
更新时间:2023-05-09 01:23:09 阅读: 评论:0

In modern societies, despite the social progress and prosperity, people always feel that there is something not quite right. However , it is hard for them to put a finger on it .A feeling of emptiness and not belonging ,a lack of defined solid relationship em to be the sources of unhappiness. People all agree on the great conundrum of personal happiness: when asked how they are they will answer in terms of their family life and work life rather than the quality of salary. For them, the quality of life means more than the quantity of salary. However, politicians find it hard to grasp the subject, and are flummoxed by immeasurable concepts such as the family value. As a matter of fact, the government ca
n take a provocative role to respond to the yearning for happiness. Ultimately society’s happiness requires us all to play our part, and indeed, playing our part is part of being happy.
电子邮件是福也是祸。用得好,它可以带来许多益处;用得不好,它也会招致许多麻烦。E-mail has a mind-boggling effect on our career and personal life. Tho people thousands of miles away from each other can nd and receive exhaustive documents in few conds. This allows people to pull together in an unprecedented way,shared a multitude of engineering projects. Having a communicati
on or exchanging files through the e-mail with foreign people has become a commonplace. The difference of time zone is the only obstacle.
However, on the other hand, reading e-mail will also kill much of our work time. Sometimes, we spend most of our time and energy just reading the mail without requesting and deleting junk. However, many of the mail I got are worth to read, wiping out all of them without thinking twice ems too reckless. After all, most of the mails are from my coworkers and
superiors. In my opinion, e-mail has helped to flatten the office hierarchy. Giving some advices to our boss by e-mail is much easier than talking face to face. But the disadvantage is that if the e-mail is misinterpreted, it may has injuries and offensive to others.
E-mail is a blessing and cur. Using well, it can bring many benefits, or it can cau a lot of trouble
With any culture there are certain rules and customs that you should follow so you don't offend anyone.
This is no difference for the culture that exists on the Internet, whether you are emailing, chatting with other people, gaming or building your own Web site.
There is a list of golden rules you should live by to help your online experience be as smooth as possible.
这种规范被称为“网络礼节”。This code is known as “Netiquette”.
1. Be polite
Some people think that being on the Internet means you are anonymous and so you can get away with being rude in chat rooms and on message boards. This is not true, as most Web sites have tracking features.
2. 要尊重别人
因特网是一个全球性的社会,而其他人的价值观和人生观可能会跟你自己的大相径庭。一个国家的俚语或习语未必能够被另一个国家的人理解,所以对它们的使用要容忍和慎重。2. Be respectful
The Internet is a global community, and other people's values and outlooks on life may be different to your own. Be tolerant and careful with slang or phras that may not be understood in another country.
3. 要谦虚谨慎
3. Be modest
Always play nice and give encouragement to your fellow players and oppositions.
北京百折不挠地想成为氢燃料电池动力车(hydrogen-fuel-cell-powered cars)的世界领先者。Beijing is undaunted in its ambition to become    a world leader in hydrogen-fuel-cell-powered cars.
这种梦想未必不会实现。The dream is not far-fetched.
Making hydrogen cars a reality is only partly a matter of coming up with technological breakthroughs.
It also involves replacing gasoline filling stations, refineries and internal-combustion engines with hydrogen equivalents.
China's relative lack of development may thus be a virtue; the country's leadership has a relatively clean slate upon which to build a hydrogen-car industry, should it choo to do so.
中国选择哪种发展汽车的策略一定会对这个国家---以及世界其他地方---产生巨大影响。Which strategy China choos stands to have a huge impact on the country--- and on the rest of the world.
At prent, the Middle Kingdom is traverd by relatively few cars---only about 20 million.
That amounts to barely eight cars per 1,000 people, which is a far cry from the 100 in Brazil or 940 in the United States.
然而,中国将会迅速赶上来。China is catching up quickly, however.
At its current rate of growth, the country will surpass Japan and become the world's cond largest auto market by 2011, with annual sales of 5 million cars.
In the next few years, China's hydrogen proponents will be pressing their ca.
他们认为,氢可能关系到国家的兴衰存亡。Hydrogen, they argue, may be a matter of survival.
For one thing, the nation's growing demand for oil pos a national-curity risk.
Developing a hydrogen-bad economy would relieve that pressure.
China's growing environmental problems are another argument for developing hydrogen.
assault n. vt.攻击;袭击
elevate vt. 提升;举起;提升…的职位
ally n. 同盟国;伙伴;同盟者;助手vt. vi. 联合;结盟
exci n. 消费税,货物税v. 切除;删除;收税,征税
enact vt. 颁布;制定法律;扮演;发生mandate n. 授权;指令;委托管理vt. 授权;托管
biblical adj. 圣经的;依据圣经的
would-be adj. 想要成为的;自称的;冒充的n. 想要成为…人
dogma n. 教条,教理;武断的意见adherent n. (政党、思想的)拥护者adj. 粘着的;遵守的;
ominous adj. 预兆的;不吉利的inculcate vt. 教育;谆谆教诲;
shackles n.手铐,脚镣
enshrine vt. 铭记,珍藏
cynical adj.愤世嫉俗的;悲观的;恶意的pedestal n.基架;底座;受人尊敬的地位vt.颂扬
sarcastic adj. 挖苦的;尖刻的,辛辣的overpower vt. 压倒;克服;使无法忍受dissolution n. 分解,溶解;(议会等的)解散;(契约等的)解除;死亡
withstand v. 抵挡;反抗
catastrophe n. 大灾难;大祸;惨败neurotic adj. 神经过敏的;神经病的n. 神经病患者;神经过敏者
bouquet n. 花束;酒香
gorgeous adj. 华丽的,灿烂的;极好的bask v. 晒太阳;取暖;愉快或舒适consuming adj. 消费的;强烈的
neuroscientist n. 神经系统科学家perspiration n. 汗水;流汗;努力enticing adj. 有诱惑力的;有吸引力的v. 诱使;
prefrontal adj. 前额的
cortex n. 树皮;果皮
ep v. (液体)渗漏,渗透;逐渐移动,anticipatory adj. 预期的;提早发生的;期待着的
intuitive adj. 直觉的;凭直觉获知的
foreshadow vt. 预示;成为…的前兆n. 预
surmi vt. .n.猜测;推测
vestige n. 遗迹;残余;退化的器官
mundane adj. 世俗的,平凡的;世界的,
pare vt. 消减;削皮;剪
altruism n. 利他;利他主义
hone v. 训练(尤指技艺);磨(刀);发牢
monitor n. 监视器;班长v. 监控
enlist vi. 支持;从军;赞助vt. 使入伍;
trumpet n. 喇叭;喇叭声vt. 吹喇叭;吹嘘
validity n. [计] 有效性;正确;正确性
glaring adj. 耀眼的;瞪视的;炯炯的
weird adj. 怪异的;不可思议的n.命运;预
言distort vt. 扭曲;使失真;曲解vi. 扭曲;变
形touchy-feely adj.感情外露的;过分多愁善感
antithesis n. 对立面;对照;对仗
detract vt. 转移,使分心vi. 贬低;减去
gravitate vi. 受引力作用;被吸引
lousy adj. 讨厌的;多虱的;污秽的;极坏
ostensible adj. 表面的;假装的
rectify vt. 改正;精馏;整流
drudgery n. 苦工,苦差事
penance n. 忏悔;苦差事v. 使忏悔
mediocre adj. 普通的;平凡的;中等的
gospel n. 真理;信条
thug n. 暴徒;恶棍;刺客
diverge vi. 分歧;偏离vt. 使偏离;使分叉
gmentation n. 分割;割断;细胞分裂
homogeneous adj. 均匀的;同类的
unifier n. 统一者
crunchy adj. 易碎的
amoral adj. 与道德无关的
defiant adj. 挑衅的;蔑视的
reshuffling v. 改组,岗位调整,重新安排;
zeal n. 热情;热心;热诚
falter vi. 衰弱;衰退;蹒跚;犹豫
inkling n. v.暗示;略知;模糊概念,
quip n.v. 妙语;嘲弄;
guffaw n. v.哄笑;狂笑
plunder n.v. 掠夺,抢劫;,剽窃
forage n. 饲料;搜索vi. 觅食;搜寻
malicious adj. 恶意的;恶毒的;蓄意的;
boggy adj. 似沼泽的;沼泽多的
murky adj. 黑暗的;朦胧的;阴郁的
redress v. n.纠正;使恢复;赔偿;救济
aggrieved adj. 受委屈的v. 侵害,伤害
chunk n. 大块;矮胖的人或物
vendetta n. (尤指族间或血亲间的)仇杀;
recount v. 讲述,叙述n. 讲述;重新计
purloin v.偷窃
vigilantly adv. 警惕地;警觉地;留心地
itemize vt. 逐条列记
row-over v. 从容胜过;一路领先
collage n.拼贴;拼贴画;
pretentiousness n. 自负;狂妄;自命不凡
fusty adj. 发霉的;守旧的,老式的
allusion n. 暗示;提及
homage n. 敬意;尊敬;效忠
pedantry n. 迂腐;卖弄学问;假装学者
mnemonic adj. 记忆的;助记的;记忆术的
canonical 准确的;权威的;公认的
hermetic a dj. 密封的;不透气的
xenophobia n. 仇外;对外国人的畏惧和憎
chauvinism n. 沙文主义;盲目的爱国心
compunction n. 悔恨,后悔;内疚
Paradigmatic adj.典范的
stifle v. 扼杀;使窒息;藏匿窒
fervent adj. 热心的;强烈的;热烈的
narcissism n. 自恋,自我陶醉
rung n.梯级(尤指社会等级或职业
warfare n. 战争;冲突
condone vt. 宽恕;赦免
Ideology n. 意识形态;思想意识;观
barbaric adj. 野蛮的,粗野的;原始的
outspoken adj. 坦率的,直言不讳的
laureate n. 获奖者,荣誉获得者;adj.
unit 1 TextA
militerate a. 半文盲
trump card 王牌
get by 通过
ttle down 静下来
dropout n. 辍学
do-gooder n. 帮倒忙的人
impediment n. 妨碍
charmer n. 可爱的人、魔术师
steely    a. 钢的flunk v. 失败、不及格at stake 危急关头
composure n. 沉着、冷静
parade n. 游行、检阅
sail v. 航行、起航
testimony n. 证据、证言、证明
follow through 坚持到底
conspiracy n. 阴谋、共谋
doom v. 注定、判决、使失败
unit 2 TextA
propo v. 提议、求婚
knockoff n. 赝品
windex v. 清洁剂
take the plunge 冒险尝试;采取决定性步骤maid of honor 伴娘
matrimonial    a. 婚姻的
bridesmaid n. 伴娘
pastel    a. 彩色粉笔
taffeta n. 塔夫绸
consignment n. 托付
entourage n. 随从
groomsman n. 伴郎
courtship n. 求爱(期)、求婚
publicist n. 公关、宣传人员monomaniacal    a. 偏执狂
pharmacist n. 药商、药剂师
whine v. 哀诉、抱怨
thwart v. 阻扰、妨碍
cathedral n. 大教堂
quarantine v. 对...检疫、隔离
petite    a. 娇小的、柔弱的
brim v. 充满、溢出
navigate v. 驾驶、领航
eerily adv. 可怕的
reminiscent    a. 怀旧的
drab    a. 单调的
relentlessly adv. 残酷的
dank    a. 阴湿的
artattered    a. 破烂的
prognosis n. 预知、病状的诊断
trickle v. 滴、掉眼泪
decadent    a. 颓废的
incision n. 切开、切口
bolster v. 支持、支撑
chemo n. 化疗
poach v. 水煮、偷猎
consummately adv. 完美的
myriad n. 许多、无数
protrude v. (使)突出、(使)伸出
raspy    a. 刺耳的
unit 3 TextA
disingenuousness n. 不诚信
withering    a. 使人难忘的
endor v. 赞同
quential    a. 连续的、相继的testimony n. 证词、证据
nicotine n. 尼古丁
sophistication n. 复杂、诡辩、老于世故allure n. 诱惑力、魅力
extol v. 颂扬、赞颂
clad    a. 穿衣的、覆盖的
the better part of 大多数
pathology n. 病理学
perver    a. 反常的、任性的、堕落的exonerate v. 使免罪
epidemiological    a. 流行病学的landmark n. 里程碑
bronchogenic    a. 支气管原的surrogate n. 代理人、替代品、替身deride v. 取笑
exhaustively adv. 用尽一切的memorandum n. 备忘录
disinformation n. 假信息
obfuscate v. 使模糊
spike v. 阻止、用钉子钉牢
racketeering n. 诈骗
gaggle n. 一群
skeptic n. 怀疑(论)者、无神论者defraud v. 欺骗某人
pandemic n. 流行病
htmly n. 鼓吹、提倡
unit 4TextA
blessing n. 祈福
cur n. 咒骂
chitchat n. 闲聊
detritus n. 碎石、岩屑
suck v. 吸允
con    a. 哄骗的
harry v. 折磨、掠夺、骚扰
snoop v. 窥探
shrivel v. 枯萎
barrage n. 弹幕、阻塞
nanocond n. 毫微秒
cook up 迅速做好饭菜、编造、策划catalyst n. 催化剂、刺激因素
mind-boggling    a. 警告
hassle v. 打扰
irreconcilable    a. 无法调节的salvage v. 营救far-flung
a. 广泛传播的
visceral    a. 不理智的、本能的
peck v. 攻击
lust n. 欲望
hierarchy n. 等级制度
buffer n. 缓冲地带
purveyor n. 供货商
prurient    a. 好色的、淫乱的
spew v. 呕吐、喷出
vile    a. 恶劣的、卑鄙的
run amok 胡作非为
cobble together
border on 接界、相邻于、近似于
lap n. 流逝、失效
gentility n. 有教养
lowerca    a. 用小写字母的
snippy    a. 尖刻的、语言唐突的archive n. 档案(馆)
curator n. 馆长、监护人
bemoan v. 抱怨
mur v. 召集、对……点名

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