DL15 35: Financial Services: Group Award Graded Unit 2 (HND)
1 Introduction
This pack must be ud in conjunction with a copy of the Graded Unit specification which details the standard of performance expected of the candidate. A copy of the Graded Unit specification can be obtained from SQA.
This pack supplements the instructions for designing the asssment task and asssing candidates of the Graded Unit specification. It aims to provide an example of asssment that is valid, reliable and practicable. The asssment task(s) detailed in this pack corresponds to the instructions for designing the asssment task outlined in the Graded Unit specification.
The example provided is intended for guidance only. It may be ud in a variety of ways including, for example:
♦to exemplify the standard of performance expected of candidates achieving the Graded Unit, ie as a benchmark
♦to help you develop your own asssment for the Graded Unit
♦to give you new ideas
♦as a staff development tool
Plea note: The subject material that is being delivered as part of this cour is of a specialid nature. It is recommended that centres ensure that suitably knowledgeable and qualified staff be employed in delivering the programme. If the material is to be delivered on an open or distance learning basis, it is recommended that suitably knowledgeable and
qualified staff be employed to develop the cour support materials.
It is important that you make sure that the asssment exemplar is ud in a context appropriate to the delivery of the Graded Unit and to the Group Award of which it forms a part. It is also very important that you note that using this asssment exemplar does not automatically guarantee successful external moderation. It is still your responsibility to make sure that all the appropriate internal quality assurance procedures are satisfactorily completed. For example, a valid, effective and approved internal moderation system must be in u at your centre.
Recommended reading
Before using this material you might find it uful to look at some of our other publications, in particular:
♦Guide to Asssment and Quality Assurance for Colleges of Further Education (AA0841/3, September 2003)
♦Guidance on Special Asssment Arrangements (AA0645/4, September 2003)
♦Quality Assurance Principles, Elements and Criteria (A0798, December 1998)
Details of the and other SQA publications are available in SQA Information, our publications catalogue which is updated and printed twice a year (telephone: 0845 279 1000). SQA Information lists all published HN asssment exemplars. You could also visit our website at uk. A free copy of this pack is available to all SQA approved centres at the time of initial distribution. Additional copies can be obtained, price £20.00 from SQA’s Customer Contact Centre, 24 Douglas Street, Glasgow, G2 7NQ (telephone:
0845 279 1000 or fax: 0141-242 2123).
Other related Units
This Graded Unit has been validated as part of the HND Financial Services at level 8 within the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF)1. Centres are required to develop the asssment
instrument in accordance with the validated specification.
It is recommended that the candidate should have completed, or be in the process of completing, the
following Units relating to the specific aims prior to undertaking this Graded Unit:
DE5P 35 SCQF level 8 Investment
DE5W 35 SCQF level 8 Pension Provision
DE5R 35 SCQF level 8 Principles of Insurance
DE5V 35 SCQF level 8 Financial Services Regulatory Framework
Core Skills
Where Core Skills have been embedded in a Graded Unit specification and an Asssor wishes to u
an alternative method of asssment, she/he must ensure that the asssment generates the Evidence
Requirements specified in the Graded Unit specification. It is recommended that the centre ek prior
moderation for the alternative method to ensure that the Core Skill is still covered. The Graded Unit
specification will detail the Core Skills covered within the Graded Unit.
There are no Core Skills embedded in this Graded Unit.
1The SCQF provides the national common framework for describing all relevant programmes of learning qualifications in Scotland. The level a qualification is assigned within the framework is an indication of how hard it is to achieve. There are 12 levels, from level 1 for Access 1 through to level 12 for doctorates. For further information on the level and credit rated e the Unit specification.
2 How to generate evidence
The Scottish Qualifications Authority’s system of asssment measures the evidence of a candidate’s
attainment of knowledge, understanding and skills against defined criteria. The asssment process must allow for evidence of each candidate’s performance to be generated and collected. This evidence must
then be judged against the standards t out in the Graded Unit specification. To achieve the Graded Unit the candidate must successfully meet the standards and there must be evidence to prove this.
The Graded Unit specification defines the criteria you need to u to judge whether or not the candidate
has met the standards. All Graded Units have the following:
Instructions for designing the task
The tell you what the candidate actually has to do.
Recommended prior knowledge and/or skills
This ction details the recommended knowledge and skills which the candidate should have completed or be in the process of completing prior to undertaking Graded Unit.
Asssment guidelines
This ction should give guidance on how best to conduct the asssment to generate the evidence required.
It is important to reali that it is up to the Asssor to judge when and if the candidate has satisfactorily
met the standards. This decision should be bad on the quality and correct quantity of evidence collected, t against the standards in the Graded Unit.
The asssment instrument in this pack should not create any unnecessary barriers to achievement for
open/distance learning delivery or candidates with special needs. However, you may need to adapt it so
that you can asss candidates with special needs or candidates who are undertaking the Graded Unit on an open/distance learning basis. Obviously, whilst taking into account the needs of the candidate concerned, the methods of asssment you choo must still be valid, reliable and practicable. If you have any
questions or problems, or if you are in any doubt as to whether or not the alternative asssment you have chon is still valid, plea contact the Customer Contact Centre on telephone: 0845 279 1000.