Reintroduction of continuous negative pressure ventilation in neonates: Two-year experience 期刊名称: Pediatric Pulmonology
作者: Dr. William G. Cvetnic,M. Douglas Cunningham,Jack H. Sills,Louis Gluck 年份: 2010年
期号: 第4期
关键词: Intermittent mandatory ventilation, combination with; blood gas,
peak inspiratory, mean airway pressure, ventilator rate, effects on; respiratory distress syndrome, pulmonary hypertension, meconium aspiration syndrome
摘要:Continuous negative pressure ventilation utilizes subatmospheric pressure around the thorax to improve oxygenation. It has not been routinely ud since the mid-1970s. We treated 37 infants with the combination of continuous negative pressure (CNP) and intermittent mandatory ventilation (IMV), after failing to attain a PaO2 of 50 torr on IMV alone. Lung dias included pulmonary interstitial emphyma (PIE), respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), and pulmonary artery hypertension (PAH) due
either to meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS) or other caus (non-MAS). All infants had evidence of vere parenchymal pulmonary dia, or pulmonary artery hypertension resulting in persistent hypoxemia and hypotension. In the PIE group, CNP was started later in the cour of the dia, and both positive pressure and oxygen were maintained