University (college) office:
National college students traffic science and technology competition (NACTranS) is thefirst by a lot of advantage position in the field of transportation engineering colleges
and universities work together contribute to the undergraduate cour contests, is one ofthe college students as the main participant of national traffic science and technology innovation,academic competitions. Series professional include traffic engineering,transportation,roads and Bridges to cross a river engineering (roads, Bridges andtunnels),or transport civil engineering (roads and Bridges), navigation technology,
flight technology, and other disciplines. The 6th national college students trafficscience and technology competition will be held in changan university in May 2011,thepreparatory work has been in full swing.
Competition organizing committee sincerely invites your school organize students toparticipate in the 6th national college students traffic science and technologycompetition,the competition process and schedules can be found in the attachment, plea before December 31,2010 will be receipt by mail,fax, E-mail and so on returns, waiting your feedback.
The ritual
The organizing committee of the national college students traffic science and technology competition.