai high the head and transfer to the hospital.