消失的爱人Gone Girl中英剧本
当想到我老婆When I think of
我总是想到她的头颅I always think of her head.
我会想像怎么剖开她可爱的头骨I picture cracking her
好让我找到答案trying to get answers.
我想问婚姻里那些最基本的问题The primal questions of any marriage.
“你在想什么?”"What are you thinking?"
“你感觉如何?”"How are you feeling?"
“我们对彼此做了什么?”"What have we done to each other?"
爱尔兰王子大驾光临了The Irish princegraces us with his prence.
王子殿下不想被弄湿His majesty prefers not to be moistened.
我带了礼物给你I got you a prent.
我讨厌这游戏- 你以前很喜欢- I hated this game. You loved it.
是你以前很喜欢You loved it.
谢谢,我会加进我的收藏里Thank you.I'll add it to the collection.
帮我倒一杯波本酒吧Can you pour me a bourbon?
怎么了,小神经质?What's up, Jitters?
如果你不说,那么我只好再自爆Well, if you're not going to talk,I'm gonna have to fill
玛戈邓恩的另一个悲惨故事with another excruciating storyby Margo Dunne.
我可以告诉你我最近的客服经验I could tell you aboutmy recent customer 我要更换网路业者- 我喜欢这一个- changing Internet rvice providers. I like that one.
或我看见长得跟莫妮卡一样的人那次Or how about the time I saw that womanwho looked exactly like my friend Monica?
但她不是莫妮卡,是陌生人But it wasn't Monica.It was a total stranger.
但她也叫做莫妮卡Who was also named Monica.
真的很有趣- 不错- Made it kind of interesting. It's great.
我今天不太好I'm just having a bad day.
因为爱咪?- 今天是我们结婚纪念日- Amy? It's our anniversary.
五周年- 五年了?- Five years. Five?
真是快啊That came fast.
而且风风雨雨And furious.
我快乐得要疯了,像个傻子I 'm so crazy, stupid happy.
我认识了一个男孩子I met a boy.
一个超棒、可爱、又酷的大帅哥A great, sweet, gorgeous, cool-ass guy.
不好意思,小姐Excu me, miss?
我只是想提醒你I just want you to
别把那瓶修士酿的比利时白啤酒乱放where you put down thatmonk-brewed Belgian
这里只剩三罐超淡啤酒和一瓶水果酒becau the party's down to threeBeast Lights and a bottle of Pucker.
那我这瓶可能会引人犯罪It might attractsome desperate characters.
有可能It could.
毕竟这些阿米希派可是来享乐的I mean, the Amish are on a Rumspringa.
他们已经帮我吃光一盘肉肴小点They already relieved meof my artisanal meat platter.
终于有人念好这个字了Finally, someone tells mehow to pronounce that word.
对,是ㄖ不是ㄌYes, "meat." One syllable.
谢谢,我要喝的是谁的啤酒?Thank you. Who beer am Iabout to drink?
别告诉我Don't tell me.
我来猜,谁是你的菜?Let's e, who's your type?
我觉得你不是那种安安静静I don't e you
听对方大谈普鲁斯特主题论文的女生while he bloviateson his postgrad thesis about Proust.
不会吧,是他?Uh-Oh. Ls that him?
爱挖苦人,自我中心,玩笑开不停Ironic hipster, so lf-aware,he makes everything a joke.
我喜欢有幽默感,不刻意说笑的人I prefer men who are funny, not "funny."
你又是哪一型?What type are you?
美国价值表率的纯朴密苏里男儿Corn-fed,salt-of-the-earth Missouri guy.
纽约人?- 我的世界只到哈德逊河为止- Native New Yorker? The world ends at the Hudson.你叫什么名字?What's your name?
爱咪,你是谁?Well, Amy, who are you?
A:我是得奖的手工艺师A, I'm an award-winning scrimshander.
B:我是小有影响力的军阀B, I'm a moderately influential warlord.
C:我帮杂志撰写人格测验C, I write personality quizzesfor magazines.
你的手太细嫩不可能做手工艺Okay. Your hands are far too delicatefor real 我刚好在“中级军阀周刊”负责颁发证书and I happen to be a charter subscriberto Middling
所以我应该认得你so I'd recognize you.
所以我选CI'm gonna go with.
你呢?And you?
你又是谁?Who are you?
我是拯救你离开这个“精彩”派对的人I'm the guy to save youfrom all this awesomeness.
所以你帮男性杂志写文章So, you write for a men's magazine.
老天,这样你不就是男人专家了吗?God, does that make you an experton being a man?
我写的是穿着、品酒之类的It's what to wear, what to drink.
还有怎么鬼扯How to bullshit.
我绝不会对你鬼扯Never with you.
最好是Ha, ha.
我说真的No, I mean it.
我很难相信你It's hard to believe you.
应该是因为你的下巴I think it's your chin.
我的下巴?My Chin?
对,看起来像坏人Yeah, it's quite villainous.
那这样呢?Okay, how's this?
百分之百老实,不鬼扯A hundred percent true, no bullshit.
我们都搬到纽约We all move to
最后住在这种小鸟笼里,还不只如此and we end up living in the littlecubby holes, and that's not it.
到外面来,这才是活在纽约Come outside. Then, you're in it.
你得看看这个You have to e this.
我现在一定要亲你I have to kiss you now.
是吗?Is that right?
我不能放你走过这片糖风暴却不亲你I can't let you go througha sugar storm unkisd.
等等Wait a cond.
这样才对There you go.
我真的喜欢你I really like you.
所以这次结婚周年纪念So, is Amy gonna doone of
爱咪也要玩寻宝游戏?treasure hunts?
你是说专门设计来证明她老公You mean the forced marchdesigned
是个健忘没心肝的混蛋的游戏?what an oblivious and uncaring assholeher husband is?
我都不知道人生是为了什么Life. I don't remember the point.
游戏公司可是用心良苦呢Deep Hasbro thoughts.
去年让她大抓狂的是哪个线索?What was the clue last yearshe got so mad about?
“你可怜的爱咪一感冒When your poor Amy has
餐馆马上推出这一道”this desrt just must be sold.
答案是什么?The answer?
我到现在还不知道,小戈I still don't know the answer, Go.
几年前你都知道- 几年前还很有趣- A few years ago, you'd have known. A few years ago, it was fun.
第一年是纸婚,送纸礼物Year one,the traditional gift was paper.
她买了精美的笔记本让我写小说She got me a beautiful notebook.Told me to go write my novel.
你送她什么?What did you get her?
一个风筝A kite.
她从没放过风筝- 好吧- She'd never flown a kite. Okay.
总之呢,第四年要送花Anyway. Year four, flowers.
她带我到后院看枯萎的玫瑰花丛She led me outsideto the dying robush in the backyard.
真有象征性That's symbolic.
五周年是什么婚?What's the gift for five?
那你买了什么?- 没有好礼物是木头的- So, what did you get her? There's no good gift for wood.
你回家用力干她,用老二甩她I know! Go home, fuck her brains out,slap her with your penis.
呛她,“这可是块好木头,贱人”"There's some wood for you, bitch."
这里是酒吧The Bar.
当然,你等等Why, yes. Hang on one cond.
是爱管闲事的瓦力Hey, it's Watchful Wally.
瓦力,什么事?Hey, Walt. What's going on?
谢谢,我很快就回去,没问题,再见Thanks very much. I'll be right there.All right, bye-bye.
兄弟,你在外面干嘛?Hey, buddy. What are you doing out here?
谢啦,瓦力Thanks, Walt!
进来吧Come on in.
邓恩先生- 你好- Mister Dunne. Hi.
隆妲邦妮警探,这位是吉姆吉尔宾I'm Detective Rhonda Boney.This is Officer James Gilpin.
我们了解您妻子可能有危险We understand there are concernsabout your wife.
我不知道我老婆在哪,一回家就这样I don't know where my wife is.And I came home to this.
我不是个容易惊慌的人Now, I don't
但这样很不对劲吧?but it's weird, right?
我们能看看吗?Mind if we look around?
你们住在这里多久了?How long have you two been here?
九月就满两年了,之前住在纽约Two years in September.We ud to live in New York.
对,我以前是作家,我们都是Yeah, I was a writer.We were both writers.
你们为什么搬回来?Why did you all move back here?
我妈生病了My mom got sick.
抱歉,她现在还好吗?Oh, I'm sorry. How is she?
她过世了She's dead.
我很遗憾I'm so sorry.
你现在做什么工作?What do you do now, for work?
我和妹妹玛戈在市区经营酒吧My sister Margo and Iown The Bar downtown.
那间“酒吧”啊Oh, The Bar.
叫“酒吧”的酒吧,很形而上Love the name. Very meta.
都是些好东西Pretty things.
这里是我的书房My office, here.
很漂亮的衣服Beautiful dress.
今晚要约会?Date night?
今天是我们的结婚纪念日It's our anniversary.
这边是客房It's a guest bedroom, there.
猫的房间在后面Cat's room on the end.
我找过那边了I checked up here.
这边是厨房This is
这是我老婆的书房This is my wife's office.
爱咪的书房Amy's office.
她很厉害啊Wow. Impressive gal.
对,我应该要担心吗?Yeah. Should I be concerned?
我记得这些书I remember the.
我以前很喜欢这些书I loved the books.
等等Wait a minute.
你太太就是神奇的爱咪?Your wife is Amazing Amy?
对,就是她Yeah. She is.
他妈的神奇爱咪他妈的要结婚了Amazing-fucking-Amyis getting fucking married.
所以今晚才有这场活动That's how the night started.
平凡有缺点的真爱咪嫉妒着天之骄子With me, regular, flawed, real Amy,jealous, as always, of the golden child.
完美聪明的神奇爱咪他妈的要结婚了Perfect, brilliant, Amazing Amy,who's getting fucking married.
我岁的时候放弃了大提琴When I was , I quit cello.
在下一本书里,爱咪成了小神童In the next book,Amazing Amy became a prodigy.
你打排球吗?Did you play volleyball?
一年级时被退队了I got cut, freshman year.
结果她进了大学代表队She made varsity.
你什么时候养过狗?When did you have a dog?
是她养了狗She got the dog.
普多斯让爱咪更平易近人Puddles made her more relatable.
我喜欢你爸妈I love
但他们有时真的很混蛋but they really can be assholes.
尼克- 伯父- Nick! Sir!
谢谢你来参加Hey, thanks for coming, man.
没什么No problem.
亲爱的Hey, sweetheart.
今天是你妈的大日子Big night for your mom.
如果你跟几个记者和部落客聊聊It would mean so muchif you would talk to a