The Coming Global Oil Crisis
Time : 2028. 12 .21 title: the crisis of crude oil
The price of the crude oil has been upheaval in the recent 20 years and in 2028, it has rin to the summit, a crisis which involves not only the fifty states of USA, but also the whole global energy affairs. The crisis is also expanding its influence to the domains inculding the
dealing in curities(证券交易),the inflation of goods and materials and so on. If the crisis continue to spread throughout the USA, it will also give ri to the economic crisis.
Up to now, the average price of crude oil in America has attained 234 dollars per barrel, and the average oil stock has gone down to 212 million Barrels.
In states ( including Alabama, Phoenix, Sacramento, Atlanta, Louisiana, Maryland, Delaware, New jery, Mississippi, New mexico, Tenne ), the oil supply pots has cead to supply the crude oils to individuals and other states is also struggling at this moment to continue the supply.
The employment of the oil industry has glissaded to the lowest point in history and the unemployed have gone on parades to protest the breach of duty of the prent government.
The sustained growth of the oil price also leads to the bankrupt of some significant industries. The most vere one happened in industries in follow aspects: AGRICULTUR
The productivity of the foods in America is driven by oil in every step, the accumulating cost of food manufacturing has caud the improverishment of a great number of food manufacturers, and the depression in agricultural is significant.
Fifty percent of the airline corporation has begun to largely reduce the scheduled flights which has leads to the spoiling of the credit. The industry of mobile has been largely influenced by the price of oil. The depression of the ocean trade industry is obvious. All the decay of the transpotation has limited the development of the import and export commercial industry.
The war industry is always occupying a high percentage of the usage of oil. If the oil industry continues to go down, the national defence will be verely doubted.
The persistent depression of the heavy manufacturing is the origin of a even greater loss of employment and econmic growth.
The instability of the curity business (证券市场) has been the reason for the great underll of stock in the oil industry for the average oil stock has gone down to 212 million Barrels, and in the meantime, others affects industries is also suffering a lot.
2.指令草案(Draft Directive)
Sample Draft Directive(指令文件)
Draft Directive
Committee: Security Council
Sponsors: China, France, Japan, Russia, UK, US
Signatories: Argentina, Congo, Greece, Peru, Slovakia, Qatar
The Security Council,
1. Demands that Sudan’s neighboring nations open borders to let Sudane earthquake refugees in and provide shelters and medical helps under UN guidelines;
2. Demands that the Sudane government ensure the safety of all UN personnel and equipments;
3. Further proclaims that the Sudane government trace the organization/individuals responsible for the kidnap within five days;
4. Affirms that if the contents of the two previous claus could not be accordingly carried out by the Sudane government, the UN prerve its rights to take further action;
5. Demands that all the measures be carried out immediately.
1. 要求苏丹领国开放边境以允许苏丹地震难民进入同时提供在联合国指导下提供避难场所以及医疗援助;
2. 要求苏丹政府确保所有联合国个人和设备的安全;
3. 进一步要求苏丹政府在五日内跟踪对负责的有关的个人与组织;
4. 申明如果苏丹政府无法落实前两项条款的内容,联合国保留采取进一步行动的权力;
5. 要求所有措施马上开始执行。