形容人学识渊博的 地道英语表达
1. Well-read: 读书广泛,博学多才的人。
E.g. She is a well-read scholar who has published veral books on various topics.
2. Erudite: 博学的,有深度学问的人。
E.g. The professor is highly erudite and has a vast knowledge of ancient history.
3. Learned: 博学多闻的人。
E.g. The learned scientist has made significant contributions to the field of medicine.
4. Scholarly: 深奥的,学术性的。
E.g. The scholarly article was difficult to understand for tho without a background in the field.
5. Intellectual: 智力超群的,有智慧的人。
E.g. The intellectual philosopher was able to prent complex ideas in a clear and conci manner.
6. Knowledgeable: 有知识的,精通某个领域的人。
E.g. The knowledgeable engineer was able to solve the complex technical problem in no time.
7. Savvy: 懂行的,有经验的。
E.g. The savvy businessman was able to negotiate a great deal for his company.
8. Wi: 智慧的,有远见的人。
E.g. The wi old man had a wealth of experience and gave valuable advice to tho around him.
9. Cultured: 有文化修养的,具有高雅品味的。
E.g. The cultured art critic was able to appreciate the subtle nuances of the painting.
10. Polymath: 多才多艺的人。