
更新时间:2023-05-08 08:28:55 阅读: 评论:0

Ganzhou City in Jiangxi Province on the southern part of Jiangxi, Ganjiang River upstream. Pageant country, beautiful scenery, Castle Peak, surrounded green water surrounded Ganzhou just like a bright pearl inlays in Jiangxi juice sources. It surrounding mountains, facing three water and filled with a rich wonderful exuberance, there is a "Wealthy Jiangcheng" said. The city's tree-shaded, Avon flocks. Six distribution parks which varied scenery, some shimmering emerald, flowing water; Some Flower Fair were colorful flowers; Some Leading to the Loneness Maze. garden embellishment. Ganzhou is an ancient city, it controls Jiangxi, Hunan, Fujian and Guangdong provinces hub of the Han Dynasty which has been a strategic point of contention. A Rearch into the Origin who have ancient, also known as Tiger Town people. Ganzhou history has been communication Jiangxi, Hunan, Guangdong, Fujian and the southern city, in the "throat of Fujian and Guangdong," always with the Guangdong and Southeast Asia has clo business contacts. By then Ganjiang golden waterway, and Lingnan ancient Luoyang, making it here, "merchants are gathering goods piercing" left a "Southern Silk Road" of the father. Through the smoke of history, we em to e a team caravans bearded King
porcelain, about tea, bamboo and other staple Ms CHAN Suk, too Ganzhou, Meiling Vietnam, as well as continue to Guangzhou Nanyang. Ganzhou is a famous historical and cultural city, from east to west gate of the Song Dynasty ancient wall built along the rivers which, Wanyan over 3,600 meters, Much Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing, in multi-generational, crib wall, artillery City, the hor-faced, Shing Mun prervation remains the same, Song Cheng still the majestic appearance, charm bite. Experts have hailed as Song Cheng Muum. Ganzhou City monuments lot : his Jiangxi grotto art treasure hou built on rock Airbus end of the Tang dynasty, is the largest in eastern China Grottoes. NLD standing on the confluence of two rivers scenery of the eight Habitat built in the Northern Song Dynasty in Taiwan, is a three-tier structure, looked hip, Liang Zhu painted columns, majestic tall and straight. towering grandeur. Located in the Helan Mountain Pavilion soliciting Taiwan is the most respectful of the family. Southern famous Ci Xin Qiji here in a great Masterpiece : "Pavilion crowd Qingjiang River, the number of pedestrian middle tears ... "a" Die, "so Ganzhou celebration. More "red Zibo" Ruijin center for the history of the modern revolution communities. There towering Tsz Wan tow
er shape if YOU Long ancient bridge, large-scale Qilizhen antique chinaware kiln, the province's leading Confucian Temple, SU Yang talked of the Pubs booths, and the Hakka Culture strong residential building complex, a monument everywhere, a Block spots, as if the stars, put Ganzhou in the Dazzling Decorating. Ganzhou beautiful. Here is the beautiful scenery at Cuiweifeng, steep water lakes and other natural landscapes, picturesque Yang Ling natural parks, 9 Hill Nature Rerve, 99 and the peak of Mount Wudang. Jiangxi is among the Ganjiang the source rock Liu Dong Shicheng.
贾云集,货物如雨,留下了南方丝绸之路美名。透过历史的烟云,我们仿佛看到一队队马帮驮着景瓷、香茗、竹木等士特名产,过赣州、越梅岭、源源不断运往广州以至南洋    赣州是一座历史文化名城,从东门到西门的宋代古城墙,沿江而筑,婉蜒三千六百多米,历尽宋、元、明、清、民国多代,垛墙、炮城、马面、城门保存依旧,宋城的雄姿依旧,古韵犹存,被专家们誉为宋城博物馆。        赣州市名胜古迹甚多:堪称江西石窟艺术宝库的通天岩建于唐末,是华东地区最大的石窟寺。耸立在章贡两江合流处的胜景八境台始建于北宋,现为三层,飞檐斗拱,画梁朱柱,雄伟挺拔,巍然壮观。位于贺兰山上的郁孤台是最引人景仰的去处,南宋著名词人辛弃疾在这里留下了千古绝唱郁孤台清江水,中间多少行人泪……”一曲《菩萨蛮》使赣州名闻遐迩。更有以红色故都瑞金为中心的近代革命史迹群落。还有巍峨的慈云塔,形若游龙的古浮桥,规模宏大的七里镇古瓷窑,全省首屈一指文庙苏阳长谈的夜话亭,客家风情浓郁的民居建筑群,一处处古迹,一座座名胜,犹如群星,把赣州装点得绚丽璀灿。            赣州山清水秀。这里有风光旖旎翠微峰、陡水湖等自然景观,有风景如画的阳岭天然公园、九连山自然保护区99座并峰的武当山;有江西母亲河赣江的源头石城石寮岽。
In 201, Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty established a county in the territory of modern Ganzhou. In tho early years, ethnic Han ttlement and authority in the area was minimal and largely restricted to the Gan River basin. The river, a tributary of the Yangtze River via Poyang Lake, provided a route of communication from the north as well as irrigation for rice farming.
During the Sui Dynasty the county administration was promoted to prefecture status and the area called Qianzhou (虔州). During the Song Dynasty immigration from the north bolstered the local population and drove local aboriginal tribes further into the hills. Especially after the fall of the Northern Song capital of Kaifeng, migrants incread dramatically. The name was officially changed to Ganzhou in the Southern Song.
During the late 1800s Ganzhou was opened as one of the southern treaty ports and became a minor ba for foreign companies. Between 1929 and 1934, Ganzhou formed a part of the Jiangxi Soviet, one of the bas of the Communist Party of China. Due to its proximity to the Red capital Ruijin, Ganzhou was subject to a number of Kuomintangencirclement campaigns.
Between 1939 and 1945, Chiang Ching-kuo was appointed by the Government of the Republic of China as commissioner of Gannan Prefecture (贛南), then the name of the surrounding regions of Ganzhou. There he banned smoking, gambling and prostitution, studied governmental management, allowed for economic expansion and a change in social outlook. His efforts were hailed as a miracle in the political war in China, then coined as the "Gannan New Deal" (贛南新政). During his time in Gannan, from 1940 he implemented a "public information desk" where ordinary people could visit him if they had problems, and according to records, Chiang Ching-kuo received a total of 1,023 people during such ssions in 1942. In regards to the ban on prostitution and closing of brothels, Chiang implemented a policy where former prostitutes became employed in factories. Due to the large number of refugees in Ganzhou as a result from the ongoing war, thousands of orphans lived on the street; in June 1942, Chiang Ching-kuo formally established the Chine Children's Village (中華兒童新村) in the outskirts of Ganzhou, with facilities such as a nurry, kindergarten, primary school, hospital and gymnasium.
Ganzhou has jurisdiction over 1 district, 2 county-level cities and 15 counties:
Zhanggong District (章贡区)
County-level cities:
Nankang (南康市)
Ruijin (瑞金市)
Gan County (赣县)
Yudu County (于都县)
Xingguo County (兴国县)
Ningdu County (宁都县)
Shicheng County (石城县)
Huichang County (会昌县)
Xunwu County (寻乌县)
Anyuan County (安远县)
Dingnan County (定南县)
Longnan County (龙南县)
Quannan County (全南县)
Xinfeng County (信丰县)
Dayu County (大余县)
Chongyi County (崇义县)
Shangyou County (上犹县)
Ganzhou is a large city covering the southern third of Jiangxi, with an area of 39,400 square kilometres (15,200 sq mi). More than 70% of its administrative area is forested, and over 83% is also mountainous. Several of the major tributaries of the Gan River, Ganzhou's namesake, join at a confluence in the center of the city. Bordering prefecture-level cities are:

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