单词 | 熟义 | 新义 | 例句 |
1.abnt | adj.缺席的 | adj.茫然的, 恍惚的 | She looked at the picture in an abnt way. |
2.ache | vi.&n.难受 | vi.渴望 | Having left for ages, he was aching for home. |
3.address | n.地址 | vt.发表演说 | The president will address his speech at 3:00 pm. |
4.absorb | vt汲取 | vt用心于,理解 | Absorbed in painting, John didn’t notice evening approaching. I haven’t really had time to absorb everything that he said. |
5.add | v. 增加,加起来 | v.补充说,接着说 | I would like to add that we are plead with the test. |
6.against | Prep.逆行,反对,倚靠 | Prep.和…接触,在…衬托(背景)下 | Now and then he would stop, look at the scraper and try it against his hand before it was sharp enough to cut up the meat and scrape the fish. The picture looks nice against the white wall. |
7.allow | vt.允许 | vt.允许有 | This diet allows you one glass of wine a day. |
8.announce | vt.宣布 | vt.预示,预兆 | A warm sunshine announces the coming of spring. |
9.attend | vt.出席,参与(婚礼、典礼、会议等) | vi.&vt.看护,治疗 | The nur attended ( to ) him day and night. attend a concert听音乐会 attend school上学 attend church做礼拜 attend a lecture听讲座 |
10.bear | n.熊 vt.承受支撑;生(孩子);开(花)结(果)长(叶子);忍受容忍;担当(责任responsibility或费用cost) | vt.带有(标记或特征);怀有(某种感情);经得起(考验检查等) | He was badly wounded in the war and still bears the scars. The hous bear the marks of bullet holes and the streets are particularly derted. She bore love to him.她对他怀有仰慕之心。 She bears him a grudge.她对他怀恨在心。 His work can’t bear clo examination. 他的工作经不起细致检查。 Therefore, we should bear in mind his advice. 牢记 |
11.better | adj.&adv 较好的,较好地 | vt.改善,优化 | A key first step in bettering your evaluation ability is to look carefully at your sources of health information. |
12.blank | adj.空白的n.空白 | adj.没有表情的,没有爱好的 | The stranger returned my greeting with a blank look. |
13.blue | adj.&n.蓝的,蓝色 | adj.悲伤的 | His songs always make me feel blue. |
14.build | vt.建立,建筑 | vi.使增加,使强壮 n.体形,身材 | One should receive training to build up one’s confidence. You’re right,Josh. He may have a small build. 不够强壮 |
15.bridge | n.桥 v.架桥于…上;横跨…之上;作为桥梁把…连接起来 | vt. 消退隔阂;弥合分歧,代沟等 | I will try to pave the way between the worlds and bridge the gap of you. |
16.cau | vt.促使,引起 n.缘由,起因 | n.事业 | Even with a staff of volunteers,Tomas often devotes up to 50 hours a week to his cau(事业). |
17 pany | n.公司 | n.陪伴,同伴 | I have no company on the journey. You can make money and enjoy the company of babies and toddlers. 享受…的陪伴 |
18.cloudy | adj.阴的,多云的 | adj.不明朗的不清楚的 | Who will take his place still remains cloudy. |
19.coach | n.教练 | vt.辅导,指导 | She coached me in playing football. |
20.cover | v.覆盖,遮盖 n.封面,盖子,掩护(物),掩蔽处 | v.掩饰掩盖,行走(一段路程),足以支付,涵盖,涉与,采访,给...上保险 | She laughed to cover her anxiety. The Red Army covered 25000 li. To cover the cost of hiring a bus, each student will have to pay $10 each time. The library covers varieties of books. Jack covered the Gulf War for CNN then. Are the goods covered against fire damage 这批货物保了火险吗 |
21.cross | v .跨越,横穿 n.十字 | adj.生气的 | Don’t be cross with him----After all , he is a child. |
22.count | n.&vt.计算,数 | vi.有价值,重要 | It is how much you read but what you read that counts. In a good relationship, it’s really the little things that count. |
23.cour | n.课程,过程 | n.一道菜 | The cours vary with asons. |
24.damage | vt.&n.损坏 | n.赔偿金(复数) | He claimed $7,000 damages from the taxi company. |
25.deal | vi.处理,解决 | n.交易 | Having been cheated in a business deal, he was reduced to nothing. 他陷入一无全部的境地 It a deal.好吧,就这么定了。 |
26.dert | n.沙漠 | vt.抛弃,丢弃 | He derted his wife and children and went abroad. |
27.develop | vt.&vi.发展,开发,研制 | vt.冲印,患病 | Did you have the films (胶卷) develop The old man developed a lung cancer. |
28.divorce | vt.与某人离婚 n.离婚 | vt.使分别,使脱离 | You can’t divorce science from ethical questions. 道德问题 |
29.drive | vt.驾驶 | vt.迫使,驱使 n.驱动力 | It is the same instinct that drives people to dress one way at home and another way at work. Even though I am a very positive person, I lost my drive to write. |
30.deliver | vt.运输,接生(小孩) | vt.讲话,发表(演讲) | The robot doesn’t deliver general answers to questions. |
31.escape | v.逃跑,逃脱,躲避,躲避 n.逃跑 | vt.被忘掉,被忽视;vi./n.(气体、液体等)漏出,逸出 | If he thought he could escape attention by sitting at the back, he was wrong. Sometimes my old friends’ name escaped me. Do you smell an escape of gas from the pipe |
32.encourage | vt.激励,激励 | vt.促进,助长,刺激 | Good health encourages clear thinking. |
33.excu | n.借口vt.宽恕 | vt.免去义务职责等;准许离开 | He was excud from piano practice. If you'll excu me, I have to make a telephone call. 失陪了,我得去打个 。 |
34.explode | vi.爆炸,爆裂 | vt.勃然大怒,大发雷霆 | I’m about to explode! He broke his promi again. |
35.exploit | vt.开发,开采,剥削 | vt.利用 | You must exploit every opportunity to learn English. |
36.fail | vi.失败 | vi.(健康、视力)衰退,变弱 | William found it increasingly difficult to read, for his eyesight was beginning to fail. |
37.fine | adj. 美妙的,很棒的,晴朗的 | n&vt.罚款, | The man will get a fine if he parks the car there. |
38.foreign | adj.外国的,外交的 | adj不熟识的 | The subject is foreign to all of us. |
39.freeze | vi.结冰 | vi.&vt.站住不动;愣住呆住惊呆 | When faced with so many options, the lion choos to freeze and wait instead of attacking the man holding the chair. Freeze! Or I’ll shoot. 不许动!否则我就开枪。 |
40.fresh | adj.簇新的 | adj.无阅历的 | She is quite fresh to the work. |
41.function | n.作用,功能 | v.运转,起作用 | The sofa in the living room also functions as a bed at night. |
42.gain | vi&vt.获得,赢得 | vt.增加(速度,重量) | The car gained speed gradually. |
43.ground | n.地面 | n.(pl.)依据,理由 | He has strong grounds for more money. |
44.govern | vt.管理,限制 | vt.影响,支配 | The law of supply and demand(供需法则) governs the prices of goods. |
45.heavy | adj.重的,(雨雪)大的 | adj.(交通)拥挤的,超出一般量的 | Despite the thumbs-up given to the old lady,some argued that attention should be paid to our heavy road traffic. My father is a heavy smoker. 吸烟过量的人;烟瘾大的人 a heavy coffee drinker 大量喝咖啡的人 |
46.help | vt.帮助;有助于;help onelf to sth 自取某物 | vi.抑制,限制住;给…盛(饭、菜),倒(酒、饮料) | Try not to cough more than you can help since it may cau problems to your lungs. 除非限制不住 I can't help it. 我不由自主,我没方法,我不由自主 They helped each other to the dish. 他们相互为对方夹菜。 |
47.hou | n.房子 | v.为…供应房屋居住;留…住宿;保藏存放 | The cottages once houd early ttlers as they worked the dry Montana soil,now they hold Twitter engineers. to hou a friend for the night留宿挚友一夜 The library hous tens of thousands of books. |
48.ill | adj.生病的 | adj.&adv 坏的/地 | It’s no good speaking ill of others. ill news=bad news |
49.inspire | v.激励,鼓舞 | v.启发 | His best music was inspired by the memory of his mother. |
50.interest | n.爱好 | n.利益,股份,利润 | Our family has interests in the business. |
51.jump | vi&n.跳 | vi&n.大幅度上涨 | Last week the prices of goods jumped. |
52.kill | v.杀死,弄死 | v.消磨,打发 | How does the man kill time |
53.key | n.钥匙,答案 | adj.关键的 | The hou structure is a key factor that customers consider. |
54.land | vi.着陆,着陆 n.陆地 | vt. 谋得(工作等) | Since finishing my studies at Harvard and Oxford, I’ve watched one friend after another land high -ranking, high -paying Wall Street (华尔街) jobs. |
55.last | adj.最终的 | adj.最不行能……的 | He is the last man I want to e. 他是我最不想见的人。 |
56.lift | v.举起,抬起;n.搭便车 | n.鼓舞 | His report gave us a lift. |
57.late | adj.&adv.迟到的/地;晚的/地 | adj.已故的 | She misd her late husband very much. |
58.life | n.生活,生命 | n.朝气活力,朝气 | The children are full of life. |
59.lay | vt.放置;产卵;下蛋;布置餐桌 | v.砌砖,奠基,打基础 | They are laying bricks. The foundations of the hou are being laid today. |
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