Unit 7
Part I
1. 604,068 2.957,212 3. 2,426,533
4. 1,719,743 5. 907,329 6. 419,386
7. 366,645 8. 1,231,318 9. 1,683,855
10. 444,509 11 3,273,116 12. 1,400,873
13. 679,190 14. 2,528,437 15. 2,058,342
16. 960,684
100 philosophy 500 science
200 religion 700 art and recreation
300 social science 800 literature
400 language
720 architecture 750 painting
730 sculpture 770 photography
740 drawing and design 780 music
790 amuments
791 public entertainment 793 indoor entertainment
794 games of skills 796 outdoor sports and games
797 water sports 799 fishing, hunting, shooting
1.March 21, 1685 --- Jan. 28, 1750
2.Feb. 23, 1685 ---- Apr. 14, 1759
3.Jan. 27, 1756 ---- Dec. 5, 1791
4.Dec. 17, 1770 ---March 26, 1827
5.舒伯特 Jan 31, 1797 ----- Nov 19,1828
6.门德尔松 Feb 3,1809 ---- Nov 4, 1847
7.肖邦 March 1,1810 ----- Oct. 17,1849
8.李斯特 Oct. 22, 1811 -----July 31,1886
9.Oct. 25, 1825 ------ June 3, 1899
10.May 7, 1840 ----- Dec. 6, 1893
Unit 7
Part II
1---(b) 2----(a) 3----(e) 4---(d) 5(c)
Second half / 18th
About 500
About 60 million dollars
December5, 1791
More than 600
This year, the world marked the 250th anniversary of the birth of Austrian compor Wolfgan Amadeus Mozart. There have been celebrations of the compor’s work all year long.
On December 5, music hous around the world obrved the anniversary of the compor’s death.
That music is from Mozart’s Requiem, a work the compor did not complete before his death. A Requiem is music written in honor of someone who had died. Many people consider the music and its subject matter to add to the mystery surrounding Mozart’s death. Could it be that the compor nd his approaching death from fever and wrote Requiem in his own honor? There is no doubt, however, that the music of Mozart has more to do with life and happiness than with sadness or mystery.
Mozart wrote and performed music in the cond half of the 18th century. During this period, European musicians performed for kings, queens and other royalty. Musicians often depended on wealthy people called patrons to support them.
Mozart, along with his friend Joph Haydn, became the best example of the classical style. ---- the important performance music of his time. Today people often u the word “classical” to describe other kinds of music written for and performed by an orchestra.
Some music critics consider Symphony Twenty-Five in G Minor to be first work showing Mozart’s full ability. He was 17 when he wrote it. See what you think of this young man’s skills.
The word “effortless” is often ud to describe the musical compositions of Mozart. Music came so naturally to the child born in Salzburg, Austria, in 1756.