第 57 卷第 6 期· 10 ·
化 工 设 备 与 管 道Commissioner of Law Revision , MALAYSIA.
Factories and Machinery (Steam Boiler and Unfired Pressure
[2] Introduction and Discussion of DOSH Certification for Pressure Vesl in
Jiang Xiaowen, Qi Yihua
(China Huanqiu Contracting & Engineering (Beijing) Co., Ltd, Beijing 100029, China )
Abstract: To manufacture or import the equipment ud in Malaysia, DOSH certification must be qualified from local government first, which includes the process of design, fabrication and inspection. The equipment or products without DOSH certification will be rejected for import by Malaysia government. In this article, the legislative authority and procedure of DOSH certification, the documents required in certification and some notes in process were introduced and analyzed in detail, which may be helpful for equipment manufacturers and engineers in understanding and mastering of this certification.
Keywords: pressure vesl; DOSH; compulsory certification
Vesl ) Regulation 1970 [S]. The Minister of Labour , MALAYSIA ·封一介绍·
自公司成立以来,技术实力和制造能力不断提升,形成了高温超高压再热85 MW、65 MW、40 MW、30 MW系列汽轮机,高温高压50 MW及以下背压式系列,低温低压30 MW及以下凝汽式系列,高/低压饱和蒸汽凝汽式系列,60 Hz直联式发电用汽轮机系列,船用余热发电汽轮机及用于冶金和化工行业4万空分及以下驱动类系列,工艺用高/低压参数各类背压式驱动系列等30多个系列产品。同时,公司能够根据客户需求设计和制造各类非标汽轮机,并满足国内外相关标准要求,各系列产品均可提供欧盟认证EC证书。
中能汽轮通过了ISO 9001质量体系认证、ISO 14000环境体系认证、OHSAS 18000安全体系认证,具备年产350台(套)汽轮机的制造能力。10多年来,已生产汽轮机2 000余台(套),产品遍及全国32个省市自治区,并出口印尼、马来西亚、巴基斯坦、印度、伊朗、土耳其、沙特阿拉伯、乌兹别克斯坦、泰国、菲律宾、越南等20多个国家。
公司遵循“产品竞争靠技术、企业发展靠创新、服务用户靠质量、立足市场靠诚信”的经营理念,为我国国民经济科学健康发展做出自己应有贡献。 (杭州中能汽轮动力有限公司 供稿)