作者:乔中涛 张延生 高凤岐 杨叶舟
摘 要: 针对装备维修仿真训练中指标主观赋权法成绩评估的局限性,在评估中指标综合权重集成了主观权重和客观权重。分别采用层次分析法计算指标主观权重,熵值法计算客观权值,按最优化模型将主观权值和客观权值集成为综合权值。这种方法考虑了每个评估指标成绩差异性所携带的训练水平信息,从而改进了传统指标主观赋权评估方法。通过实践证明,基于该方法训练评估结果有更高的可信度。
关键词: 训练评估; 熵值法; 客观权值; 主观权值
中图分类号: TN911.1⁃34; TP391.9 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004⁃373X(2017)15⁃0090⁃04
Abstract: Since the index subjective weighting method has limitation to evaluate the result in simulation training of equipment maintenance, the subjective weight and ob
jective weight in evaluation are integrated into the index comprehensive weight. The analytic hierarchy process is ud to calculate the subjective weight of the index, and the entropy method is ud to calculate the objective weight of the index. According to the optimization model, the subjective weight and objective weight are integrated into a comprehensive weight respectively. The training level information carried by score difference of every single evaluation index is considered in the method to improve the traditional index subjective weighting evaluation method. The practice result verifies that the training evaluation result of the method has high credibility.