Chapter 2 业务类型(business types): 代理商(agent)、采购办事处(buying office)、分销商/批发商(distributor /wholesaler)、生产商(manufacturer)贸易公司(trading company)registered capital 注册资金 EVA(Ethylene/vinyl acetate)乙烯-醋酸乙烯共聚物 OEM(Original Equipment Manufacturer)原始设备制造商,即
ODM(Original Design Manufacturer)
即原始设计制造商 OBM(Original Brand Manufacturer),即原始品牌制造商 1.engage in经营
2.mould manufacturer 模具生产商
3.import and export进出口 4.OEM order贴牌加工订单 5.establish business relations建立业
务关系 6.ll well畅销7.满足某人的需求meet one’s demand 8.盼望look forward to 9.公司宗旨company’s principle 10.注册资金registered capital the fast sale items畅销品 business lines业务种类 electronic catalogue电子目录 for your examination供你方检查 combine Western fashion elements with our design concepts结合西方时尚元素与我们的设计概念 enhance wearer’s charm提高穿戴者的魅力 1.be in the market for寻购 2.private company私人公司 3.under parate cover另函 4.ODM order设计代工订单 5.fast sale items.畅销产品 6.latest catalogue最新目录 7.满足某人的需meet one’s demand8.多种多样a wide range of9.商会chamber of commerce10.供你们参考for your reference/examination/information 1.distributor分销商 2.exhibitor参展商 3.APEC亚太经济合作组织 4.broker中间商 5.wholesaler批发商 6.booth No摊位号 7.商品交易会commodities fair 8.单证员documentation officer 9.销售代表sales reprentative 10.货代员forwarding agent Chapter3 1.Bank银行
2.The Economic and Commercial Counllor’s office of our Embassy in Foreign Countries 我驻外商务处 3.Chambers of Commerce商会 4.Enquiry agencies咨询机构
5.Another company that has business with the new company 与这个新公司有业务联系的另外一家公司 1.special discount特殊折扣2.objective information客观资料 3.logo商标 4.MOQ最小订单量 5.open an account开启交易 6.on the basis of在...基础上 7.数量折扣quantity discount 8.订购place an order9.查阅refer to 10.首次订单initial order 1.spec为specification 的缩写,Size Spec/Spec sheet尺寸表 2.order inquiry客户询盘 3.FOB装运港船上交货价 4.payment terms付款条件5.ASAP尽快 6.Model Number型号 7.ETD预计交货日期 8.装运代理人shipping agent 9.以美元报价quoteprice in USD 10.尺寸范围size range 11.交货期timeof delivery 1.status inquiry资信调查 2.general inquiry般询盘 3.reference资信证明人 4.financial standing财务情况 5.make quotations报价 6.CIF成本+保险费+运费7.预先in advance 8.规格specification
9.合资企业joint venture 10.机密in confidence Chapter4 payment terms
Telegraphic Transfer(T/T)* Mail Transfer(M/T)信汇,邮汇 Demand Draft(D/D)即期汇票
Cash in AdvanceOpen Account 赊账 Collection(托收):
Bill of Exchange / Bill/ Draft: 汇票 Clean draft(光票托收)
Documentary draft(跟单托收)D/P:付款交单(=document against payment)
D/A:承兑交单(=document against acceptance)
Letter of Credit : L/C
SWIFT: Society Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication环球同业银行金融电讯协会 L/C 种类
一、可撤销与不可撤销信用证 revocable L/C/irrevocable L/C
二、保兑与不保兑信用证 confirmed L/C/unconfirmed L/C
三、即期付款信用证sight L/C
四、远期信用证usance L/C1.samplen.样品
初样(头样)initial sample,proto sample
尺寸样measurement sample/size sample
确认样confirmation sample 产前样pre-production sample 大货船样production sample
试穿样testing sample, fit trial sample回样counter sample
freight prepaid 运费预付(寄件人缴付所需邮寄费用)
on collect basis 运费到付(收件人交付所需邮寄费用)
1.Express account快邮账户 2.heavy burden沉重的负担 3.sales by sample凭样品买卖 4.company policy公司规定
5.force majeure不可抗力 含5%佣金Stg£15 per piece 3.put through达成CIFC5% the basis of在……基础上 4.GP干货柜
7.数量折扣quantity discount 1.make a reduction of降低 5.in good condition状况良好8.快
件单号courier the high / low side偏高/偏低6.on the basis of在……基础上9.抽样unter-offer还盘7.弥合差距bridge the gap 10.联合包裹服务公司UPS 4.OBM order原始品牌代工订单 8.会签lor sample色样 5.ll well畅销9设法e one’s way to 2.sample for reference参考样6.be convinced of相信 10.订货追踪 following up the order 3.prototypes原型 7.类似产品similar products Chapter7
1.confirmed and irrevocable L/C4.arrange production安排生产 8.竞争力的价格competitive price
5.in duplicate一式两份 9.试订trial order保兑的不可撤销的信用证6.confirmation sample确认样 7.最初样品initial sample 8.一式两份in duplicate 9.产前样 pre-production sample 10.供我方同意for our approval 考试形式(写信)以买方的名义给卖方写一封信,确认收到卖方所寄来的复制样品。1.确认收到复制样品,并表示感谢。2.向卖方下订单订购3000PCS 圣诞蜡烛。3.为了赶上销售季节,要求卖方立即安排生产。4.对双方的贸易前景的展望。Dear Sirs, We are plead to confirm receipt of your duplicate samples and highly appreciate your immediate attention to our samples.Satisfied with your samples, now we i
ntend to place an order for 3,000 pcs Christmas candles with you.As we are in urgent need of the ordered goods, plea arrange production without any delay.We believe it will mark a good beginning forhappy business relations between us.We await your early reply.Best regards, Chapter5“联想”牌电脑“Lenovo” Brand Computer 永久牌自行车“Forever” Brand Bicycle 3.每桶净重…美元CFR Lagos US$...per keg CFR Lagos 4.每打人民币10元CIF 香港 CN¥10/dozen CIF Hongkong 5.每床15英镑伦敦成本保险加运费10.测试结果test result 11.s.s.:steamship 轮船的缩写 12.place a repeat order续订13.make some concession做出一些让步 1.offer without engagement虚盘 2.target price目标价格 3.make a reduction of降价 4.HQ高柜 5.repeat order续订的订单6.latest catalogue最新的目录 7.按照要求as requested8.重复订单duplicate order 9.还盘make a counteroffer10.由胜利轮装运per S.S “Victory” utine orders日常订货2.standing order长期订单 3.entertain an order接受订单4.pending order未完成订单 5.in duplicate一式两份 6.substantial order可观的订单 7.订货追踪 following up the order8.定制的订单order for custom-made 9.迅速without any delay10.急需in urgent/great/need of 1.barcode条形码2.label placement贴法 3.entertain an order接受订单4.partial acceptance部分接受 5.out of
stock无货6.on the basis of在…….基础上 7.供某人详阅for one’s perusal8.急需be in urgent need of9.由“胜利”轮卸下ex S.S “Victory”10.可供现货available from stock 1.sales confirmation销售确认书 2.in triplicate一式三份 2.pay a deposit支付押金 3.on L/C basis在信用证基础上4.be entitled to有权利要求 5.the balance余额 6.total value总金额7.即期信用证sight L/C 8.电汇T/T(Telegraphic Transfer)9.付款方式method of payment10.开立信用证open / establish / issue an L/C11.Performance bond 履约保函 1.owing to由于2.60 days’ L/C 60 天的远期信用证 3.entertain考虑并接受4.competitive offer 竞争力的报盘 5.frequent fluctuation频繁波动6.prent market当前市场 7.远期信用证usance / time / term L/C8.汇率exchange rate 9.美国货币the US currency10.托收collection 1.make an exception例外 easier payment terms放宽支付条件 3.interest rate利率 60 days’ D/A见票后60天的承兑交单 difficult economic climat经济不景气6.the shipping documents装运单据 7.即期付款交单D/P at sight8.占压tie up 9.鉴于in view of 10.互利mutual benefit Chapter8urge the L/C催证 examine the L/C审证 amend the L/C改证 extension of L/C信用证延期
favorable respon盼早复 neutral packing中性包装 1.import licen进口许可证shrink-wra
p(用收缩性薄膜)包装 2.e to it that注意1.hand tag挂牌 3.go through办理2.bar code条形码 4.with reference to关于 3.European size欧码 5.terms and conditions付款条件4.price label价格标签 6.in favor of以……为受益人 5.inner packing内包装7.催证 urge establishment of L/C6.packing clau包装条款(4)Consigner 承运人
carriage expen运费 carriage free免收运费carriage paid运费已付carriage forward运费待付 over-shipment多装short-shipment少装
forward shipment远期装运8.必要手续the necessary formalities9.与……严格一致in exact /preci accordance with10.信用证申请书L/C Application 1.in conformity with与……一致2.freight prepaid运费预付
3.more or less或多或少4.documentary L/C跟单信用证 5.timely shipment及时装运6.beneficiary受益人7.运费到付freight collect8.不符点discrepancy 9.修改信用证amend the L/C10.信用证到期日expiry date of sion advice延展通知书2.Validity有效期3.expiration期满4.get the goods ready备妥货物 5.as stipulated按照规定6.make great efforts做出很大的努力 7.展证extend the L/C8.清洁提单clean Ocean B/L 9.装运期shipmen
t date10.订舱book shipping spaceChapter9 wooden ca木箱