Websites and applications are complex! Buttons and images are just the tip of the iceberg. With this kind of complexity, you need people to manage it, but which parts are the front end developers and back end developers responsible for?
⽹站和应⽤程序很复杂! 按钮和图像只是冰⼭⼀⾓。 有了这种复杂性,您需要⼈来管理它,但是前端开发⼈员和后端开发⼈员负责哪些部分?
多层次的发展 (The many layers of development)
Whether you’re working on a website or a native iOS app, all development environments share a common theme —
there’s a front end to an application and a back end.
This line can get blurry, especially given the ri of javascript and the world. With the tooling somewhat merging together, we might sometimes wonder if we’re a .
这条线可能会变得模糊,特别是考虑到javascript和世界的兴起。 随着⼯具的融合,我们有时可能会怀疑我们是否是⼀名 。
但是我们还不是全部 (But we’re not all full stack)
As much as we might all , we’re not all full stack developers. Personally, I find mylf able to be productive in the back end of an application, but it’s not my strength and I much prefer to be heads down building UIs.
尽管我们所有⼈ ,但我们并不是全栈开发⼈员。 就个⼈⽽⾔,我发现⾃⼰能够在应⽤程序的后端⾼效⼯作,但这不是我的强项,我更喜欢低头构建UI。
And some people are the opposite, where they are strongest dealing with building APIs in the back end of an application and while they can build out a UI, it might be more of a prototype-like experienc
e than a fleshed out application.
那么前端开发和后端开发有什么区别? (So what is the difference between Front End Development and Back End Development?)
Even if you are a full stack developer, that doesn’t mean there’s not a division of responsibilities.
So what do tho look like?
什么是前端开发? (What is Front End Development?)
The front end of an application typically refers to the layer that reprents the UI (ur interface). This can include anything from a static site with HTML and CSS to a full app that powers the UI.
应⽤程序的前端通常是指代表UI(⽤户界⾯)的层。 这可以包括从具有HTML和CSS的静态站点到为UI提供⽀持的完整应⽤程序等所有内容。前端开发传统上是什么样的? (What did Front End Development traditionally look like?)
Javascript currently rules the front end web, but that wasn’t always the ca. While it could have been ud to add little
bits of interaction to a site, typically front ends were rendered using rver-side templating languages like framework-driven and ().
⽬前,Java语⾔统治着前端⽹站,但并⾮总是如此。 尽管可以使⽤它来增加与站点的少量交互,但通常使⽤服务器端模板语⾔(如框架驱动的和 ( ))来渲染前端。
This grew to be super popular in practice with home grown frameworks or tools like that ud PHP to drive a massive community of developers who built their websites with tho tools.
The way it worked was the templating language was able to get its data straight from the rver as it
was rendered. When a browr requested the page directly from the origin (the rver itlf), whatever data the template would need, the application logic would provide at that time.
它的⼯作⽅式是模板语⾔能够在渲染时直接从服务器获取数据。 当浏览器直接从源(服务器本⾝)请求页⾯时,⽆论模板需要什么数据,应⽤程序逻辑都会在那时提供。
Some of the more traditional front end tools include:
Libraries like or
Website frameworks like
Abundant u of elements
But as time went on, javascript kept getting more mature as a language and browrs kept getting more powerful, which led to the idea that we could move more of that work to the browr to build faster and more interactive experiences.
前端开发现在看起来像什么? (What does Front End Development look like now?)
Now it’s common to e javascript-heavy websites and apps built using UI frameworks like , , and . The tools provide abstractions that allow developers to build complex UIs with reusable patterns like components.
现在,常见的是使⽤UI框架(如 , 和构建⼤量javascript的⽹站和应⽤程序。 这些⼯具提供了抽象,允许开发⼈员使⽤可重⽤的模式(例如组件)构建复杂的UI。
When the browr loads the page, the page receives an initial HTML document that also includes the script tag to the javascript (same as always). But once that javascript loads, it reaches out to APIs using browr requests that when completed, update the page to fill in any kind of dynamic data that you’d typically get along with that first HTML document.
当浏览器加载页⾯时,页⾯会收到⼀个初始HTML⽂档,该⽂档还包括javascript的script标签(与以往⼀样)。 但是,⼀旦加载了JavaScript,它就会使⽤浏览器请求到达API,并在完成后更新页⾯以填充通常与第⼀个HTML⽂档⼀起使⽤的任何类型的动态数据。
While it sounds like more steps, it commonly provides a faster initial page load and render, not to mention it has a great developer experience. By delivering less on that first request and prioritizing what loads after that, it usually ends up as a better ur experience.
虽然听起来似乎需要更多步骤,但通常可以提供更快的初始页⾯加载和呈现速度,更不⽤说它具有出⾊的开发⼈员体验。 通过在第⼀个请求上减少交付并确定随后的负载优先级,通常可以带来更好的⽤户体验。
Some of the front end tools that are more common and growing in popularity include:
UI frameworks like or
Web frameworks like
Compilers like
Bundlers like
CSS tools like
But tho APIs, whether ones we pay for or create ourlves, need to be built somewhere. That’s where the back end comes in.
但是这些API,⽆论是我们⾃⼰付费还是⾃⼰创建的API,都需要在某个地⽅构建。 那就是后端进来的地⽅。
什么是后端开发? (What is Back End Development?)
The back end layer is usually where the business logic occurs. This can be super complex like the rules that determine revenue for an e-commerce company or something more common like a ur profile.
后端层通常是业务逻辑发⽣的地⽅。 这可能⾮常复杂,例如确定电⼦商务公司收⼊的规则,或者更常见的情况(例如⽤户个⼈资料)。
后端开发传统上是什么样的? (What did Back End Development traditionally look like?)
The back ends of applications were historically built using rver-side languages like or . The idea is that you have a rver that you need to perform complex operations on, so the way to do that is with a language that rver would understand.
历史上,应⽤程序的后端是使⽤服务器端语⾔(如或构建的。 这个想法是,您需要在服务器上执⾏复杂的操作,因此该⽅法是使⽤服务器会理解的语⾔。
On each request to the rver, the backend would perform the full stack of the operations, including rendering out the front end. By using frameworks or DIY architectures, the back end would accept the request, figure out what it should do with
that request, run any business logic needed with the request, and provide the front end any data that it would need to display a respon to that request.
在对服务器的每个请求中,后端将执⾏完整的操作堆栈,包括渲染前端。 通过使⽤框架或DIY架构,后端将接受请求,弄清楚它应如何处理该请求,运⾏该请求所需的任何业务逻辑,并为前端提供显⽰响应所需的任何数据。该请求。
Some of the more traditional back end tools include:
On-premi or remotely managed rvers like
HTTP rvers using
使⽤ HTTP服务器
Databas like
Server side languages like or
Application frameworks like
后端开发现在看起来像什么? (What does Back End Development look like now?)
Back end stacks look somewhat similar to the way they did before, aside from newer code patterns, except more often you’ll e the back ends provide data through APIs via HTTP requests instead of directly to the templates the front end team are working on.
While the foundation isn’t super different, it actually be comes increasingly complex as you have to deal with different curity implications that could compromi your system if not properly configured such as leaving an API open to the public that returns nsitive ur data.
But also how the rver operates can be completely different. While previously, we might run our python on our own managed rver (we still can), we can now make u of rverless functions with tools like that simplify how we manage code.
但是服务器的运⾏⽅式也可能完全不同。 之前,我们可能会在⾃⼰的托管服务器上运⾏python(我们仍然可以),现在我们可以使⽤⽆服务器功能以及等⼯具来简化代码管理⽅式。
While “” doesn’t necessarily mean there are literally no rvers, it means that as a rvice, the developer doesn’t have to worry about maintaining that rver and can instead just focus on the code they need to run.
尽管“ ”并不⼀定意味着实际上没有服务器,但这意味着作为服务,开发⼈员不必担⼼维护该服务器,⽽可以只专注于他们需要运⾏的代码。
Some of the back end tools that are more common and growing in popularity include:
Cloud rvers like
Serverless rvices like
NoSQL databas like
Languages like or javascript via
通过 或javascript之类的语⾔
Web application frameworks like
事情变得模糊 (Where things get fuzzy)
Part of the twist with back ends is now you can write your back end with javascript. With the inception of , developers were given the ability to u their favorite browr language to do most of the same things they were ud to and familiar with but now on a rver.
后端扭曲的⼀部分是您现在可以使⽤javascript编写后端。 ⾃从诞⽣以来,开发⼈员就可以使⽤⾃⼰喜欢的浏览器语⾔来完成他们以前习惯并熟悉的⼤多数事情,但是现在都在服务器上。
While not everyone is fond of running javascript as a rver side language, it became a little easier to u the same language to write the full stack of an application. This changed the game a bit as far as front ends and back ends were concerned.
虽然并⾮每个⼈都喜欢将javascript作为服务器端语⾔运⾏,但是使⽤相同的语⾔编写应⽤程序的整个堆栈变得有点容易。 就前端和后端⽽⾔,这彻底改变了游戏。
But it’s also started to come full circle where you now e systems that build APIs right similar to what you might e in a traditional stack.
前端与后端 (Front End vs Back End)
Regardless of the stack, there will always be the paration of concerns. The UI and all of the interaction, whether rendered on the rver or in the browr, is what makes the front end the front end and the data and business logic, whether coming from the rver in your company’s clot or a managed function, is what makes the back end the back end.
⽆论堆栈如何,总会有关注点分离。 UI和所有交互(⽆论是呈现在服务器上还是在浏览器中)都是使前端成为前端的原因,⽽数据和业务逻辑(⽆论是来⾃公司壁橱中的服务器还是托管功能)是什么?使后端成为后端。
Whether you prefer to work on the ur facing features or build the logic that lets them do things, there are plenty of resources to get started.
学习资源 (Resources to learn)
前端 (Front End)
( - Wes Bos)
(-Wes Bos)
( - Programming with Mosh)